diff --git a/fonts/redacted-regular.ttf b/fonts/redacted-regular.ttf
index 78db4b1..c076909 100644
Binary files a/fonts/redacted-regular.ttf and b/fonts/redacted-regular.ttf differ
diff --git a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.eot b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.eot
index 334ce3c..7fbc426 100755
Binary files a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.eot and b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.eot differ
diff --git a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.svg b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.svg
index c692daa..d066903 100755
--- a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.svg
+++ b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.svg
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
diff --git a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.ttf b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.ttf
index 0a67381..3bc1fe3 100755
Binary files a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.ttf and b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.ttf differ
diff --git a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.woff b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.woff
index 4ba3071..55b5412 100755
Binary files a/fonts/web/redacted-regular.woff and b/fonts/web/redacted-regular.woff differ
diff --git a/src/fontlab/redacted-regular.vfb b/src/fontlab/redacted-regular.vfb
index c96d17c..a943764 100644
Binary files a/src/fontlab/redacted-regular.vfb and b/src/fontlab/redacted-regular.vfb differ
diff --git a/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/fontinfo.plist b/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/fontinfo.plist
index 83eada5..9b197c4 100644
--- a/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/fontinfo.plist
+++ b/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/fontinfo.plist
@@ -159,8 +159,6 @@
- postscriptUniqueID
- -1
diff --git a/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/glyphs/space.glif b/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/glyphs/space.glif
index 01cea71..5e66869 100644
--- a/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/glyphs/space.glif
+++ b/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/glyphs/space.glif
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
+ com.typemytype.robofont.layerData
diff --git a/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/lib.plist b/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/lib.plist
index 02275a1..c960722 100644
--- a/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/lib.plist
+++ b/src/ufo/redacted-regular.ufo/lib.plist
@@ -2,6 +2,68 @@
+ com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.MacRomanFirst
+ 1
+ com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.autohint
+ 1
+ com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.checkOutlines
+ 1
+ com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.decompose
+ 1
+ com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.generateFormat
+ 1
+ com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.path
+ /Users/christiannaths/Projects/Open Source/13008 Redacted Font/redacted-font/fonts/redacted-regular.ttf
+ com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.releaseMode
+ 0
+ com.typemytype.robofont.italicSlantOffset
+ 0
+ com.typemytype.robofont.layerOrder
+ com.typemytype.robofont.segmentType
+ curve
+ com.typemytype.robofont.shouldAddPointsInSplineConversion
+ com.typemytype.robofont.sort
+ allowPseudoUnicode
+ type
+ alphabetical
+ allowPseudoUnicode
+ type
+ category
+ allowPseudoUnicode
+ type
+ unicode
+ allowPseudoUnicode
+ type
+ script
+ allowPseudoUnicode
+ type
+ suffix
+ allowPseudoUnicode
+ type
+ decompositionBase
@@ -336,5 +398,340 @@
+ public.glyphOrder
+ A
+ Agrave
+ Aacute
+ Acircumflex
+ Atilde
+ Adieresis
+ Aring
+ Amacron
+ Abreve
+ Aogonek
+ B
+ C
+ Ccedilla
+ Cacute
+ Ccaron
+ D
+ Dcaron
+ E
+ Egrave
+ Eacute
+ Ecircumflex
+ Edieresis
+ Emacron
+ Edotaccent
+ Eogonek
+ Ecaron
+ F
+ G
+ Gbreve
+ Gcommaaccent
+ H
+ I
+ Igrave
+ Iacute
+ Icircumflex
+ Idieresis
+ Imacron
+ Iogonek
+ Idotaccent
+ J
+ K
+ Kcommaaccent
+ L
+ Lacute
+ Lcommaaccent
+ Lcaron
+ M
+ N
+ Ntilde
+ Nacute
+ Ncommaaccent
+ Ncaron
+ O
+ Ograve
+ Oacute
+ Ocircumflex
+ Otilde
+ Odieresis
+ Omacron
+ Ohungarumlaut
+ P
+ Q
+ R
+ Racute
+ Rcommaaccent
+ Rcaron
+ S
+ Sacute
+ Scedilla
+ Scaron
+ Scommaaccent
+ T
+ Tcommaaccent
+ Tcaron
+ uni021A
+ U
+ Ugrave
+ Uacute
+ Ucircumflex
+ Udieresis
+ Umacron
+ Uring
+ Uhungarumlaut
+ Uogonek
+ V
+ W
+ X
+ Y
+ Yacute
+ Ydieresis
+ Z
+ Zacute
+ Zdotaccent
+ Zcaron
+ AE
+ Eth
+ Oslash
+ Thorn
+ Dcroat
+ Lslash
+ OE
+ uni2126
+ uni00B5
+ uni2113
+ a
+ agrave
+ aacute
+ acircumflex
+ atilde
+ adieresis
+ aring
+ amacron
+ abreve
+ aogonek
+ b
+ c
+ ccedilla
+ cacute
+ ccaron
+ d
+ dcaron
+ e
+ egrave
+ eacute
+ ecircumflex
+ edieresis
+ emacron
+ edotaccent
+ eogonek
+ ecaron
+ f
+ g
+ gbreve
+ gcommaaccent
+ h
+ i
+ igrave
+ iacute
+ icircumflex
+ idieresis
+ imacron
+ iogonek
+ j
+ k
+ kcommaaccent
+ l
+ lacute
+ lcommaaccent
+ lcaron
+ m
+ n
+ ntilde
+ nacute
+ ncommaaccent
+ ncaron
+ o
+ ograve
+ oacute
+ ocircumflex
+ otilde
+ odieresis
+ omacron
+ ohungarumlaut
+ p
+ q
+ r
+ racute
+ rcommaaccent
+ rcaron
+ s
+ sacute
+ scedilla
+ scaron
+ scommaaccent
+ t
+ tcommaaccent
+ tcaron
+ uni021B
+ u
+ ugrave
+ uacute
+ ucircumflex
+ udieresis
+ umacron
+ uring
+ uhungarumlaut
+ uogonek
+ v
+ w
+ x
+ y
+ yacute
+ ydieresis
+ z
+ zacute
+ zdotaccent
+ zcaron
+ ordfeminine
+ ordmasculine
+ germandbls
+ ae
+ eth
+ oslash
+ thorn
+ dcroat
+ dotlessi
+ lslash
+ oe
+ florin
+ fi
+ fl
+ mu
+ pi
+ circumflex
+ caron
+ uni02C9
+ zero
+ one
+ two
+ three
+ four
+ five
+ six
+ seven
+ eight
+ nine
+ twosuperior
+ threesuperior
+ onesuperior
+ onequarter
+ onehalf
+ threequarters
+ underscore
+ hyphen
+ endash
+ emdash
+ parenleft
+ bracketleft
+ braceleft
+ quotesinglbase
+ quotedblbase
+ parenright
+ bracketright
+ braceright
+ guillemotleft
+ quoteleft
+ quotedblleft
+ guilsinglleft
+ guillemotright
+ quoteright
+ quotedblright
+ guilsinglright
+ exclam
+ quotedbl
+ numbersign
+ percent
+ ampersand
+ quotesingle
+ asterisk
+ comma
+ period
+ slash
+ colon
+ semicolon
+ question
+ at
+ backslash
+ exclamdown
+ periodcentered
+ questiondown
+ dagger
+ daggerdbl
+ bullet
+ ellipsis
+ perthousand
+ plus
+ less
+ equal
+ greater
+ bar
+ asciitilde
+ logicalnot
+ plusminus
+ multiply
+ divide
+ fraction
+ partialdiff
+ uni2206
+ product
+ summation
+ minus
+ uni2215
+ uni2219
+ radical
+ infinity
+ integral
+ approxequal
+ notequal
+ lessequal
+ greaterequal
+ dollar
+ cent
+ sterling
+ currency
+ yen
+ Euro
+ asciicircum
+ grave
+ dieresis
+ macron
+ acute
+ cedilla
+ breve
+ dotaccent
+ ring
+ ogonek
+ tilde
+ hungarumlaut
+ brokenbar
+ section
+ copyright
+ registered
+ degree
+ paragraph
+ trademark
+ estimated
+ lozenge
+ space
+ uni00A0
+ uni00AD
+ .notdef
+ _base