This assignment will teach you the following:
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Display Property
- CSS Positioning
- CSS Media Queries
- Flexbox
- (Optional) CSS Grid
Merge your pull request from the previous lesson (if you haven't already):
Checkout your main branch and pull changes:
git checkout main
git pull
Create a new local branch to work on separate from the main
git checkout -b lesson-4-5
Now, open the project directory in your code editor and continue to the next section.
For this assignment, you will be transforming your webpage with a more robust grid layout.
- Add a navigational header to your webpage
- The navigation menu should include a link to each of your sections (i.e. "About", "Experience", etc.)
- (Optional Stretch Goal) Make the header sticky/fixed on the page
- Change the layout of your "Experience" section using rows and columns so items are displayed in a grid rather than a list
- Hint: use either Flexbox or CSS Grid
- Update the "Leave a Message" form to use Flexbox or CSS Grid
- Use Media Queries to make sure the webpage is responsive for all device sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop, etc.) Note: You can use mobile-first or desktop-first process, but whichever you choose, be sure to properly write your media queries and make some change in at least one element for each of the three device sizes
This is the basic rubric, but we encourage you to think beyond this list and come up with your own ideas to make your webpage unique!
Check the status of your local repository to double-check the changes you made:
git status
Stage the file(s) that you edited:
git add .
Check the status again and notice that the changes from before are now staged:
git status
Create a commit for the changes you made and add a message describing the changes you made:
Note: Replace
with your message
git commit -m "<message>"
Push your commit to the remote repository (visible in GitHub):
git push
Check the log to make sure your commit has been published:
git log --oneline
Create a pull request and submit:
Created by Code the Dream