This document is an example of how you could interact with the project when fixing a definition.
Let's assume that the index document request definition is broken, how can you fix it?
Very likely you know a definition is no longer valid because you saw a validation error in the validation report.
The example assumes that you have already performed the necessary steps to run a validation, if not, take a look at the README.
make validate api=index type=request branch=main
You will see an output like the following:
✖ 4:2 Type number is not assignable to type string | undefined.
You can open the broken test that has been generated in clients-flight-recorder/scripts/types-validator/workbench
code clients-flight-recorder/scripts/types-validator/workbench/{fileName}.test-d.ts
import { expectAssignable } from 'tsd'
import * as T from '../node_modules/elasticsearch-client-specification/output/typescript/types'
"index": "test_1",
"id": 1,
"op_type": "create",
"body": {
"foo": "bar"
You can play with the response to better understand where is the problem, once you have done it
you should search inside elasticsearch-specification/specification
the type definition,
open it with your favourite editor and perform the fix
* @type_stability stable
class IndexRequest<TDocument> extends RequestBase {
path_parts: {
- id?: string;
+ id?: string | number;
index: string;
type?: string;
query_parameters: {
if_primary_term?: long;
if_seq_no?: long;
op_type?: OpType;
pipeline?: string;
refresh?: Refresh;
routing?: Routing;
timeout?: Duration;
version?: long;
version_type?: VersionType;
wait_for_active_shards?: string;
require_alias?: boolean;
body?: TDocument;
Finally run the validation again:
make validate api=index type=request branch=main
If there are no more errors, open a pull request with the fix.