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Releases: elixir-cldr/cldr_numbers

Cldr Numbers version 2.31.1

16 May 23:23
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Bug Fixes

  • Ensure all RBNF rule names are valid function names. In at least one case ("2d_year") a rule name does not map to a valid Elixir function name. The rules are built with atom function names which is valid, but the string versions of that name do not parse. MyApp.Cldr.Rbnf.Spellout.2d_year/2 does not parse, evening though the function exists. This can cause interoperabiity issues with other libraries the introspect code, like inch_ex. From this release, rule names are forced to be valid, parseable function names by prepending an "r" to the rule name if the rule name starts with a digit. Thanks to @ggarciajr for the report.

Cldr Numbers version 2.31.0

28 Apr 00:55
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Cldr Numbers version 2.30.1

28 Mar 06:13
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes currency formats where the currency symbol is neither the first or last token. Thanks to @simoncocking for the issue. Closes #35.

Cldr Numbers version 2.30.0

07 Mar 04:14
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix short formatting for decimal numbers. Thanks to @dbernheisel for the report. Closes #34.

  • Fix formatting negative numbers when the currency symbol results in an alphabetic character next to the number. In these cases a special format :currency_alpha_next_to_number (or :accounting_alpha_next_to_number) is used. These formats are only available in CLDR42 or later and therefore ex_cldr version 2.35.0 or later is required.


  • Supports the :default_currency_format backend configuration option introduced in ex_cldr version 2.35.0.

  • Adds :from_locale as a valid value to the :currency option to Cldr.Number.to_string/3. If set, the currency is derived from the locale.

Cldr Numbers version 2.29.0

17 Jan 12:42
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Behavior change

  • In prior releases formatting a number as format: :currency would derive the currency code from the locale if no :currency_code was provided. This is no longer the case. As of CLDR42 a format :currency_no_symbol is defined to allow formatting of the number without an associated symbol. Now when format: :currency is passed without a :currency_code option, the format is changed to format: :currency_no_symbol. To retain the existing behaviour, pass currency_code: Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale(locale) as an option.

  • In prior releases the currency format (:currency or :accounting) would be overriden by any choice expressed in the locale. That is no longer the case from this release. To retain the existing behaviour, pass format: Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale(locale) as an option.


  • Adds an option :wrapper to Cldr.Number.to_string/2. The argument is a 2-arity function that receives the parameters string and tag where tag is one of :number, :currency_symbol, :currency_space, :literal, :quote, :percent, :permille, :minus or :plus. The function must return a string or a "safe string" such as that returned by Phoenix.HTML.Tag.content_tag/3. The function can be used to wrap format elements in HTML or other tags. Thanks to @rubas for the motivation and review. Example:
iex> Cldr.Number.to_string(100, format: :currency, currency: :USD, wrapper: fn
...>   string, :currency_symbol -> "<span class=\"symbol\">" <> string <> "</span>"
...>   string, :number -> "<span class=\"number\">" <> string <> "</span>"
...>   string, :currency_space -> "<span>" <> string <> "</span>"
...>   string, _other -> string
...> end)
{:ok, "<span class=\"symbol\">$</span><span class=\"number\">100.00</span>"}

# It is also possible and recommended to use the `Phoenix.HTML.Tag.content_tag/3` 
# function if wrapping HTML tags since these will ensure HTML entities are 
# correctly encoded.  For example:
iex> Cldr.Number.to_string(100, format: :currency, currency: :USD, wrapper: fn
...>   string, :currency_symbol -> Phoenix.HTML.Tag.content_tag(:span, string, class: "symbol")
...>   string, :number -> Phoenix.HTML.Tag.content_tag(:span, string, class: "number")
...>   string, :currency_space -> Phoenix.HTML.Tag.content_tag(:span, string)
...>   string, _other -> string
...> end)
{:ok, "<span class=\"symbol\">$</span><span class=\"number\">100.00</span>"}
  • Adds the number formats :currency_no_symbol and :accounting_no_symbol that can be used to format currency amounts without an associated currency symbol.

  • Removes the Cldr.Number.to_string/3 requirement for a currency to be provided (or derived) when the format is :currency. If a currency is provided, the format :currency is used. If a currency is not provided, the format :currency_no_symbol is used.

Cldr Numbers version 2.28.0

24 Oct 05:24
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  • Encapsulates CLDR 42 data. Unless otherwise noted, all the changes are reflected in ex_cldr libraries and functions.

Updated data from CLDR

  • Two new values for pattern elements used for currency format elements:
    • alpha_next_to_number: A pattern to use when the currency symbol would result in letter characters being adjacent to the numeric value; typically this adds a no-break space between the currency symbol and numeric value, if the standard currency format pattern does not already have a space. This provides an improved alternative to the currency spacing patterns.
    • no_currency: A pattern to use when currency-style formats are desired but without the actual symbol (as in a table of currency values all fo the same currency).
  • For the currency formats element, a new element currency_pattern_append_ISO containing a pattern that shows how to append an ISO currency symbol (¤¤) to a currency pattern using a standard currency symbol (¤); this is needed for certain types of currency display.
  • Although these data changes are incorporated, the formatting functions do not expose them. They will be added in an update to ex_cldr_numbers by year end 2022.

Cldr Numbers version 2.27.3

08 Oct 00:54
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Bug Fixes

  • Cldr.Number.to_string/3 with format: :narrow and :currency set will use the currency's narrow symbol.

  • Apply currency spacing for short formats (previously not being applied)

Cldr Numbers version 2.27.2

21 Jul 05:50
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix :short formatting of decimal numbers with specified fractional digits. Thanks to @glennr for the report. Closes #32.

Cldr Numbers version 2.27.1

20 Jul 05:50
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix :short formatting of negative numbers. Thanks to @glennr for the report. Closes #30.

Cldr Numbers version 2.27.0

13 May 20:16
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  • Add support for formatting numbers representing ISO 24165 Digital Tokens (aka crypto currencies). The behaviour follows that for currency formatting. Given that the digital token registry does not contain fraction precision data or pluralised or localised token names, the formatting of digital tokens amounts is not localized beyond formatting the number itself.