This changelog consists of the bug & security fixes and new features being included in the releases listed below.
#5020 [feature] - Webvital score improvement.
#4855 [feature] - Autofilling of quantity.
#4632 [feature] - Gooogle captcha integration.
#4557 [feature] - Feature for sorting product review at customer's end.
#4463 [feature] - Show prices with or without taxes.
#4257 [feature] - Multi-lang support in admin.
#4102 [feature] - Payment history for orders.
#3477 [feature] - Image column in configurable products for variants.
#3453 [feature] - Automatic invoice generation.
#4927 [enhancement] - Allow the admin to set a payment term for invoices.
#4926 [enhancement] - Allow admin to set an invoice prefix and the first invoice number.
#4911 [enhancement] - Default variant selection for configurable product.
#4901 [enhancement] - Configurable product addition issue.
#4767 [enhancement] - PHP 8 Support.
#4449 [enhancement] - Laravel 8 Support.
#3834 [enhancement] - Ability to use multiple datagrids on single page.
#3251 [enhancement] - Add orders list to the customers details view.
#5053 [fixed] - showing validation on input fields while loading velocity
#5046 [fixed] - Add to cart button is not working in compare page for default theme.
#5045 [fixed] - Not getting product images where cache is exist.
#5042 [fixed] - Update the alert message when edit and save customer address.
#5033 [fixed] - Order status options after invoice generation on payment methods.
#5029 [fixed] - Header menu content list layout need to fix.
#5027 [fixed] - Fix customer account menu visibility in safari browser.
#5018 [fixed] - Invoice ID is not recognized in transactions when invoice id contains custom prefix/suffix.
#5013 [fixed] - No warning visible when user password doesn't match on the reset password page.
#5011 [fixed] - Admin filter options are not working in Safari.
#4992 [fixed] - Products image are getting stretch on search page.
#4989 [fixed] - In sales, the module that creates refund subtotal is showing different.
#4977 [fixed] - Configurable products are not visible on the category page if allow out of stock is disabled. .
#4969 [fixed] - Muliselect attribute options ID should not visible in compare product.
#4965 [fixed] - Filter labels in datagrids are not translated.
#4964 [fixed] - Search icon is missing in velocity theme Datagrid.
#4963 [fixed] - French locale translations are missing.
#4962 [fixed] - Able to access downloadable products even I have not purchased.
#4960 [fixed] - The invoice date is missing on invoices.
#4959 [fixed] - Getting exception when merging guest cart with customer cart with the configurable item.
#4951 [fixed] - Real-time compare number is not decreased when deleting a product from compare page.
#4948 [fixed] - Translation issue for the minimum order at cart checkout.
#4947 [fixed] - Getting all invoices (that are not linked to customer or customer's order) in the customer section in the admin panel.
#4941 [fixed] - The locale option should be visible with fields that are locale-based.
#4935 [fixed] - Slider is not removed from the store if slider date gets expired.
#4931 [fixed] - Root category name is missing when admin locale is not en.
#4924 [fixed] - The coupon code button should not disable if one coupon code is already applied.
#4921 [fixed] - Flag icons are missing when the locale is not en.
#4903 [fixed] - Contribution guide is missing.
#4896 [fixed] - Group product sort order functionality is not working.
#4886 [fixed] - Make Sample optional for downloadable products.
#4885 [fixed] - Hide shipping for virtual products
#4854 [fixed] - Filtering customer address page is always redirect to the customer profile tab.
#4848 [fixed] - Fix selected filter options alignment at customer panel.
#4847 [fixed] - Add ACL for customer order list.
#4840 [fixed] - Pagination alignment issue on customer end.
#4827 [fixed] - Shop by category disappears on hover.
#4823 [fixed] - UI bug at customer Invoice page if multiple invoices exist for same order id.
#4818 [fixed] - Getting qty error when move item to cart from the wishlist.
#4813 [fixed] - Compare product in velocity theme showing duplicated attribute after adding a new attribute family.
#4811 [fixed] - Getting error when redirect on review page.
#4807 [fixed] - Category logo icon is missing in API.
#4806 [fixed] - Not able to see the configurable products in the API.
#4804 [fixed] - The city field is missing in order confirmation emails.
#4800 [fixed] - Filter is not working in customer grid.
#4799 [fixed] - Product image resizing.
#4794 [fixed] - Admin logo is getting hidden when scrolling down the menu bar.
#4779 [fixed] - Image search is not working when out of stock is disabled.
#4773 [fixed] - Category condition is not getting set in catalog rule.
#4771 [fixed] - Datetime component should be enhanced as date component in UI package.
#4758 [fixed] - Bug when adding an item twice in the cart from the API.
#4752 [fixed] - Add endpoints for transactions API Done Enhancement.
#4751 [fixed] - The sidebar menu icon should be removed from admin.
#4748 [fixed] - Address is not saved on checkout.
#4735 [fixed] - Price filter issue.
#4730 [fixed] - All products are getting deleted when the associated category is deleted.
#4729 [fixed] - Products do not exist inside a category, still they are visible on the category page.
#4727 [fixed] - Error
is not defined on the compare page. -
#4722 [fixed] - Getting exception on wishlist when adding a configurable item on wishlist.
#4715 [fixed] - Product name is breaking in invoice PDF.
#4713 [fixed] - Paypal IPN Issue Fixed - SA6.
#4710 [fixed] - Fixed currencies "value"s and "phone" fields formated for API.
#4709 [fixed] - Getting exception when update inactive item on cart.
#4708 [fixed] - Getting issue while selecting variant with no image.
#4707 [fixed] - Fixed admin theme not loading with custom admin URL.
#4702 [fixed] - Issue during exporting customers data.
#4698 [fixed] - Category slug should not translation based.
#4691 [fixed] - Distorted image issue.
#4690 [fixed] - Variant images are not visible in a sorted manner as uploaded in the backend.
#4686 [fixed] - Configurable item is still visible on the search page when out of stock is disabled.
#4685 [fixed] - Blank space remains on the homepage when disabling out-of-stock items from the backend.
#4682 [fixed] - Catalog rules and product price filter.
#4680 [fixed] - Check out page extremely slow.
#4677 [fixed] - API addresses, returns an error on create + not all fields are manipulated API.
#4668 [fixed] - Customer profile header is missing in responsive view.
#4564 [fixed] - Getting exception on admin interface when setup using webinstaller.
#4519 [fixed] - Tax should not be state or Pincode-dependent. It should be product category-dependent.
#3902 [fixed] - Duplicate order number getting generated when placed order simultaneously.
#3196 [fixed] - L x W x H/D on product description.
#4659 [fixed] - Only show defaults option in Shipping.
#4654 [fixed] - Composer error with
version. -
#4647 [fixed] - APP_VERSION returns the wrong version number.
#4645 [fixed] -
returns trying to get property 'product' of non-object. -
#4643 [fixed] - Getting exception when admin change the status of subscribed user to false.
#4641 [fixed] - Getting data in client id "sb" by default.
#4633 [fixed] - Incorrect validation message at admin end.
#4344 [fixed] - Attribute option positioning not working (Front-end).
[feature] - PayPal Smart Button for quick and fast payment.
[feature] - Email Marketing-Newsletter to send the newsletter to your valuable customers.
[feature] - Control on Displaying of out of stock Product.
[feature] - Minimum Order Amount by which it will necessary to meet their order subtotal to make a successful purchase.
[feature] - Add Video of Your Product.
[feature] - Maintenance Mode, let search engines know that your site is currently down.
[feature] - Buy Now at Product Page, Admin can easily enable/disable the Buy Now Button for both themes.
[feature] - laravel Debugger Mode, This will help the developer/users to see all the packages they are using inside the Webkul folder.
[enhancement] - Duplicated queries removed.
[enhancement] - Improved lighthouse score.
[enhancement] - Slider path should also work in default theme.
[enhancement] - Add configuration to enable/disable the image search feature.
[enhancement] - Multi product images should be changed on mouse hover.
[enhancement] - Add configuration to set admin url while install using bagisto:install command.
[enhancement] - Add confirm box while moving an item to wishlist from the cart page.
[enhancement] - Add option to export auto generated coupons in cart rule.
[enhancement] - Add bulk category delete functionality.
[enhancement] - Default shop content should be localized.
[enhancement] - Schedule cron job to process newsletter campaigns mails.
[enhancement] - Showing configurable product base on catalog rule price.
[enhancement] - Wishlist and Cart key in Product API.
[enhancement] - Add a option in the channel configuration to enable/disable wishlist.
[enhancement] - Add product number.
#4620 [fixed] - value is not saved in fallback locale in configuration section.
#4597 [fixed] - Add a product to Wishlist twice issue.
#4596 [fixed] - Unable to view order at customer end.
#4590 [fixed] - getting exception on cart when remove minimum amount from backend.
#4583 [fixed] - inactive template are sending in newsletter mail to subscribed users.
#4577 [fixed] - error on minicart while adding configurable item.
#4573 [fixed] - out of stock items are visible on category & search page when configuration is disabled.
#3572 [fixed] - No info about other discounts in case there is multiple group pricing exist in same product.
#4571 [fixed] - video is not showing for variant product in product page.
#4567 [fixed] - configurable product variant attribute options are not visible in layered navigation.
#4566 [fixed] - wrong attribute are visible on layered navigation.
#4506 [fixed] - customer group pricing fixed discount should accept decimal values.
#4498 [fixed] - able to delete root category which is selected in channel.
#4495 [fixed] - Only load the locales that are enabled on the channel.
#4486 [fixed] - getting exception when copy cart rule.
#4481 [fixed] - Shipping costs are not calculated with grand total.
#4459 [fixed] - disabled option should not accessible from routes in frontend.
#4456 [fixed] - getting exception when filter category, attribute, customer datagrid based on status.
#4457 [fixed] - cart rule status always set as draft.
#4452 [fixed] - products are not visible on homepage if filter based on ar locale.
#4447 [fixed] - Product URl key not accepting value for Chinese, Japnese, Arabic locale.
#4440 [fixed] - getting exception when allow user role with marketing permission.
#4435 [fixed] - customer group condition doesn't match while sending newsletter email.
#4434 [fixed] - missing date picker option in event filter #4434.
#4433 [fixed] - getting exception when filter campaigns/email templates based on status.
#4432 [fixed] - subscribed checkbox should be mark if customer is already subscribed.
#4428 [fixed] - user roles permission option always save when trying to uncheck selected option.
#4425 [fixed] - saved billing address details are not showing on onepage checkout.
#4420 [fixed] - Invoice PDF breaking.
#4413 [fixed] - getting error when setup fresh bagisto from master.
#4408 [fixed] - silder image not work.
#4401 [fixed] - composer install --no-dev , gives error.
#4399 [fixed] - Role-based security issue - User with no permission has acces to some admin pages/controls.
#4392 [fixed] - Multiple cart rule is getting applied in case condition matches on applying only one coupon.
#4386 [fixed] - Slow Category Query.
#4372 [fixed] - The brand attribute should be deletable.
#4369 [fixed] - Product filter [Shop By].
#4335 [fixed] - Image search disable functionality is not working.
#4325 [fixed] - address is not saving on onepage checkout.
#4299 [fixed] - sort by newest first or oldest first doesn't work in category.
#4287 [fixed] - Product locale not correctly selected since admin language select.
#4277 [fixed] - subtotal is not updating when remove product from the minicart.
#4248 [fixed] - PayPay scripts are being loaded even if inactive.
#4234 [fixed] - default values are not working in system configuration.
#4228 [fixed] - add a validation if user trying to upload greater size image in image search.
#4212 [fixed] - Error uninstall developer dependencies going into production mode.
#4192 [fixed] - db connection failed at first time when setup using bagisto:install.
#4191 [fixed] - back date should be disabled in booking products.
#4130 [fixed] - event ticket price field accepts negative values.
#4124 [fixed] - Client Side validation issue in Special Price for ticket booking Product.
#4119 [fixed] - Admin should not be able to create multiple cart rule using same coupon code.
#4117 [fixed] - error in booking product while booking a slot.
#4105 [fixed] - Issue with total due in cash on delivery.
#4094 [fixed] - filter is not working properly in case product name contains any special character.
#4085 [fixed] - Not able to fetch invoice by API.
#4062 [fixed] - search icon in velocity theme is not clickable.
#4061 [fixed] - variant image is not visible when item added in wishlist.
#4030 [fixed] - featured or new label should not visible if product is not exist in default theme.
#4024 [fixed] - customer group price discount is not applied when product price and discount amount is same.
#3981 [fixed] - No validation message on creating addresses without required params.
#3975 [fixed] - Filter is not working properly for status column in case product has not been name and other required details.
#3964 [fixed] - pay with paypal smart button is missing in checkout.
#3957 [fixed] - Configurable product parent image is visible in cart instead of variant image.
#3954 [fixed] - Featured New Product Adding Special Price the 2 columns in mobile version is broke.
#3940 [fixed] - bagisto:install defines APP_URL to localhost by default.
#3932 [fixed] - When copying a product, replicating the image causes it to be volatile.
#3886 [fixed] - Cart item not bound to the account when login with social login.
#3879 [fixed] - Getting exception on uploading high size image in Invoice Slip Design logo.
#3807 [fixed] - Can't locate path for migrations in bagisto/packages.
#3785 [fixed] - Product filter is not working according to channel filter.
#3638 [fixed] - Promotion, combine "percentage" & "fixed amount to whole cart" cart rules get wrong disco * unt amount.
#4394 [fixed] - maintenance mode status is not working in channel section.
#4393 [fixed] - composer test in windows.
#3374 [fixed] - Social Login Error.
[feature] - Config to add custom css and javascript (Eg. google anlytics)
[feature] - Added some config for payment method additional information
#3900 [fixed] - layout issue on cart page in ar (Default theme)
#3894 [fixed] - Customer is not able to increase or decrease the qty of downloadable product from cart in default theme
#3890 [fixed] - Add validation at admin end for bundle items qty
#3889 [fixed] - default compare icon should be enabled in french also
#3878 [fixed] - Search by name doesn't work when sending a request via API
#3872 [fixed] - customer profile section having bug in mobile view for default theme
#3871 [fixed] - downloadable sample link issue in RTL
#3866 [fixed] - Compare icon is not coming in mobile view as well as layout issue on compare page in mobile view(default theme)
#3862 [fixed] - Fix Payment Instruction view in checkout page
#3861 [fixed] - Payment Instruction is not implemented for velocity theme
#3860 [fixed] - Icon used for the customer note or copy item should not be same
#3854 [fixed] - Fix reset password alert message
#3852 [fixed] - Product copy functionality is not working properly for configurable products
#3847 [fixed] - QTY not returned to inventory when canceling an order after shipping
#3831 [fixed] - social icons are not visible in footer
#3828 [fixed] - success alert is not visible while removing product from wishlist as guest
#3822 [fixed] - Publish translations from Webkul\Admin
#3819 [fixed] - Export Function not working in Firefox/Linux
#3811 [fixed] - Velocity cms page url should be added by default
#3804 [fixed] - uploading image on search is not resulting in any keywords
#3802 [fixed] - Layout issue while adding linked products
#3800 [fixed] - Header Content Count field should convert the value into 0 if given anything apart from valid data(numeric value)
#3799 [fixed] - Featured Products and New Products should not display on front end if admin has set 0 in velocity meta data
#3792 [fixed] - Recently viewed product is not working for Locales other than default.
#3791 [fixed] - validation message showing for wrong field while editing user from admin end
#3789 [fixed] - Filter conditions need to be change according to Boolean in newsletter subscription grid for subscribed column
#3786 [fixed] - Default advertisement images should display in images section.
#3784 [fixed] - Responsive issue on iPad
#3783 [fixed] - Correct the product name alignment in compare list of default theme.
#3782 [fixed] - Getting error on running php artisan migrate if db_prefix contains decimal value
#3781 [fixed] - Getting exception on frontend after installation.
#3772 [fixed] - Unable to add more than 4 products in related products
#3643 [fixed] - Invoices should contain the company/store data
#3002 [fixed] - Buggggggg iOS Safari images are stretched.
#1257 [fixed] - Getting issue in install of v0.1.6
[feature] - Customer group price for products implemented
[feature] - Image search feature added with tensorflow.js
[feature] - Migrated to Laravel 7
[feature] - Search engine optimization with rich snippet
[feature] - Blade file tracer
[feature] - Search with Elastic and Algolia
[feature] - Support for admin multi theme
[feature] - One click upgrade
[feature] - Social login (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin, Github)
[feature] - Social share
[feature] - Store configuration added
[feature] - Feature to disable compare option
[feature] - Store configuration added for product listing
#3767 [fixed] - Header-nav on mobile view seem buggy on search item
#3757 [fixed] - broken image on guest wishlist
#3755 [fixed] - Webinstall - SMTP port is not set
#3751 [fixed] - shipping tab is missing in order details for deleted customer
#3747 [fixed] - velocity content header route throwing an exception in spanish locale
#3745 [fixed] - getting exception in backend when having DB_PREFIX
#3742 [fixed] - Invoice, ship and cancel buttons are missing in order placed by guest user
#3740 [fixed] - translation of alert when remove compare item in default theme
#3735 [fixed] - Make Velocity Meta Data section Channel wise.
#3727 [fixed] - compare page layout issue for logged in user
#3725 [fixed] - getting exception on comparison page of default theme
#3723 [fixed] - getting exception when download uploaded file from backend
#3720 [fixed] - Velocity theme option is missing in channel
#3717 [fixed] - Layout issue in order grid at customer end
#3704 [fixed] - No alert message while deleting customer with pending or processing order from admin end.
#3702 [fixed] - On deleting customer their invoice and shipment records are getting disappeared.
#3700 [fixed] - getting exception while creating refund of order placed by deleted customer
#3693 [fixed] - There should not be any success message while trying to delete system attributes
#3692 [fixed] - Channel filter is not working properly in product grid
#3689 [fixed] - There should not be sale icon in shopping cart in velocity theme
#3688 [fixed] - Select icons should be in right side in RTL on payment page in default theme
#3678 [fixed] - Customer is able to access downloadable products even when invoice state is pending
#3676 [fixed] - all cross selling products are not visible in cart page of velocity theme
#3675 [fixed] - Address icon is overlapping on side bar menu in mobile view
#3674 [fixed] - Bugs on category page for list mode
#3657 [fixed] - Auth user can see all users info by id
#3656 [fixed] - Product name gets blank each time we refresh the product page.
#3649 [fixed] - product datagrid filter layout issue
#3648 [fixed] - custom file type attribute is not visible in PDP
#3642 [fixed] - getting exception when creating configurable product in case of DB_Prefix
#3638 [fixed] - Promotion, combine "percentage" & "fixed amount to whole cart" cart rules get wrong discount amount
#3637 [fixed] - No records founds text in downloadable product section of customer should display in centre, in mobile view.
#3636 [fixed] - Correct the Ui of profile in mobile view,there is no difference in field name test and field data.
#3631 [fixed] - Category slug should not accept values in capital letters while adding content for Header content
#3629 [fixed] - Filter is not working properly in content list grid for content type column
#3628 [fixed] - Correct the Success message after updating content in velocity meta data.
#3622 [fixed] - channel filter is not working in cart rule
#3621 [fixed] - Ui issue when applying filter in mobile view
#3617 [fixed] - Add feature to set the category header content limit in velocity
#3615 [fixed] - Getting exception while uploading favicon image if image is of high size
#3611 [fixed] - The content of CMS page is cropped
#3606 [fixed] - showing different number of star in velocity and default theme for same rating
#3604 [fixed] - show percentage in place count number in review in velocity theme
#3595 [fixed] - I would like like to change the admin route or url
#3591 [fixed] - Getting exception while using layered navigation filters on category page
#3580 [fixed] - Incorrect error message while adding bundle product in cart if no.of bundles contains more qty than available qty
#3577 [fixed] - Customer is able to place order of more than available qty of any bundle option product
#3575 [fixed] - Inactive child product shouldn't visible in grouped product
#3574 [fixed] - One page Checkout loader hits on adding single digit in phone number
#3570 [fixed] - Translation issue on uploading high size image
#3564 [fixed] - getting exception if admin uploads higher size image in image swatch while editing/adding attribute
#3562 [fixed] - getting exception when view category page in frontend
#3561 [fixed] - Customer Revenue is not getting minus after refund
#3558 [fixed] - Incorrect price showing for configurable product on front end
#3554 [fixed] - Cart Rule Issue
#3550 [fixed] - there should be tooltip text on mouse hover on compare icon on product
#3548 [fixed] - filter is not working properly in attribute grid at admin end
#3547 [fixed] - checkout country null issue
#3546 [fixed] - Shipping charge is not getting calculated properly in case customer removes the product just before clicking on place order
#3535 [fixed] - Sort By configuration from admin end is not working properly
#3534 [fixed] - Add validation for products per page field otherwise if admin entered string value then customer gets exception on category page
#3533 [fixed] - Products Per Page configuration is not working properly
#3532 [fixed] - (Mobile view) getting product image issue when set grid as List type in category page
#3531 [fixed] - In price filter, allow comma(,) for price in filter as in french locale float values used to be separated by , in stead of .
#3530 [fixed] - mobile view sortBy functionality in category page is not working
#3526 [fixed] - On changing current password admin/customer should get mail
#3522 [fixed] - Admin is not getting mail when customer cancels order
#3521 [fixed] - layout issue in order information in default theme at customer end
#3520 [fixed] - Admin should get mail according to admin's default locale not customer's locale
#3519 [fixed] - Customer is getting mails in Arabic for order information and rest mails in English for same order which was placed in ar locale.
#3515 [fixed] - Order id is missing in mail which customer get when admin add any comment in order
#3514 [fixed] - Use "has been" in place of "had been" in mail to warehouse
#3508 [fixed] - Error on PL lang file
#3507 [fixed] - locale filter is not working properly in product grid
#3506 [fixed] - Uploaded image is not showing while editing Advertisement 4,3,2 Images for arabic locale
#3505 [fixed] - No message on removing products or deleting all from compare list in default theme
#3502 [fixed] - Side bar menu is getting removed while editing/adding customer address at admin end
#3501 [fixed] - unable to download files while comparing products
#3498 [fixed] - No.of items in compare should be displayed with compare tab in default theme
#3496 [fixed] - showing values in compare list of those attribute which has been removed from attribute family
#3495 [fixed] - image is not coming in compare list for any image type attribute
#3494 [fixed] - compare feature is not working properly if admin creates a image type attribute and give attribute code and name "image"
#3491 [fixed] - broken image for color image swatch type
#3490 [fixed] - Back icon is not working in catalog and cart rule grid
#3489 [fixed] - Sale icon is not showing even if catalog rule is applied for grouped and bundle type products
#3488 [fixed] - color attribute default swatch value should be selected as dropdown swatch
#3487 [fixed] - Velocity RTL product image zoom floats right - not showing
#3486 [fixed] - Compare feature shows wrong attribute value
#3485 [fixed] - layout issue on category page for filterable attributes
#3484 [fixed] - missing product quick view icon on search page
#3478 [fixed] - Getting exception on putting limit =0 in url
#3472 [fixed] - layout issue in order and downloadable grid at customer end in mobile view
#3469 [fixed] - Cannot remove a layered navigation attribute from product
#3467 [fixed] - layout issue at shop end in ar
#3465 [fixed] - When I update the folder name from bagisto to new name, the logo image doesn't appear, why?
#3460 [fixed] - Add address option should come below in velocity theme
#3458 [fixed] - not able to add (virtual,booking etc.) product to compare list by logged in user
#3457 [fixed] - number indicator are hidden on wishlist or compare icon RTL format
#3451 [fixed] - Change request regarding shipments
#3447 [fixed] - By default social login should be enabled
#3445 [fixed] - filter tag is out of box in search key term for long product name
#3444 [fixed] - Layout issue on review page
#3443 [fixed] - customer group price functionality is not working
#3425 [fixed] - Impossible to connect, please check your Algolia Application Id.
#3423 [fixed] - Cannot change account password
#3422 [fixed] - getting exception when view order of deleted customer
#3417 [fixed] - social login icons in RTL
#3411 [fixed] - Sale level is displaying even if special price date has been already expired
#3409 [fixed] - Wrong validation when remove variant(s) of configurable product
#3400 [fixed] - fix UI for the compare page in default theme
#3399 [fixed] - Remove from wishlist button is displaying as 1 when mouse not hover on product, this occur in all locale except English.
#3396 [fixed] - getting error when admin view order placed by social customers
#3395 [fixed] - default group should be set for the social login customer
#3394 [fixed] - Not able to open menu in mobile view having locale arabic.
#3393 [fixed] - Getting broken image link for locales in mobile view.
#3392 [fixed] - Translation key is not added in order settings
#3381 [fixed] - Customer city name does not allow hyphen
#3380 [fixed] - Layout issues on mobile view in ar locale
#3379 [fixed] - Getting error on migration command.
#3377 [fixed] - error when click to twitter social login
#3374 [fixed] - Social Login Error
#3373 [fixed] - New Error migration Bagisto Install MySQL/MariaDB
#3371 [fixed] - Easy bug: incorrect PL lang file
#3369 [fixed] - getting exception when clicking on any social login icon
#3365 [fixed] - On mobile responsive on ios sign up button is missing
#3363 [fixed] - null value accepted in filter option at customer end
#3360 [fixed] - filter and items per page is getting collapsed in ar
#3358 [fixed] - New and sale icon lable on product issue in RTL
#3357 [fixed] - Image search feature is not available in mobile view default theme
#3356 [fixed] - search term removed from the search bar in default theme
#3354 [fixed] - error when upload invalid image/file type in search
#3341 [fixed] - filter option should be remove from the search page in mobile view
#3340 [fixed] - mobile view not able to updated currency
#3339 [fixed] - category display mode options are not working
#3338 [fixed] - bundle option should be marked as mandatory if it's required
#3335 [fixed] - New Label is missing in VelocityTheme
#3331 [fixed] - layout issue while using filter at any grid(admin end) in ar locale
#3330 [fixed] - Layout issue while adding configurable product to cart in velocity theme
#3328 [fixed] - velocity logo and shop by category override
#3323 [fixed] - text written in search page(for invalid search) should be properly aligned
#3322 [fixed] - Title and url both are coming same on layered navigation page in velocity theme
#3321 [fixed] - Comapre button should come between wishlist and cart in arabic also.
#3320 [fixed] - Getting exception on frontend when opening a category in which brand is selected as filterable attribute.
#3319 [fixed] - Issue in validation message while placing order of booking type product if customer did not fill select rent time
#3317 [fixed] - Pagination layout should be implemented at customer end
#3316 [fixed] - layout issues in checkout page while placing order of booking product
#3315 [fixed] - compare option should be remove from customer profile options list if the compare is disable
#3314 [fixed] - admin back to sign in link always redirects to same page after admin login
#3313 [fixed] - In cart, in place of only qty, quantity and price both are coming in ar.
#3311 [fixed] - Mobile Bug - Filters disappear when no products match filters
#3310 [fixed] - Editing product title should not change URL if it has already been set
#3309 [fixed] - 500 error when loading /search with "term" in query string
#3307 [fixed] - Getting exception on changing locale when customer has opened order grid from his account
#3304 [fixed] - Getting incorrect message on delete all from wishlist in case of guest user only
#3303 [fixed] - Getting exception on changing locale when customer has opened downloadable products grid from his account
#3301 [fixed] - fix search keys in search bar for analysed keywords in velocity
#3298 [fixed] - Header content category always redirect to 404 error page
#3297 [fixed] - getting exception when save booking product from edit page
#3289 [fixed] - Main product is not showing in catalog grid if configurable product hasn't been created completely.
#3286 [fixed] - fix calendar icon css at admin dashboard
#3274 [fixed] - Installer Blank Page After Migration
#3273 [fixed] - fix calendar icon present at dashboard in RTL
#3272 [fixed] - getting exception when booking product type is not same as cart item for same product id
#3270 [fixed] - fix icon design on catalog rule when select special price as condition
#3265 [fixed] - recently view product heading is overlapped in RTL
#3255 [fixed] - Appointment booking slot duration missing in UI for RTL
#3254 [fixed] - exception on changing locale to Italian
#3250 [fixed] - find product by image in search attempt to an error if app_url isn't define
#3249 [fixed] - icons are overlapped in comparison page for RTL
#3248 [fixed] - fix css for cancel icon on success alert RTL
#3246 [fixed] - fix icon layout in edit booking product page for RTL
#3243 [fixed] - Email settings are empty in backend
#3241 [fixed] - login fields(email,passwords) are in the center when in RTL
#3240 [fixed] - Payment methods in onepage checkout are not visible completely in RTL
#3238 [fixed] - Trait 'Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\SendsPasswordResetEmails' not found
#3237 [fixed] - Options of attribute not display as per its position
#3236 [fixed] - selected category gets removed from the search in RTL
#3235 [fixed] - need space b/w sign in & sign up box in mini login window for RTL
#3234 [fixed] - UI Issue for cart, wishlist, compare icon number indicator in RTL
#3232 [fixed] - homepage is showing 404 error page in both theme
#3231 [fixed] - "error!options are missing alert" on home page shouldn't be shown
#3222 [fixed] - UI issue in event ticket booking special price date field
#3219 [fixed] - fix the date/time format in booking products
#3218 [fixed] - virtual product not shipping step..
#3215 [fixed] - when updating an attribute to 'use_in_flat', bagisto should update the product_flat table with the values of those products
#3214 [fixed] - Getting exception on forgot password link.
#3208 [fixed] - Customer group price functionality is not working.
#3207 [fixed] - Issue in variant product of configurable, only one variant name display at a time and on refreshing it changes.
#3205 [fixed] - Able to create the product without selecting required toggles button.
#3204 [fixed] - Getting exception when changing currency from search page.
#3203 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in price field of downloadable product.
#3202 [fixed] - Getting exception in creating grouped product.
#3199 [fixed] - Getting exception when click on product.
#3197 [fixed] - Call to undefined function str_limit() when view product in velocity theme
#3191 [fixed] - Bagisto v1.1.2 velocity responsive theme issue on iPhone and iPads
#3190 [fixed] - Bagisto v1.1.2 velocity responsive theme issue on iPhone and iPads
#3186 [fixed] - replace payment method text with an image on the checkout page
#3184 [fixed] - Site showing blank page on 404
#3183 [fixed] - ErrorException
#3172 [fixed] - description or name is missing for comparable items if customer login
#3171 [fixed] - fixed amount is applied on product for customer group price instead of apply in %
#3164 [fixed] - getting exception when add/edit configurable product
#3161 [fixed] - Trying to access array offset on value of type null
#3160 [fixed] - Disabled products are not removed from bundles
#3158 [fixed] - Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'symbol' in 'field l
#3153 [fixed] - Free Shipping and Flat Rate Shipping not desable
#3150 [fixed] - Attribute not showing on the creating new configurable product page
#3146 [fixed] - how to configure aws smtp server on bagisto
#3144 [fixed] - error if selecting only one currency
#3140 [fixed] - API for more than one locale !
#3136 [fixed] - configurable product variant name gets removed from the catalog list
#3135 [fixed] - How can I cad comment box in checkout form.
#3131 [fixed] - Velocity theme responsiveness issue after changing the language to Arabic RTL
#3120 [fixed] - admin panel multi locale
#3118 [fixed] - Home page doesn't display categories and language bar doesn't work.
#3115 [fixed] - minify the velocity.js for gtmetrix
#3113 [fixed] - catalog storefront configuration for per product page is not working
#3097 [fixed] - getting console error when remove cart item
#3096 [fixed] - error when add product in compare list from the search product page
#3095 [fixed] - pending orders detail page is blank when viewing in arabic locale
#3090 [fixed] - error mysql8
#3089 [fixed] - not getting price after changing configurable options
#3087 [fixed] - after installation, first product registration does not open detailed page, I only opened from the second product
#3079 [fixed] - Tracking Number in My Account
#3077 [fixed] - How to change validation messages to spanish not working
#3076 [fixed] - checkout disable when add new shipping address
#3073 [fixed] - HTML entities are not being decoded when editing attribute options
#3070 [fixed] - Edit Attribute -> Add Option or Swatch Item Error 404 for Indonesia(id) country code
#3068 [fixed] - Inactive inventory source are get select in channel and products
#3067 [fixed] - PHP Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID 'Asia/JakartaAsia/Kolkata' is invalid
#3061 [fixed] - CORS errors
#3054 [fixed] - customer is getting exception while cancel order
#3053 [fixed] - [Velocity] Checkout: Shipping/Billing Address Name, email does not get updated
#3051 [fixed] - error while migrate bagisto manually from console command
#3050 [fixed] - Can't override models
#3048 [fixed] - "nwidart/laravel-modules": "^3.2", is the wrong version for laravel 6.*
#3047 [fixed] - The qty of configurable product is 0 when merging cart
#3044 [fixed] - Getting exception when click on view shopping cart if adding group product in cart that contains variants of configurable product.
#3040 [fixed] - Api logout not working..
#3038 [fixed] - Trying to get property 'code' of non-object
#3037 [fixed] - error mysql 8.0.20 bagisto v 1.1.2
#3036 [fixed] - Shipping address options not shown
#3035 [fixed] - Please update pwa for bagisto
#3032 [fixed] - [Critical] Onecheckout preventing to continue to shipping method after selecting address
#3030 [fixed] - Api for coupons..
#3029 [fixed] - velocity theme not fully responsive
#3026 [fixed] - Date validation error when editing Booking Products
#3025 [fixed] - save address return error 500
#3024 [fixed] - Blank order comment shouldn't added
#3022 [fixed] - storage/ should not be included in .gitignore
#3021 [fixed] - Deactivating the last category of level1 renders only level2 etc. from deactivated category
#3020 [fixed] - Images can not add on velocity theme
#3018 [fixed] - Icons are not showing on imac
#3014 [fixed] - Support for Responsive Admin Panel
#3011 [fixed] - The product is in cart or not
#3009 [fixed] - Featured product slider and new product slider is not working
#3005 [fixed] - One page checkout creating new address in profile every time.
#3004 [fixed] - Category Deactivation not working
#3001 [fixed] - Getting Error Exception when view order details
#3000 [fixed] - arabic product in home page Not lined up in one format
#2997 [fixed] - Category show sidebar
#2996 [fixed] - Incomplete products JSON when type is grouped or bundled
#2995 [fixed] - filter is not showing when search product from search bar
#2994 [fixed] - Shipping method not getting updated after changing the zip code.
#2991 [fixed] - Filters not showing in small devices
#2990 [fixed] - Facebook Pixel integration for Laravel
#2987 [fixed] - mult address
#2985 [fixed] - Product category is not saving
#2981 [fixed] - When paying with Paypal the user can change the amounts of the products
#2974 [fixed] - Thumbnails are not generating on mobile ifproduct has more than 4 photos
#2973 [fixed] - force the execution of the shipping methods trigger
#2972 [fixed] - can add to homescreen on mobile device in velocity theme
#2971 [fixed] - Need to add the possibility to translate velocity metadata
#2969 [fixed] - Cancel icon is not visible in velocity theme for customer order detail
#2964 [fixed] - Exception when buying non stockable item via API
#2950 [fixed] - multiple error message on installer
#2949 [fixed] - failed to migrate with new database using installer
#2942 [fixed] - Randomize New and Featured Products
#2937 [fixed] - Checkout old theme
#2936 [fixed] - change the admin route for another
#2931 [fixed] - Customer pays order in PayPal but there is no record in bagisto
#2893 [fixed] - When creating a shipment, display items invoiced
#2889 [fixed] - timezone drop down field is not visible in web installer
#2888 [fixed] - Always Default locale should be selected when add new product for each channels
#2886 [fixed] - Configuration option for Compare
#2874 [fixed] - Order, payment process and payment metadata
#2868 [fixed] - Cart (customer) address not persisted during the checkout
#2863 [fixed] - Search Product Name and Description
#2844 [fixed] - showing product image of each color in configurable product
#2805 [fixed] - the sku should be all in caps
#2804 [fixed] - There should be order review section instead of complete section on checkout page
#2800 [fixed] - Add the ability to change Attribute Family for Products
#2795 [fixed] - Cart error merging if you authenticate having items with low stock
#2789 [fixed] - Product channel and locale dropdowns in the admin dashboard not working
#2766 [fixed] - Needs User friendly UI for the event booking in product page
#2762 [fixed] - Seeder: SQL Error: Duplicate entry for '1' key 'PRIMARY'
#2725 [fixed] - Variants should not be created if cofigurable product created failed
#2720 [fixed] - Error during migration on php artisan migrate
#2702 [fixed] - Getting broken image for products and category.
#2590 [fixed] - hi everyone i'm wondering if customers after register could give a referral code ??
#2415 [fixed] - Add TO CART button should replace by “BOOk NOW” button for booking product.
#2159 [fixed] - Taking more time to load product details in shopping cart.
#2141 [fixed] - SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table '[DB_PREFIX].category_translations' doesn't exist
#2060 [fixed] - auto generate coupon accordion not getting hidden while selecting no specific coupons
#2009 [fixed] - Using AWS S3 for storage
#1981 [fixed] - If customer update his address at time of checkout and save this address then address doesn't get save and also on checkout page old address displays.
#1656 [fixed] - Validation error in Phone Field while Adding Address
#1522 [fixed] - Quick Links broken
#1370 [fixed] - install fails at the last step
#1362 [fixed] - Site logo and Category Image are broken
#1258 [fixed] - If payment is done through paypal then invoice should generate automatically and status of Order should be processing.
#1246 [fixed] - Implement a feature to import product through csv file.
#985 [fixed] - Dynamically insert products
#838 [fixed] - Packages as composer dependency
#824 [fixed] - Framework is not supporting I.E 11 browser.
#343 [fixed] - Translation strings are missing from awful amount of controllers when returning responses with flash. And optimise translation strings for faster static translations.
[feature] - Now customer can cancel order.
[feature] - Auto and manual currency exchange rates update feature added.
#2954 [fixed] - The merging cart function does not work when already added all items of product into customer cart
#2945 [fixed] - API product detail return empty array
#2943 [fixed] - Scroll images is not working
#2940 [fixed] - creating categories have error
#2939 [fixed] - get product description for API without html tags
#2938 [fixed] - Extend Model Class
#2925 [fixed] - exception for php version 7.4
#2919 [fixed] - Header Content not working on other languages
#2915 [fixed] - filters are missing on mobile view.
#2914 [fixed] - Filter not showing on mobile, also sorting not working on mobile
#2908 [fixed] - A class is missing from the Velocity ProductRepositiry file
#2901 [fixed] - Error when creating a category
#2900 [fixed] - getting different variant of a configurable product in front end
#2899 [fixed] - showing the configured products as radio button
#2898 [fixed] - error when viewing a category and then wanting to change the language of the page in mobile view
#2897 [fixed] - Inventory status field should be passed through validation for boolean in its backend controller.
#2896 [fixed] - There are two fields with having same value of name attribute one is hidden and other is of its desired type - is this redundant code or its solving any purpose?
#2895 [fixed] - The type hint of view in this blade file is 'address' - there is no tag in any provider which loads view with this type hint.
#2890 [fixed] - cart rule condition (price in cart) always set to equal or less than when select greater than/less than
#2884 [fixed] - Undefined Index slot: when add to cart rental booking
#2875 [fixed] - Deleting brands that have been assigned to products causes checkout error
#2871 [fixed] - Refund throws "Undefined index: shipping" error
#2869 [fixed] - Updating "Velocity meta data" throws QueryException
#2826 [fixed] - Not able to view cart icon
#2793 [fixed] - Stock Check Incorrect for Configurable Items
#2752 [fixed] - Error when you create or update a new catalog under root
#2691 [fixed] - Shipping and Payment methods automatically selected on Checkout oage
#2453 [fixed] - Velocity theme is not loading on fresh instance
#797 [fixed] - Add new module
#2876 [fixed] - Place order is disable at checkout when select shipping address
#2871 [fixed] - Refund throws "Undefined index: shipping" error
#2866 [fixed] - ayout issue when customer save addresses form
#2865 [fixed] - Save order taking so long time 30s
#2856 [fixed] - Issue with Sort by functionality, when open any category it by defaults show Newest First but after changing sort by when again select newest first it shows different product.
#2851 [fixed] - Fix date picker icon layout at dashboard
#2850 [fixed] - admin crash on save configration
#2849 [fixed] - Can not add my stylesheet to Velocity theme
#2847 [fixed] - Class 'Faker\Factory' not found
#2846 [fixed] - does not show next step
#2845 [fixed] - Implement custom RegistrationController
#2840 [fixed] - Velocity theme is not available on fresh install
#2837 [fixed] - subscription bar content source code is not visible in text editor
#2834 [fixed] - Layout issue in compare page in pt_BR locale
#2832 [fixed] - Illegal mix of collations
#2829 [fixed] - changing home page content in velocity and npm
#2828 [fixed] - currency change error on velocity theme
#2827 [fixed] - default local not changing in storefront in velocity theme
#2825 [fixed] - PHP Notice:
#2821 [fixed] - Address Line is Null in Emails
#2818 [fixed] - Not able to view menu in velocity theme on storefront
#2814 [fixed] - variant product's name aren't update when select their options in Front
#2813 [fixed] - Ui issue if there is only one product in compare page.
#2812 [fixed] - getting timezone error while setup
#2811 [fixed] - how to change checkout proccess
#2810 [fixed] - UI issue on compare similar item page.
#2808 [fixed] - Correct the spelling on registration page.
#2807 [fixed] - Illegal mix of collations
#2801 [fixed] - Address with more than 2 lines is not added correctly to the cart_address table
#2796 [fixed] - Try to create category in windows 10 getting exception
#2794 [fixed] - When allow backorder is enabled, display a message available for order rather than in stock.
#2793 [fixed] - Stock Check Incorrect for Configurable Items
#2792 [fixed] - Weight Validation Inconsistencies
#2790 [fixed] - Minicart disable when use new languages only velocity theme
#2788 [fixed] - guest_checkout is missing from edit product
#2786 [fixed] - Getting error message on adding product to compare product from search page.
#2785 [fixed] - missing address details in checkout page
#2784 [fixed] - One booking for many days slot time issue
#2781 [fixed] - Mobile menu is not showing correct sub-menu
#2780 [fixed] - Sidebar layout issue.
#2779 [fixed] - Issue on checkout page, email should ask first as in default theme.
#2778 [fixed] - Issue in customer profile dropdown.
#2776 [fixed] - compare option in side bar menu at customer panel should be available
#2775 [fixed] - compare icon is missing in each product for default theme
#2774 [fixed] - How to add new icon in bagisto admin panel?
#2769 [fixed] - Can't delete Exchange Rates data
#2768 [fixed] - Getting exception in cart when remove one ticket from event booking from backend
#2765 [fixed] - Email settings configuration values are not write in .env file
#2764 [fixed] - fix UI when select back_date of booking product,the calendar icon is set on another place
#2763 [fixed] - error to add rental booking into cart
#2752 [fixed] - Error when you create or update a new catalog under root
#2726 [fixed] - is shop.js the vue framework ??
#2713 [fixed] - fix the invoice header in pdf
#2708 [fixed] - Able to create booking product from back date.
#2706 [fixed] - Getting exception on editing category for pt_BR locale in php 7.4
#2691 [fixed] - Shipping and Payment methods automatically selected on Checkout oage
#2684 [fixed] - API checkout/cart returns null for guest user
#2619 [fixed] - Issue when category slug & product slug are same
#2558 [fixed] - Sliders Text should be translatable
#2543 [fixed] - Sliders Text should be translatable
#2354 [fixed] - possible integrate this payment
#2329 [fixed] - Getting exception on frontend after updating meta data.
#2152 [fixed] - Product images are not showing
#826 [fixed] - Impossible to create the root directory "".
#797 [fixed] - Add new module
[feature] Added new booking type product.
[feature] Impletment compare product feature.
[feature] Impletment compare product feature.
#2732 [fixed] - missing product's quick view in category page
#2726 [fixed] - is shop.js the vue framework ??
#2724 [fixed] - table bookings quantity should update in existing booking added in cart for same slot/date
#2723 [fixed] - Compare product icon on header showing counts of compare product but there are no product in compare list.
#2722 [fixed] - warning showing when update event booking cart quantity from the product page
#2717 [fixed] - Getting error message on adding rental product in cart if rental booking is not available for that day.
#2716 [fixed] - After saving the default booking time product selected time for date range changes to 00:00:00 ,because of which not able to book appointment on frontend.
#2715 [fixed] - Error message should throw if "To" time is less than "From".
#2707 [fixed] - Getting exception when generate invoice in appointment booking
#2704 [fixed] - product's assigned category can't be removed
#2693 [fixed] - Booking product page - add to cart button js error
#2678 [fixed] - UI issue in rental booking product page
#2677 [fixed] - error on cart when rental booking update from backend
#2674 [fixed] - Rental booking added to cart without selecting date in velocity
#2672 [fixed] - wrong price calculated in cart for rental booking
#2671 [fixed] - Error on moving booking product to wishlist
#2670 [fixed] - Booking product should be removed from the cart when selected slot time expired
#2669 [fixed] - Browser compatibility issue
#2667 [fixed] - By default wishlist option is selected in cart
#2666 [fixed] - fix the UI for booking product in cart page
#2661 [fixed] - Charged_per drop down value is not updating for table booking
#2660 [fixed] - guest capacity value is not saved in table booking
#2658 [fixed] - slot, duration, break time are not saved for appointment booking
#2654 [fixed] - warning should be removed once slot field is selected
#2650 [fixed] - remove slot duration from the booking product page
#2649 [fixed] - Incorrect slot time for one booking many days in product page
#2646 [fixed] - error missing wishlist or compare icon on mobile view
#2645 [fixed] - Error on adding product to cart
#2644 [fixed] - Add an option to set encryption to none during installation
#2643 [fixed] - Getting exception when add appointment booking
#2641 [fixed] - Issue on wishlist page for guest user
#2640 [fixed] - product moved to cart still showing in wishlist
#2639 [fixed] - category slug field should show warning if saved blank header content
#2638 [fixed] - customer status is not translated in customer list
#2637 [fixed] - blank admin page if username contains whitespaces in email configuration
#2636 [fixed] - Error alert when add to cart a simple product from the home page
#2635 [fixed] - Default Booking details remove from edit page for many booking of one day
#2634 [fixed] - console error when select slots in default booking
#2630 [fixed] - Error exception when add booking product
#2626 [fixed] - Tax rates zipcode is still required when enable zip range is disabled
#2621 [fixed] - i create a site and it is up kind of noting works
#2619 [fixed] - Issue when category slug & product slug are same
#2616 [fixed] - Tiny Bug on Admin Pages
#2614 [fixed] - table booking slot time is expired still exist in cart
#2613 [fixed] - Propaganistas/Laravel-Intl is abandoned
#2612 [fixed] - available slots are not showing for current date even if slot time is not expired
#2611 [fixed] - installer error
#2610 [fixed] - some of the attribute values aren't visible in comparison page
#2609 [fixed] - product removed from comparison page when update product by name
#2608 [fixed] - Getting exception on creating category.
#2607 [fixed] - Getting exception on editing category for pt_BR locale in php 7.4
#2606 [fixed] - custom attributes are not Visible on Product View Page on Front-end
#2605 [fixed] - Attribute is comparable (yes/no) option is missing when add new attribute
#2604 [fixed] - Not able to make product as comparable from the category page as logged In user
#2602 [fixed] - Catalog default image height should be equal to the original image in Velocity
#2601 [fixed] - all comparable product remove from list only when single product remove
#2599 [fixed] - login required when add compare product from the category page
#2597 [fixed] - Not getting email for "Send Inventory Source Notification E-mail".
#2596 [fixed] - Allow Email Verification field is given twice, once in Configure->Customers->Setting and in Configure->Admin->Email.Currently if field is enable from any one grid and disable from other grid, then its not working.
#2595 [fixed] - Category image size issue in velocity theme.
#2594 [fixed] - After refund quantity of product increases.
#2593 [fixed] - Cannot read property 'disabled' of undefined" on filter price
#2592 [fixed] - No menu for the logged in user when clicking over comparison
#2589 [fixed] - Getting exception on editing header content on php 7.4.
#2587 [fixed] - Getting some warning during installation.
#2586 [fixed] - APP_TIMEZONE and APP_LOCALE values should be available in env file.
#2585 [fixed] - Product name , description and short description gets removed on editing the product.
#2584 [fixed] - Not getting root category name, in categories.
#2583 [fixed] - Display 3D product preivew image
#2581 [fixed] - admin/configuration/general/design
#2580 [fixed] - error recently viewed products in mobile
#2579 [fixed] - error menu mobile
#2578 [fixed] - Impossible to create the root directory
#2577 [fixed] - GUI installer stuck at Migration & Seed
#2576 [fixed] - Compare icon is missing for new products
#2575 [fixed] - compare feature is not working from the product page for logged In customer
#2574 [fixed] - Quick view popup should be closed when click add to compare
#2573 [fixed] - Add to wishlist icon is missing with each product in comparison page
#2572 [fixed] - custom attribute values are not show in comparison product
#2571 [fixed] - compare icon should classify the total compare product added in the comparison page
#2568 [fixed] - Getting exception when update to default theme from the comparison page
#2567 [fixed] - Error 404 found when click on compare product image
#2563 [fixed] - error add in cart
#2562 [fixed] - error catalog/categories/create
#2556 [fixed] - Logo and favicon broken
#2552 [fixed] - error mysql 8
#2549 [fixed] - Invoices aren't legally valid.
#2541 [fixed] - Showing product's price with the price including tax
#2525 [fixed] - Add more settings to the installers
#2517 [fixed] - Product description text gets selected if click on drop down icon on product page
#2468 [fixed] - Guest user is able to checkout if guest checkout is disabled.
#2284 [fixed] - Layout issue in pt_BR locale.
#2540 [fixed] - add to cart and whitelist button overlap.
#2538 [fixed] - unable to place order for virtual & downloadable product.
#2533 [fixed] - Shipment email notification is not sending to customer.
#2529 [fixed] - [Webkul\Admin] Customer firstname & lastname are using wrong translations
#2527 [fixed] - Order datagrid is using static text.
#2526 [fixed] - Velocity backend route is not accessible in arabic locale.
#2519 [fixed] - filter price attribute throwing an exception.
#2500 [fixed] - Database reset fails.
#2494 [fixed] - Product total inventory for all locale is showing wrong.
#2491 [fixed] - Exception on Create/Edit bundle product.
#2490 [fixed] - missing zip code & country field in checkout page.
#2488 [fixed] - ErrorException When Editing product in different language.
#2480 [fixed] - Exception is thrown by mini cart when catalog rule is applied on configurable product.
#2479 [fixed] - showing total review in recent view product list.
#2469 [fixed] - Displaying wrong amount for bundle product in cart.
#2468 [fixed] - Guest user is able to checkout if guest checkout is disabled.
#2463 [fixed] - Tax rate is not update on same product.
#2459 [fixed] - shipping address field warning for guest customer not translated.
#2458 [fixed] - Payment method is not updating on checkout page.
#2451 [fixed] - Invoice totals don't tally when using non-base currency.
#2449 [fixed] - error clicking empty cart.
#2440 [fixed] - Advertisement Three Images is not working.
#2439 [fixed] - can't process for further checkout steps until all the address line filled.
#2438 [fixed] - Add hyphen - with cart discount amount.
#2436 [fixed] - error velocity/meta-data.
#2435 [fixed] - error composer install --no-dev.
#2424 [fixed] - Exception on frontend when default currency is not selected in currencies.
#2417 [fixed] - Inactive payment method or shipping method are showing in velocity footer content.
#2410 [fixed] - error button update cart.
#2403 [fixed] - Ratings icons show in category product view list for 0 rating.
#2400 [fixed] - Whole product price should be in bold in bundle product.
#2399 [fixed] - Layout issue in bundle product.
#2398 [fixed] - Mark all mandatory field in customer's billing address form.
#2397 [fixed] - Company Name field is not available in Billing Address form in velocity theme.
#2395 [fixed] - Can not add grouped product in cart more than one time, getting error message.
#2393 [fixed] - Getting exception on adding grouped product to cart.
#2391 [fixed] - toogle footer configuration is always true in velocity.
#2390 [fixed] - Add hyphen in Orders->Information section of customer.
#2388 [fixed] - order placed with blank billing address.
#2386 [fixed] - bundle product details in cart page should contains item details.
#2384 [fixed] - Vat id validation rule was changed, since then test action has failed.
#2382 [fixed] - If customer use shipping address other than billing address then also its showing the billing address in shipping address section.
#2381 [fixed] - Fix UI for linked product (related/upsell/cross sell).
#2378 [fixed] - Exception when adding velocity content page list.
#2377 [fixed] - Getting exception on creating a new category under any other category.
[feature] Updated to laravel version 6.
[feature] Added four new product types - Group, Bundle, Downloadable and Virtual.
[feature] Provided new theme (Velocity).
#2371 [fixed] - Getting exception on updating Category.
#2366 [fixed] - Not able to add logo for category, after saving the category logo gets removed.
#2362 [fixed] - Page Link Target of header content always save with self option.
#2357 [fixed] - Broken image link for locale logo.
#2355 [fixed] - UI issue when update product policy
#2346 [fixed] - Exception when search product based on selected category from search bar
#2341 [fixed] - wish listed items should be labeled by move to cart instead of add to cart if product already added in cart
#2340 [fixed] - Correct the success message on deleting content.
#2339 [fixed] - Selected content type is not showing in Content Pages List
#2337 [fixed] - Not getting category logo for 3rd level category.
#2336 [fixed] - Issue with multi level category.
#2335 [fixed] - Success alert should be shown while adding product into cart
#2330 [fixed] - different route found for customer profile edit page for velocity theme
#2328 [fixed] - Only first three viewed product display in recently viewed section, when customer view 4th product it doesn't get updated.
#2325 [fixed] - Left arrow should be out of the image area.
#2320 [fixed] - UI issue in sort by functionality.
#2319 [fixed] - UI issue when customer redirect to reset password page through received email.
#2318 [fixed] - Slider content is not showing properly on slider in velocity theme.
#2317 [fixed] - Multiple pop-up opens at a time if product is added in cart and customer click on Welcome Guest to sign-up or login.
#2300 [fixed] - Alignment issue on Billing Information page if user enter an email that already exist.
#2299 [fixed] - Vat Id field is not given is customer address form.
#2297 [fixed] - Always showing 0 review for product in recently viewed product even if multiple reviews are given to that product.
#2295 [fixed] - Admin not able to add address for customer if he add data in Vat id field.
#2293 [fixed] - On mouse hover, remove filter should be display as clickable.
#2288 [fixed] - Getting exception on mass delete of review from admin end.
#2285 [fixed] - Layout issue if category length is large.
#2282 [fixed] - Not getting any validation error message if current date of birth is selected in customer profile.
#2281 [fixed] - In minicart, whole minicart container is showing clickable but only image section gets clicked to redirect to product page.
#2280 [fixed] - Getting small checkbox on refreshing the product page.
#2279 [fixed] - Sort By functionality is not working in velocity theme.
#2275 [fixed] - Not able to place order for virtual product.
#2274 [fixed] - Not able to proceed for checkout after checkout/onepage in case of downloadable product.
#2273 [fixed] - Not getting password reset email for velocity theme
#2271 [fixed] - When clicking on dropdown icon of all categories, category list didn't get open.
#2265 [fixed] - Migrate issues with Velocity
#2264 [fixed] - Getting internal server error when place an order
#2263 [fixed] - Fix issue at review page
#2262 [fixed] - Issue with multiple images of same product
#2261 [fixed] - Not getting option to delete review if customer has reviewed only single product.
#2260 [fixed] - Not getting the header content.
#2259 [fixed] - Not getting category image on category page in velocity theme.
#2258 [fixed] - Need space between highlighted text.
#2257 [fixed] - User profile drop down option should be highlighted on mouse hover
#2256 [fixed] - close previous popup if clicks on another item
#2255 [fixed] - Theme page search bar passing string value
#2254 [fixed] - Fix layout for remove button in cart page for guest customer
#2253 [fixed] - Customer is not able to update his/her profile in velocity theme.
#2252 [fixed] - Customer is not able to save his/her address in velocity theme.
#2251 [fixed] - configurable product options could not get select
#2248 [fixed] - Provide an option to remove filter in velocity theme.
#2246 [fixed] - slider disable functionality is not working
#2245 [fixed] - slider content is not showing in velocity theme
#2243 [fixed] - Remove Image's Height [in Pixel], Image's Width [in Pixel] ,Image Alignment and Number of Subcategory from Configure->velocity theme.
#2242 [fixed] - Velocity Header content status should be enabled by default
#2241 [fixed] - Getting exception when save a category with category logo
#2239 [fixed] - User should not be able to create multiple channel with same hostname.
#2237 [fixed] - Error when trying to login with app.php locale set to ja
#2227 [fixed] - Grand total column is not visible in invoice pdf, also getting incorrect currency symbol for grand total.
#2226 [fixed] - Wrong price of product in case of multiple exchange rates.
#2225 [fixed] - Not able to export products according to locale.
#2207 [fixed] - Unable to delete Category.
#2204 [fixed] - category tree view doesn't visible in catalog rule condition
#2203 [fixed] - saved categories are not checked in condition of catalog/cart rule
#2202 [fixed] - catalog rule is not applied on product if product's special price date expired
#2198 [fixed] - Remove vat id column from customer address list
#2196 [fixed] - No data is visible in state field, issue exist at all section where state field is used.
#2192 [fixed] - For all grid of sales section when you export data in csv file order id heading is mentioned as increment id.
#2190 [fixed] - sku should be shown in product list if new product created
#2186 [fixed] - Ui issue in cart for pt_BR locale. Quantity is not visible properly.
#2185 [fixed] - Issue with configurable product in case of multi-locale. Variation option are not visible.
#2183 [fixed] - Add toolkit for add address.
#2182 [fixed] - missing option in Customer's Gender at admin end
#2181 [fixed] - Getting exception when creating/editing customer address from Admin end.
#2177 [fixed] - Category image can be add from anywhere
#2176 [fixed] - product price section is not getting highlighted if the warning exists
#2173 [fixed] - While creating locales value in direction dropdown is in small letters, but when you edit any locale it display in caps.
#2168 [fixed] - locale direction drop down always select ltr.
#2167 [fixed] - Translation issue in Payment description field.
#2165 [fixed] - Incorrect error message for password field of email configuration.
#2164 [fixed] - Redirect to incorrect url when click on finish button after installing through installer.
#2162 [fixed] - product's special price should not greater than price
#2149 [fixed] - Ui issue when installing through installer.Getting issue on all steps.
#2147 [fixed] - Sort order of bundle product doesn't work.
#2146 [fixed] - Getting exception on creating bundle product without any option.
#2145 [fixed] - Emails don't work on registration.
#2143 [fixed] - Attributes filterable checkbox - those who do not know will think that a bug!
#2139 [fixed] - Logic error in exchange rate calculation
#2132 [fixed] - Price range slider not displaying.
#2128 [fixed] - Click on add attribute, error is thrown.
#2124 [fixed] - Able to make all product as default while creating bundle product in select type option.
#2120 [fixed] - Not able to add new user as while creating user password its giving error confirm password doesn't match.
#2119 [fixed] - confirm password is not matching even if admin is entering similar password in password and confirm password.
#2118 [fixed] - Installation issue, getting exception on migrate command.
#2114 [fixed] - getting exception while recovering admin password in case admin did not enter the details in env.
#2089 [fixed] - Info missing on printing invoice at customer and admin end.
#2088 [fixed] - Getting exception on customer login.
#2087 [fixed] - Getting exception while adding configurable/bundle/grouped/Downloadable Type product to cart.
#2075 [fixed] - Getting exception if trying to select any parent category of root.
#2074 [fixed] - Getting exception while creating bundle type product.
#2071 [fixed] - Customer is not getting forget password email.
#2066 [fixed] - Exception while writing product review.
#2058 [fixed] - Not getting any validation message if entered admin credentials are wrong.
#2054 [fixed] -Automatically 1st item of bundle is getting selected as a default after saving product.
#2051 [fixed] - Forgot password not working due to recent changes in mail keys.
#2045 [fixed] - Login option is not coming while checkout with existing customer mail id.
#2033 [fixed] - API route for products throws error
#2012 [fixed] - Getting exception when clicking on view all under review section at product page.
#2001 [fixed] - php artisan route:list throws error.
#1998 [fixed] - Showing product sale amount as zero when creating a product, and a existing catalog rule apply on it.
#1997 [fixed] - Getting exception on adding attribute or creating product in bagisto on php version 7.4 .
#1994 [fixed] - Tax rate should only depend on zip code, state field should not be mandatory.
#1988 [fixed] - Country and City Names in Create Address is not coming based on Locale
#1987 [fixed] - MySQL query very slow if products in category is around 3000
#1986 [fixed] - Subscribe to newsletter does not work.
#1983 [fixed] - Getting exception on deleting admin logo.
#1980 [fixed] - UI issue in cart on changing locale.
#1979 [fixed] - Wrong calculation at customer as well as at admin end in due amount and grandtotal.
#1978 [fixed] - Getting exception if changing the locale from cart page, if translation is not written for that product.
#1977 [fixed] - On editing the product, selected category for that product is not checked.
#1976 [fixed] - Default attribute set should be selected in root category.
#1971 [fixed] - Filter is not working properly for id column in autogenerated coupon codes in cart rule.