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File metadata and controls

1388 lines (1220 loc) · 103 KB

General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS)

This document explains the types of files and data that comprise the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) and defines the fields used in all of those files.

Reference version

This documentation refers to v3.0-Draft (future version).

For the current version see version 2.3. For past and upcoming versions see the README.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119, BCP 14 and RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Table of Contents


This specification has been designed with the following concepts in mind:

  • Provide the status of the system at this moment
  • Do not provide information whose primary purpose is historical

The specification supports real-time travel advice in GBFS-consuming applications.

Term Definitions

This section defines terms that are used throughout this document.

  • JSON - (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight format for storing and transporting data. This document uses many terms defined by the JSON standard, including field, array, and object. (
  • Field - In JSON, a name/value pair consists of a field name (in double quotes), followed by a colon, followed by a value. (
  • GeoJSON - GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. (
  • REQUIRED - The field MUST be included in the dataset, and a value MUST be provided in that field for each record.
  • OPTIONAL - The field MAY be omitted from the dataset. If an OPTIONAL column is included, some of the entries in that field MAY be empty strings. An omitted field is equivalent to a field that is empty.
  • Conditionally REQUIRED - The field or file is REQUIRED under certain conditions, which are outlined in the field or file description. Outside of these conditions, this field or file is OPTIONAL.


File Name REQUIRED Defines
gbfs.json Yes
(as of v2.0)
Auto-discovery file that links to all of the other files published by the system.
gbfs_versions.json OPTIONAL Lists all feed endpoints published according to versions of the GBFS documentation.
system_information.json Yes Details including system operator, system location, year implemented, URL, contact info, time zone.
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED Describes the types of vehicles that System operator has available for rent. REQUIRED of systems that include information about vehicle types in the vehicle_status file. If this file is not included, then all vehicles in the feed are assumed to be non-motorized bicycles.
station_information.json Conditionally REQUIRED List of all stations, their capacities and locations. REQUIRED of systems utilizing docks.
station_status.json Conditionally REQUIRED Number of available vehicles and docks at each station and station availability. REQUIRED of systems utilizing docks.
vehicle_status.json Conditionally REQUIRED (as of v2.1) Describes all vehicles that are not currently in active rental. REQUIRED for free floating (dockless) vehicles. OPTIONAL for station based (docked) vehicles. Vehicles that are part of an active rental MUST NOT appear in this feed.
system_hours.json - This file is deprecated (as of v3.0-RC). See system_information.opening_hours for system hours of operation.
system_calendar.json - This file is deprecated (as of v3.0-RC). See system_information.opening_hours for system dates of operation.
system_regions.json OPTIONAL Regions the system is broken up into.
system_pricing_plans.json OPTIONAL System pricing scheme.
system_alerts.json OPTIONAL Current system alerts.
(added in v2.1)
OPTIONAL Geofencing zones and their associated rules and attributes.


Datasets SHOULD be published at an easily accessible, public, permanent URL. (for example, The URL SHOULD be directly available without requiring login to access the file to facilitate download by consuming software applications.

To be compliant with GBFS, all systems MUST have an entry in the systems.csv file.

Feed Availability

Automated tools for application performance monitoring SHOULD be used to ensure feed availability. Producers SHOULD provide a technical contact who can respond to feed outages in the feed_contact_email field in the system_information.json file.

Seasonal Shutdowns, Disruptions of Service

Feeds SHOULD continue to be published during seasonal or temporary shutdowns. Feed URLs SHOULD NOT return a 404. An empty vehicles array SHOULD be returned by vehicle_status.json. Stations in station_status.json SHOULD be set to is_renting:false, is_returning:false and is_installed:false where applicable. Seasonal shutdown dates SHOULD be reflected using opening_hours in system_information.json.

Announcements for disruptions of service, including disabled stations or temporary closures of stations or systems SHOULD be made in system_alerts.json.

Hours and Dates of Operation

Beginning with v3.0-RC, hours and dates of operation are described using the Open Street Map opening_hours format. The OSM opening_hours syntax is quite complex, therefore it is RECOMMENDED that publishers validate their opening_hours data to ensure its accuracy.

Hours and dates of operation SHOULD be published even in cases where services are continuously available 24/7. During periods when a system or station is outside of opening hours, stations SHOULD be set to is_renting = false. During these periods, station_status.json.num_vehicles_available and station_status.json.num_docks_available SHOULD reflect the number of vehicles and docks that would be available if the system or station were open. The vehicles array in vehicle_status SHOULD reflect those vehicles that are in the field and accessible to users that would be available for rental if the system were open.

File Requirements

  • All files MUST be valid JSON
  • All files in the spec MAY be published at a URL path or with an alternate name (e.g., station_info instead of station_information.json) (as of v2.0).
  • All data MUST be UTF-8 encoded
  • All deep links MUST use HTTPS
  • Line breaks MUST be represented by unix newline characters only (\n)
  • Pagination is not supported.

File Distribution

  • Files are distributed as individual HTTP endpoints.
    • All endpoints MUST use HTTPS
    • REQUIRED files MUST NOT 404. They MUST return a properly formatted JSON file as defined in Output Format.
    • OPTIONAL files MAY 404. A 404 of an OPTIONAL file SHOULD NOT be considered an error.

Version Endpoints

The version of the GBFS specification to which a feed conforms is declared in the version field in all files. See Output Format. All endpoints within a data set SHOULD conform to the same MAJOR or MINOR version. Mixing of versions within data sets is NOT RECOMMENDED.

GBFS documentation will include a list of current and past supported MAJOR and MINOR versions. Supported versions SHALL NOT span more than two MAJOR versions. Past versions with Supported status MAY be patched to correct bugs or vulnerabilities, but new features will not be introduced. Past versions with Deprecated status will not be patched, and their use SHOULD be discontinued. Producers SHOULD continue to maintain existing feeds while they have Supported status.

GBFS producers SHOULD provide endpoints that conform to the current MAJOR version release within 180 days of a new MAJOR version release. It is not necessary to support more than one MINOR release of the same MAJOR release group, because MINOR releases are backwards-compatible. See Specification Versioning.


Publishers SHOULD implement auto-discovery of GBFS feeds by linking to the location of the gbfs.json auto-discovery endpoint.

  • The location of the auto-discovery file SHOULD be provided in the HTML area of the shared mobility landing page hosted at the URL specified in the url field of the system_information.json file.
  • This is referenced via a link tag with the following format:
  • A shared mobility landing page MAY contain links to auto-discovery files for multiple systems.


  • Each set of data files SHOULD be distributed in a single language as defined in system_information.json.
  • A system that wants to publish feeds in multiple languages SHOULD do so by publishing multiple distributions, such as:

Text Fields and Naming

Rich text SHOULD NOT be stored in free form text fields. Fields SHOULD NOT contain HTML.

All customer-facing text strings (including station names) SHOULD use Mixed Case (not ALL CAPS), following local conventions for capitalization of place names on displays capable of displaying lower case characters.

  • Examples:
    • Central Park South
    • Villiers-sur-Marne
    • Market Street

Abbreviations SHOULD NOT be used for names and other text (for example, St. for Street), unless a location is called by its abbreviated name (for example, “JFK Airport”). Abbreviations may be problematic for accessibility by screen reader software and voice user interfaces. Consuming software can be engineered to reliably convert full words to abbreviations for display, but converting from abbreviations to full words is prone to more risk of error.

Names used for stations, virtual stations, and geofenced areas SHOULD be human-readable. Naming conventions used for locations SHOULD consider a variety of use cases including both text and maps.

Descriptions SHOULD NOT include information so specific that it could be used in tracking of vehicles or trips.

Coordinate Precision

Feeds SHOULD provide 6 digits (0.000001) of precision for decimal degrees lat/lon coordinates.

Decimal places Degrees Distance at the Equator
0 1.0 111 km
1 0.1 11.1 km
2 0.01 1.11 km
3 0.001 111 m
4 0.0001 11.1 m
5 0.00001 1.11 m
6 0.000001 0.11 m
7 0.0000001 1.11 cm

Data Latency

The data returned by the near-realtime endpoints station_status.json and vehicle_status.json SHOULD be as close to realtime as possible, but in no case should it be more than 5 minutes out-of-date. Appropriate values SHOULD be set using the ttl property for each endpoint based on how often the data in feeds are refreshed or updated. For near-realtime endpoints where the data should always be refreshed, the ttl value SHOULD be 0. Thelast_updated timestamp represents the publisher's knowledge of the current state of the system at this point in time. The last_reported timestamp represents the last time a station or vehicle reported its status to the operator's backend.


It is RECOMMENDED that all GBFS data sets be offered under an open data license. Open data licenses allow consumers to freely use, modify, and share GBFS data for any purpose in perpetuity. Licensing of GBFS data provides certainty to GBFS consumers, allowing them to integrate GBFS data into their work. All GBFS data sets SHOULD specify a license using the license_id field with an SPDX identifier or by using the license_url field with a URL pointing to a custom license in system_information.json. See the GBFS repo for a comparison of a subset of standard licenses.

Field Types

  • Array - A JSON element consisting of an ordered sequence of zero or more values.
  • Boolean - One of two possible values, trueor false. Boolean values MUST be JSON booleans, not strings (meaning true or false, not "true" or "false"). (as of v2.0)
  • Country code - Country code following the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 notation.
  • Date - A date in the ISO 8601 Complete Date Extended Format: YYYY-MM-DD . Example: 2019-09-13 for September 13th, 2019.
  • Datetime (added in v2.3-RC2)- Combination of a date and a time following ISO 8601 notation. Attributes : year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and timezone.
  • Email - An email address. Example: [email protected]
  • Enum (Enumerable values) - An option from a set of predefined constants in the "Defines" column. Enum values SHOULD be lowercase. Example: The rental_methods field contains values creditcard, paypass, etc...
  • Float (added in v2.1) - A 32-bit floating point number.
  • GeoJSON FeatureCollection - A FeatureCollection as described by the IETF RFC 7946
  • GeoJSON MultiPolygon - A Geometry Object as described by the IETF RFC
  • ID - Should be represented as a string that identifies that particular entity. An ID:
    • MUST be unique within like fields (for example, station_id MUST be unique among stations)
    • Does not have to be globally unique, unless otherwise specified
    • MUST NOT contain spaces
    • MUST be persistent for a given entity (station, plan, etc.). An exception is vehicle_id, which MUST NOT be persistent for privacy reasons (see vehicle_status.json). (as of v2.0)
  • Language - An IETF BCP 47 language code. For an introduction to IETF BCP 47, refer to and Examples: en for English, en-US for American English, or de for German.
  • Latitude - WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees. The value MUST be greater than or equal to -90.0 and less than or equal to 90.0. Example: 41.890169 for the Colosseum in Rome.
  • Longitude - WGS84 longitude in decimal degrees. The value MUST be greater than or equal to -180.0 and less than or equal to 180.0. Example: 12.492269 for the Colosseum in Rome.
  • Non-negative Float - A 32-bit floating point number greater than or equal to 0.
  • Non-negative Integer - An integer greater than or equal to 0.
  • Object - A JSON element consisting of key-value pairs (fields).
  • Phone Number as of v3.0-RC - Phone number in E.164 format. The phone number MUST start with a "+". The characters following the "+" MUST be integers and MUST NOT contain any hyphens, spaces or parentheses.
  • String - Can only contain text. Strings MUST NOT contain any formatting codes (including HTML) other than newlines.
  • Time - Service time in the HH:MM:SS format for the time zone indicated in system_information.json (00:00:00 - 47:59:59). Time can stretch up to one additional day in the future to accommodate situations where, for example, a system was open from 11:30pm - 11pm the next day (23:30:00-47:00:00).
  • Timestamp - Timestamp fields MUST be represented as integers in POSIX time (representing the number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
  • Timezone - TZ timezone from the Timezone names never contain the space character but MAY contain an underscore. Refer to for a list of valid values. Example: Asia/Tokyo, America/Los_Angeles or Africa/Cairo.
  • URI - A fully qualified URI that includes the scheme (for example, Any special characters in the URI MUST be correctly escaped. See the following for a description of how to create fully qualified URI values. Note that URIs MAY be URLs.
  • URL - A fully qualified URL that includes http:// or https://. Any special characters in the URL MUST be correctly escaped. See the following for a description of how to create fully qualified URL values.

Extensions Outside of the Specification

To accommodate the needs of feed producers and consumers prior to the adoption of a change, additional fields can be added to feeds even if these fields are not part of the official specification. Custom extensions that may provide value to the GBFS community and align with the GBFS Guiding Principles SHOULD be proposed for inclusion in the specification through the change process. Extreme caution is advised to avoid introducing extensions which may be used to track the movements of vehicles or their users.

Field names of extensions SHOULD be prefixed with an underscore ( _ ) character. It is strongly RECOMMENDED that these additional fields be documented on the wiki page of the GBFS repository in this format:

Submitted by Field Name File Name Defines
Publisher's name _field_name Name of GBFS endpoint where field is used Description of purpose of use

JSON Files

Output Format

Every JSON file presented in this specification contains the same common header information at the top level of the JSON response object:

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
last_updated Yes Timestamp Indicates the last time data in the feed was updated. This timestamp represents the publisher's knowledge of the current state of the system at this point in time.
ttl Yes Non-negative integer Number of seconds before the data in the feed will be updated again (0 if the data should always be refreshed).
version Yes String GBFS version number to which the feed conforms, according to the versioning framework.
data Yes Object Response data in the form of name:value pairs.


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 3600,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "name": "Example Bike Rental",
    "system_id": "example_cityname",
    "timezone": "America/Chicago",
    "language": "en"


The gbfs.json discovery file SHOULD represent a single system or geographic area in which vehicles are operated. The location (URL) of the gbfs.json file SHOULD be made available to the public using the specification’s auto-discovery function.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
language Yes Language The language that will be used throughout the rest of the files. It MUST match the value in the system_information.json file.
feeds Yes Array An array of all of the feeds that are published by this auto-discovery file. Each element in the array is an object with the keys below.
 - name Yes String Key identifying the type of feed this is. The key MUST be the base file name defined in the spec for the corresponding feed type (system_information for system_information.json file, station_information for station_information.json file).
 - url Yes URL URL for the feed. Note that the actual feed endpoints (urls) may not be defined in the file_name.json format. For example, a valid feed endpoint could end with station_info instead of station_information.json.


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "en": {
      "feeds": [
          "name": "system_information",
          "url": ""
          "name": "station_information",
          "url": ""
    "fr" : {
      "feeds": [
          "name": "system_information",
          "url": ""
          "name": "station_information",
          "url": ""


Each expression of a GBFS feed describes all of the versions that are available.

The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
versions Yes Array Contains one object, as defined below, for each of the available versions of a feed. The array MUST be sorted by increasing MAJOR and MINOR version number.
version Yes String The semantic version of the feed in the form X.Y.
url Yes URL URL of the corresponding gbfs.json endpoint.


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "versions": [
        "version": "2.0",
        "url": ""
        "version": "3.0",
        "url": ""


The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
system_id Yes ID This is a globally unique identifier for the vehicle share system. Each distinct system or geographic area in which vehicles are operated MUST have its own unique system_id. It is up to the publisher of the feed to guarantee uniqueness and MUST be checked against existing system_id fields in systems.csv to ensure this. This value is intended to remain the same over the life of the system.

System IDs SHOULD be recognizable as belonging to a particular system as opposed to random strings - for example, bcycle_austin or biketown_pdx.
language Yes Language The language that will be used throughout the rest of the files. It MUST match the value in the gbfs.json file.
name Yes String Name of the system to be displayed to customers.
(added in v3.0-RC)
Yes String Hours and dates of operation for the system in OSM opening_hours format. (added in v3.0-RC)
short_name OPTIONAL String OPTIONAL abbreviation for a system.
operator OPTIONAL String Name of the system operator.
url OPTIONAL URL The URL of the vehicle share system.
purchase_url OPTIONAL URL URL where a customer can purchase a membership.
start_date OPTIONAL Date Date that the system began operations.
(as of v3.0-RC)
OPTIONAL Phone Number This OPTIONAL field SHOULD contain a single voice telephone number for the specified system’s customer service department. MUST be in E.164 format as defined in Field Types.
email OPTIONAL Email This OPTIONAL field SHOULD contain a single contact email address actively monitored by the operator’s customer service department. This email address SHOULD be a direct contact point where riders can reach a customer service representative.
feed_contact_email OPTIONAL Email This OPTIONAL field SHOULD contain a single contact email for feed consumers to report technical issues with the feed.
timezone Yes Timezone The time zone where the system is located.
(added in v3.0-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED String REQUIRED if the dataset is provided under a standard license. An identifier for a standard license from the SPDX License List. Provide license_id rather than license_url if the license is included in the SPDX License List. See the GBFS wiki for a comparison of a subset of standard licenses. If the license_id and license_url fields are blank or omitted, this indicates that the feed is provided under the Creative Commons Universal Public Domain Dedication.
license_url Conditionally REQUIRED
(as of v3.0-RC)
URL REQUIRED if the dataset is provided under a customized license. A fully qualified URL of a page that defines the license terms for the GBFS data for this system. Do not specify a license_url if license_id is specified. If the license_id and license_url fields are blank or omitted, this indicates that the feed is provided under the Creative Commons Universal Public Domain Dedication. (as of v3.0-RC)
(added in v3.0-RC)
OPTIONAL String If the feed license requires attribution, name of the organization to which attribution should be provided.
(added in v3.0-RC)
OPTIONAL URL URL of the organization to which attribution should be provided.
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL Object An object where each key defines one of the items listed below.
- brand_last_modified
(added in v2.3-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED Date REQUIRED if brand_assets object is defined. Date that indicates the last time any included brand assets were updated or modified.
- brand_terms_url
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL URL A fully qualified URL pointing to the location of a page that defines the license terms of brand icons, colors, or other trademark information. This field MUST NOT take the place of license_url or license_id.
- brand_image_url
(added in v2.3-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED URL REQUIRED if brand_assets object is defined. A fully qualified URL pointing to the location of a graphic file representing the brand for the service. File MUST be in SVG V1.1 format and MUST be either square or round.
- brand_image_url_dark
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL URL A fully qualified URL pointing to the location of a graphic file representing the brand for the service for use in dark mode applications. File MUST be in SVG V1.1 format and MUST be either square or round.
- color
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL String Color used to represent the brand for the service expressed as a 6 digit hexadecimal color code in the form #000000.
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL URL A fully qualified URL pointing to the terms of service (also often called "terms of use" or "terms and conditions") for the service.
(added in v2.3-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED Date REQUIRED if terms_url is defined. The date that the terms of service provided at terms_url were last updated.
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL URL A fully qualified URL pointing to the privacy policy for the service.
(added in v2.3-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED Date REQUIRED if privacy_url is defined. The date that the privacy policy provided at privacy_url was last updated.
rental_apps OPTIONAL Object Contains rental app information in the android and ios JSON objects.
android OPTIONAL Object Contains rental app download and app discovery information for the Android platform in the store_uri and discovery_uri fields. See examples of how to use these fields and supported analytics.
 - store_uri Conditionally REQUIRED URI URI where the rental Android app can be downloaded from. Typically this will be a URI to an app store, such as Google Play. If the URI points to an app store, the URI SHOULD follow Android best practices so the viewing app can directly open the URI to the native app store app instead of a website.

If a field is populated, then this field is REQUIRED.

See the Analytics section for how viewing apps can report the origin of the deep link to rental apps.

Example value:
 - discovery_uri Conditionally REQUIRED URI URI that can be used to discover if the rental Android app is installed on the device (for example, using PackageManager.queryIntentActivities()). This intent is used by viewing apps to prioritize rental apps for a particular user based on whether they already have a particular rental app installed.

REQUIRED if a field is populated.

Example value:
ios OPTIONAL Object Contains rental information for the iOS platform in the store_uri and discovery_uri fields. See examples of how to use these fields and supported analytics.
 - store_uri Conditionally REQUIRED URI URI where the rental iOS app can be downloaded from. Typically this will be a URI to an app store, such as the Apple App Store. If the URI points to an app store, the URI SHOULD follow iOS best practices so the viewing app can directly open the URI to the native app store app instead of a website.

If a rental_uris.ios field is populated, then this field is REQUIRED.

See the Analytics section for how viewing apps can report the origin of the deep link to rental apps.

Example value:
 - discovery_uri Conditionally REQUIRED URI URI that can be used to discover if the rental iOS app is installed on the device (for example, using UIApplication canOpenURL:). This intent is used by viewing apps to prioritize rental apps for a particular user based on whether they already have a particular rental app installed.

REQUIRED if a rental_uris.ios field is populated.

Example value: com.example.ios://


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 1800,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "system_id": "example_cityname",
    "language": "en",
    "name": "Example Bike Rental",
    "short_name": "Example Bike",
    "operator": "Example Sharing, Inc",
    "opening_hours": "Apr 1 - Nov 3 00:00-24:00",
    "start_date": "2010-06-10",
    "url": "",
    "purchase_url": "",
    "phone_number": "+18005551234",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "feed_contact_email": "[email protected]",
    "timezone": "America/Chicago",
    "license_url": "",
    "terms_url": "",
    "terms_last_updated": "2021-06-21",
    "privacy_url": "",
    "privacy_last_updated": "2019-01-13",
    "rental_apps": {
      "android": {
        "discovery_uri": "",
        "store_uri": ""
      "ios": {
        "store_uri": "",
        "discovery_uri": "com.example.ios://"
    "brand_assets": {
        "brand_last_modified": "2021-06-15",
        "brand_image_url": "",
        "brand_image_url_dark": "",
        "color": "#C2D32C",
        "brand_terms_url": ""


(added in v2.1)

REQUIRED of systems that include information about vehicle types in the vehicle_status.json file. If this file is not included, then all vehicles in the feed are assumed to be non-motorized bicycles. This file SHOULD be published by systems offering multiple vehicle types for rental, for example pedal bikes and ebikes.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
vehicle_types Yes Array Array that contains one object per vehicle type in the system as defined below.
- vehicle_type_id Yes ID Unique identifier of a vehicle type. See Field Types above for ID field requirements.
- form_factor Yes Enum The vehicle's general form factor.

Current valid values are:
  • bicycle
  • cargo_bicycle (added in v2.3-RC2)
  • car
  • moped
  • scooter_standing (standing kick scooter, added in v2.3-RC2)
  • scooted_seated (this is a kick scooter with a seat, not to be confused with moped, added in v2.3-RC2)
  • other
- rider_capacity
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative integer The number of riders (driver included) the vehicle can legally accommodate.
- cargo_volume_capacity
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative integer Cargo volume available in the vehicle, expressed in liters. For cars, it corresponds to the space between the boot floor, including the storage under the hatch, to the rear shelf in the trunk.
- cargo_load_capacity
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative integer The capacity of the vehicle cargo space (excluding passengers), expressed in kilograms.
- propulsion_type Yes Enum The primary propulsion type of the vehicle.

Current valid values are:
  • human (Pedal or foot propulsion)
  • electric_assist (Provides electric motor assist only in combination with human propulsion - no throttle mode)
  • electric (Powered by battery-powered electric motor with throttle mode)
  • combustion (Powered by gasoline combustion engine)
  • combustion_diesel (Powered by diesel combustion engine, added in v2.3-RC2)
  • hybrid (Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor, added in v2.3-RC2)
  • plug_in_hybrid (Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor with plug-in charging, added in v2.3-RC2)
  • hydrogen_fuel_cell (Powered by hydrogen fuel cell powered electric motor, added in v2.3-RC2)
This field was inspired by, but differs from the propulsion types field described in the Open Mobility Foundation Mobility Data Specification.
- eco_label
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Array Vehicle air quality certificate. Official anti-pollution certificate, based on the information on the vehicle's registration certificate, attesting to its level of pollutant emissions based on a defined standard. In Europe, for example, it is the European emission standard. The aim of this measure is to encourage the use of the least polluting vehicles by allowing them to drive during pollution peaks or in low emission zones.

Each element in the array is an object with the keys below.
 -  country_code
(added in v2.3-RC2)
Conditionally REQUIRED Country code REQUIRED if eco_label is defined. Country where the eco_sticker applies.
 -  eco_sticker
(added in v2.3-RC2)
Conditionally REQUIRED String REQUIRED if eco_label is defined. Name of the eco label. The name must be written in lowercase, separated by an underscore.

Example of eco_sticker in Europe :
  • CritAirLabel (France)
    • critair
    • critair_1
    • critair_2
    • critair_3
    • critair_4
    • critair_5
  • UmweltPlakette (Germany)
    • euro_2
    • euro_3
    • euro_4
    • euro_5
    • euro_6
    • euro_6_temp
    • euro_E
  • UmweltPickerl (Austrich)
    • euro_1
    • euro_2
    • euro_3
    • euro_4
    • euro_5
  • Reg_certificates (Belgium)
    • reg_certificates
  • Distintivo_ambiental (Spain)
    • 0
    • eco
    • b
    • c
- max_range_meters Conditionally REQUIRED Non-negative float If the vehicle has a motor (as indicated by having a value other than human in the propulsion_type field), this field is REQUIRED. This represents the furthest distance in meters that the vehicle can travel without recharging or refueling when it has the maximum amount of energy potential (for example, a full battery or full tank of gas).
- name OPTIONAL String The public name of this vehicle type.
- vehicle_accessories
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Array Description of accessories available in the vehicle. These accessories are part of the vehicle and are not supposed to change frequently. Current valid values are:
  • air_conditioning (Vehicle has air conditioning)
  • automatic (Automatic gear switch)
  • manual (Manual gear switch)
  • convertible (Vehicle is convertible)
  • cruise_control (Vehicle has a cruise control system ("Tempomat"))
  • doors_2 (Vehicle has 2 doors)
  • doors_3 (Vehicle has 3 doors)
  • doors_4 (Vehicle has 4 doors)
  • doors_5 (Vehicle has 5 doors)
  • navigation (Vehicle has a built-in navigation system)
- g_CO2_km
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative integer Maximum quantity of CO2, in grams, emitted per kilometer, according to the WLTP.
- vehicle_image
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL URL URL to an image that would assist the user in identifying the vehicle (for example, an image of the vehicle or a logo).
Allowed formats: JPEG, PNG.
- make
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL String The name of the vehicle manufacturer.

  • CUBE Bikes
  • Renault
- model
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL String The name of the vehicle model.

  • Giulia
  • MX50
- color
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL String The color of the vehicle.

All words must be in lower case, without special characters, quotation marks, hyphens, underscores, commas, or dots. Spaces are allowed in case of a compound name.

  • green
  • dark blue
- wheel_count
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative Integer Number of wheels this vehicle type has.
- max_permitted_speed
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative Integer The maximum speed in kilometers per hour this vehicle is permitted to reach in accordance with local permit and regulations.
- rated_power
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative Integer The rated power of the motor for this vehicle type in watts.
- default_reserve_time
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL Non-negative Integer Maximum time in minutes that a vehicle can be reserved before a rental begins. When a vehicle is reserved by a user, the vehicle remains locked until the rental begins. During this time the vehicle is unavailable and cannot be reserved or rented by other users. The vehicle status in vehicle_status.json MUST be set to is_reserved = true. If the value of default_reserve_time elapses without a rental beginning, the vehicle status MUST change to is_reserved = false. If default_reserve_time is set to 0, the vehicle type cannot be reserved.
- return_constraint
(as of v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Enum The conditions for returning the vehicle at the end of the rental.

Current valid values are:
  • free_floating (The vehicle can be returned anywhere permitted within the service area. Note that the vehicle is subject to rules in geofencing_zones.json if defined.)
  • roundtrip_station (The vehicle has to be returned to the same station from which it was initially rented. Note that a specific station can be assigned to the vehicle in free_bike_status.json using home_station.)
  • any_station (The vehicle has to be returned to any station within the service area.)
  • hybrid (The vehicle can be returned to any station, or anywhere else permitted within the service area. Note that the vehicle is subject to rules in geofencing_zones.json if defined.)
- vehicle_assets
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL Object An object where each key defines one of the items listed below.
  - icon_url
(added in v2.3-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED URL REQUIRED if vehicle_assets is defined. A fully qualified URL pointing to the location of a graphic icon file that MAY be used to represent this vehicle type on maps and in other applications. File MUST be in SVG V1.1 format and MUST be either square or round.
  - icon_url_dark
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL URL A fully qualified URL pointing to the location of a graphic icon file to be used to represent this vehicle type when in dark mode on maps and in other applications. File MUST be in SVG V1.1 format and MUST be either square or round.
  - icon_last_modified
(added in v2.3-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED Date REQUIRED if vehicle_assets is defined. Date that indicates the last time any included vehicle icon images were modified or updated.
- default_pricing_plan_id
(added in v2.3-RC)
Conditionally REQUIRED ID REQUIRED if system_pricing_plans.json is defined. A plan_id, as defined in system_pricing_plans.json, that identifies a default pricing plan for this vehicle to be used by trip planning applications for purposes of calculating the cost of a single trip using this vehicle type. This default pricing plan is superseded by pricing_plan_id when pricing_plan_id is defined in vehicle_status.json Publishers SHOULD define default_pricing_plan_id first and then override it using pricing_plan_id in vehicle_status.json when necessary.
- pricing_plan_ids
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL Array Array of all pricing plan IDs, as defined in system_pricing_plans.json, that are applied to this vehicle type.

This array SHOULD be published when there are multiple pricing plans defined in system_pricing_plans.json that apply to a single vehicle type.


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "vehicle_types": [
        "vehicle_type_id": "abc123",
        "form_factor": "bicycle",
        "propulsion_type": "human",
        "name": "Example Basic Bike",
        "wheel_count": 2,
        "default_reserve_time": 30,
        "return_constraint": "any_station",
        "vehicle_assets": {
          "icon_url": "",
          "icon_url_dark": "",
          "icon_last_modified": "2021-06-15"
        "default_pricing_plan_id": "bike_plan_1",
        "pricing_plan_ids": [
        "vehicle_type_id": "cargo123",
        "form_factor": "cargo_bicycle",
        "propulsion_type": "human",
        "name": "Example Cargo Bike",
        "wheel_count": 3,
        "default_reserve_time": 30,
        "return_constraint": "roundtrip_station",
        "vehicle_assets": {
          "icon_url": "",
          "icon_url_dark": "",
          "icon_last_modified": "2021-06-15"
        "default_pricing_plan": "cargo_plan_1",
        "pricing_plans": [
        "vehicle_type_id": "def456",
        "form_factor": "scooter_standing",
        "propulsion_type": "electric",
        "name": "Example E-scooter V2",
        "wheel_count": 2,
        "max_permitted_speed": 25,
        "rated_power": 350,
        "default_reserve_time": 30,
        "max_range_meters": 12345,
        "return_constraint": "free_floating",
        "vehicle_assets": {
          "icon_url": "",
          "icon_url_dark": "",
          "icon_last_modified": "2021-06-15"
        "default_pricing_plan_id": "scooter_plan_1"
        "vehicle_type_id": "car1",
        "form_factor": "car",
        "rider_capacity": 5,
        "min_cargo_volume_capacity": 200,
        "propulsion_type": "combustion_diesel",
        "eco_label": [
            "country_code": "FR",
            "eco_sticker": "critair_1"
            "country_code": "DE",
            "eco_sticker": "euro_2"
        "name": "Four-door Sedan",
        "wheel_count": 4,
        "default_reserve_time": 0,
        "max_range_meters": 523992,
        "return_constraint": "roundtrip_station",
        "vehicle_accessories": [
        "g_CO2_km": 120,
        "vehicle_image": "",
        "make": "Renault",
        "model": "Clio",
        "color": "white",
        "vehicle_assets": {
          "icon_url": "",
          "icon_url_dark": "",
          "icon_last_modified": "2021-06-15"
        "default_pricing_plan_id": "car_plan_1"


All stations included in station_information.json are considered public (meaning they can be shown on a map for public use). If there are private stations (such as Capital Bikeshare’s White House station), these SHOULD NOT be included here. Any station that is represented in station_information.json MUST have a corresponding entry in station_status.json.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
stations Yes Array Array that contains one object per station as defined below.
station_id Yes ID Identifier of a station.
name Yes String The public name of the station for display in maps, digital signage, and other text applications. Names SHOULD reflect the station location through the use of a cross street or local landmark. Abbreviations SHOULD NOT be used for names and other text (for example, "St." for "Street") unless a location is called by its abbreviated name (for example, “JFK Airport”). See Text Fields and Naming.
  • Broadway and East 22nd Street
  • Convention Center
  • Central Park South
short_name OPTIONAL String Short name or other type of identifier.
lat Yes Latitude Latitude of the station in decimal degrees. This field SHOULD have a precision of 6 decimal places (0.000001). See Coordinate Precision.
lon Yes Longitude Longitude of the station in decimal degrees. This field SHOULD have a precision of 6 decimal places (0.000001). See Coordinate Precision.
address OPTIONAL String Address (street number and name) where station is located. This MUST be a valid address, not a free-form text description. Example: 1234 Main Street
cross_street OPTIONAL String Cross street or landmark where the station is located.
region_id OPTIONAL ID Identifier of the region where station is located. See system_regions.json.
post_code OPTIONAL String Postal code where station is located.
(added in v3.0-RC)
OPTIONAL String Hours of operation for the station in OSM opening_hours format. If station_opening_hours is defined it overrides any opening_hours defined in system_information.json for the station for which it is defined.
rental_methods OPTIONAL Array Payment methods accepted at this station.
Current valid values are:
  • key (operator issued vehicle key / fob / card)
  • creditcard
  • paypass
  • applepay
  • androidpay
  • transitcard
  • accountnumber
  • phone
(added in v2.1)
OPTIONAL Boolean Is this station a location with or without smart dock technology?

true - The station is a location without smart docking infrastructure. the station may be defined by a point (lat/lon) and/or station_area (below).

false - The station consists of smart docking infrastructure (docks).

This field SHOULD be published by mobility systems that have station locations without standard, internet connected physical docking infrastructure. These may be racks or geofenced areas designated for rental and/or return of vehicles. Locations that fit within this description SHOULD have the is_virtual_station boolean set to true.
(added in v2.1)
OPTIONAL GeoJSON MultiPolygon A GeoJSON MultiPolygon that describes the area of a virtual station. If station_area is supplied, then the record describes a virtual station.

If lat/lon and station_area are both defined, the lat/lon is the significant coordinate of the station (for example, parking facility or valet drop-off and pick up point). The station_area takes precedence over any ride_allowed rules in overlapping geofencing_zones.
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Enum Type of parking station.

Current valid values are:
  • parking_lot (Off-street parking lot)
  • street_parking (Curbside parking)
  • underground_parking (Parking that is below street level, station may be non-communicating)
  • sidewalk_parking (Park vehicle on sidewalk, out of the pedestrian right of way)
  • other
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Boolean Are parking hoops present at this station?

true - Parking hoops are present at this station.
false - Parking hoops are not present at this station.

Parking hoops are lockable devices that are used to secure a parking space to prevent parking of unauthorized vehicles.
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Phone number Contact phone of the station.
capacity OPTIONAL Non-negative integer Number of total docking points installed at this station, both available and unavailable, regardless of what vehicle types are allowed at each dock.

If this is a virtual station defined using the is_virtual_station field, this number represents the total number of vehicles of all types that can be parked at the virtual station.

If the virtual station is defined by station_area, this is the number that can park within the station area. If lat/lon are defined, this is the number that can park at those coordinates.
(added in v2.1)
OPTIONAL Object An object used to describe the parking capacity of virtual stations (defined using the is_virtual_station field), where each key is a vehicle_type_id as described in vehicle_types.json and the value is a number representing the total number of vehicles of this type that can park within the virtual station.

If the virtual station is defined by station_area, this is the number that can park within the station area. If lat/lon is defined, this is the number that can park at those coordinates.
(added in v2.1)
OPTIONAL Object An object used to describe the docking capacity of a station where each key is a vehicle_type_id as described in vehicle_types.json and the value is a number representing the total docking points installed at this station, both available and unavailable for the specified vehicle type.
(added in v2.1)
OPTIONAL Boolean Are valet services provided at this station?

true - Valet services are provided at this station.
false - Valet services are not provided at this station.

If this field is empty, it is assumed that valet services are not provided at this station.

This field’s boolean SHOULD be set to true during the hours which valet service is provided at the station. Valet service is defined as providing unlimited capacity at a station.
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL Boolean Does the station support charging of electric vehicles?

true - Electric vehicle charging is available at this station.
false - Electric vehicle charging is not available at this station.
rental_uris OPTIONAL Object Contains rental URIs for Android, iOS, and web in the android, ios, and web fields. See examples of how to use these fields and supported analytics.
 - android OPTIONAL URI URI that can be passed to an Android app with an android.intent.action.VIEW Android intent to support Android Deep Links ( Please use Android App Links ( if possible so viewing apps do not need to manually manage the redirect of the user to the app store if the user does not have the application installed.

This URI SHOULD be a deep link specific to this station, and SHOULD NOT be a general rental page that includes information for more than one station. The deep link SHOULD take users directly to this station, without any prompts, interstitial pages, or logins. Make sure that users can see this station even if they never previously opened the application.

If this field is empty, it means deep linking is not supported in the native Android rental app.

Note that the URI does not necessarily include the station_id for this station - other identifiers can be used by the rental app within the URI to uniquely identify this station.

See the Analytics section for how viewing apps can report the origin of the deep link to rental apps.

Android App Links example value:

Deep Link (without App Links) example value:
 - ios OPTIONAL URI URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this station. More information on this iOS feature can be found here. Please use iOS Universal Links ( if possible so viewing apps do not need to manually manage the redirect of the user to the app store if the user does not have the application installed.

This URI SHOULD be a deep link specific to this station, and SHOULD NOT be a general rental page that includes information for more than one station. The deep link SHOULD take users directly to this station, without any prompts, interstitial pages, or logins. Make sure that users can see this station even if they never previously opened the application.

If this field is empty, it means deep linking is not supported in the native iOS rental app.

Note that the URI does not necessarily include the station_id for this station - other identifiers can be used by the rental app within the URI to uniquely identify this station.

See the Analytics section for how viewing apps can report the origin of the deep link to rental apps.

iOS Universal Links example value:

Deep Link (without Universal Links) example value: com.example.ios://
 - web OPTIONAL URL URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle at this station.

This URL SHOULD be a deep link specific to this station, and SHOULD NOT be a general rental page that includes information for more than one station. The deep link SHOULD take users directly to this station, without any prompts, interstitial pages, or logins. Make sure that users can see this station even if they never previously opened the application.

If this field is empty, it means deep linking is not supported for web browsers.

Example value:

Example 1: Physical station with limited hours of operation

  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "stations": [
        "station_id": "pga",
        "name": "Parking garage A",
        "lat": 12.345678,
        "lon": 45.678901,
        "station_opening_hours": "Su-Th 05:00-22:00; Fr-Sa 05:00-01:00",
        "parking_type": "underground_parking",
        "parking_hoop": false,
        "contact_phone": "+33109874321",
        "is_charging_station": true,
        "vehicle_type_dock_capacity": {
          "abc123": 7,
          "def456": 9

Example 2: Virtual station

  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "stations": [
        "station_id": "station12",
        "name": "SE Belmont & SE 10th",
        "lat": 45.516445,
        "lon": -122.655775,
        "is_valet_station": false,
        "is_virtual_station": true,
        "is_charging_station": "false",
        "station_area": {
          "type": "MultiPolygon",
          "coordinates": [
        "capacity": 16,
        "vehicle_type_area_capacity": {
          "abc123": 8,
          "def456": 8,
          "ghi789": 16


Describes the capacity and rental availability of a station. Data returned SHOULD be as close to realtime as possible, but in no case should it be more than 5 minutes out-of-date. See Data Latency. Data reflects the operator's most recent knowledge of the station’s status. Any station that is represented in station_status.json MUST have a corresponding entry in station_information.json.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
stations Yes Array Array that contains one object per station in the system as defined below.
station_id Yes ID Identifier of a station. See station_information.json.
num_vehicles_available Yes Non-negative integer Number of functional vehicles physically at the station that may be offered for rental. To know if the vehicles are available for rental, see is_renting.

If is_renting = true this is the number of vehicles that are currently available for rent. If is_renting =false this is the number of vehicles that would be available for rent if the station were set to allow rentals.
- vehicle_types_available
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED Array REQUIRED if the vehicle_types.json file has been defined. This field's value is an array of objects. Each of these objects is used to model the total number of each defined vehicle type available at a station. The total number of vehicles from each of these objects SHOULD add up to match the value specified in the num_vehicles_available field.
 - vehicle_type_id
(added in v2.1)
Yes ID The vehicle_type_id of each vehicle type at the station as described in vehicle_types.json. This field is REQUIRED if the vehicle_types.json is defined.
 - count
(added in v2.1)
Yes Non-negative integer A number representing the total number of available vehicles of the corresponding vehicle_type_id as defined in vehicle_types.json at the station.
num_vehicles_disabled OPTIONAL Non-negative integer Number of disabled vehicles of any type at the station. Vendors who do not want to publicize the number of disabled vehicles or docks in their system can opt to omit station capacity (in station_information.json, num_vehicles_disabled, and num_docks_disabled (as of v2.0). If station capacity is published, then broken docks/vehicles can be inferred (though not specifically whether the decreased capacity is a broken vehicle or dock).
num_docks_available Conditionally REQUIRED
(as of v2.0)
Non-negative integer REQUIRED except for stations that have unlimited docking capacity (e.g. virtual stations) (as of v2.0). Number of functional docks physically at the station that are able to accept vehicles for return. To know if the docks are accepting vehicle returns, see is_returning.

If is_returning = true this is the number of docks that are currently available to accept vehicle returns. If is_returning = false this is the number of docks that would be available if the station were set to allow returns.
- vehicle_docks_available
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED Array This field is REQUIRED in feeds where the vehicle_types.json is defined and where certain docks are only able to accept certain vehicle types. If every dock at the station is able to accept any vehicle type, then this field is not REQUIRED. This field's value is an array of objects. Each of these objects is used to model the number of docks available for certain vehicle types. The total number of docks from each of these objects SHOULD add up to match the value specified in the num_docks_available field.
 - vehicle_type_ids
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED Array REQUIRED if vehicle_docks_available is defined. An array of strings where each string represents a vehicle_type_id that is able to use a particular type of dock at the station
 - count
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED Non-negative integer REQUIRED if vehicle_docks_available is defined. A number representing the total number of available vehicles of the corresponding vehicle type as defined in the vehicle_types array at the station that can accept vehicles of the specified types in the vehicle_types array.
num_docks_disabled OPTIONAL Non-negative integer Number of disabled dock points at the station.
is_installed Yes Boolean Is the station currently on the street?

true - Station is installed on the street.
false - Station is not installed on the street.

Boolean SHOULD be set to true when equipment is present on the street. In seasonal systems where equipment is removed during winter, boolean SHOULD be set to false during the off season. May also be set to false to indicate planned (future) stations which have not yet been installed.
is_renting Yes Boolean Is the station currently renting vehicles?

true - Station is renting vehicles. Even if the station is empty, if it would otherwise allow rentals, this value MUST be true.
false - Station is not renting vehicles.

If the station is temporarily taken out of service and not allowing rentals, this field MUST be set to false.

If a station becomes inaccessible to users due to road construction or other factors this field SHOULD be set to false. Field SHOULD be set to false during hours or days when the system is not offering vehicles for rent.
is_returning Yes Boolean Is the station accepting vehicle returns?

true - Station is accepting vehicle returns. Even if the station is full, if it would otherwise allow vehicle returns, this value MUST be true.
false - Station is not accepting vehicle returns.

If the station is temporarily taken out of service and not allowing vehicle returns, this field MUST be set to false.

If a station becomes inaccessible to users due to road construction or other factors, this field SHOULD be set to false.
last_reported Yes Timestamp The last time this station reported its status to the operator's backend.


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "stations": [
        "station_id": "station1",
        "is_installed": true,
        "is_renting": true,
        "is_returning": true,
        "last_reported": 1609866125,
        "num_docks_available": 3,
        "num_docks_disabled" : 1,
        "vehicle_docks_available": [
            "vehicle_type_ids": [ "abc123", "def456" ],
            "count": 2
            "vehicle_type_ids": [ "def456" ],
            "count": 1
        "num_vehicles_available": 1,
        "num_vehicles_disabled": 2,
        "vehicle_types_available": [
            "vehicle_type_id": "abc123",
            "count": 1
            "vehicle_type_id": "def456",
            "count": 0
        "station_id": "station2",
        "is_installed": true,
        "is_renting": true,
        "is_returning": true,
        "last_reported": 1609866106,
        "num_docks_available": 8,
        "num_docks_disabled" : 1,
        "vehicle_docks_available": [
            "vehicle_type_ids": [ "abc123" ],
            "count": 6
            "vehicle_type_ids": [ "def456" ],
            "count": 2
        "num_vehicles_available": 6,
        "num_vehicles_disabled": 1, 
        "vehicle_types_available": [
            "vehicle_type_id": "abc123",
            "count": 2
            "vehicle_type_id": "def456",
            "count": 4


(as of v3.0-RC, formerly free_bike_status) (as of v2.1) Describes all vehicles that are not currently in active rental. REQUIRED for free floating (dockless) vehicles. OPTIONAL for station based (docked) vehicles. Data returned SHOULD be as close to realtime as possible, but in no case should it be more than 5 minutes out-of-date. See Data Latency. Vehicles that are part of an active rental MUST NOT appear in this feed. Vehicles listed as available for rental MUST be in the field and accessible to users. Vehicles that are not accessible (for example, in a warehouse or in transit) MUST NOT appear as available for rental.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
(as of v3.0-RC)
Yes Array Array that contains one object per vehicle that is currently stopped as defined below.
(as of v3.0-RC)
Yes ID Identifier of a vehicle. The vehicle_id identifier MUST be rotated to a random string after each trip to protect user privacy (as of v2.0). Use of persistent vehicle IDs poses a threat to user privacy. The vehicle_id identifier SHOULD only be rotated once per trip.
lat Conditionally REQUIRED
(as of v2.1)
Latitude Latitude of the vehicle in decimal degrees. (as of v2.1) REQUIRED if station_id is not provided for this vehicle (free floating). This field SHOULD have a precision of 6 decimal places (0.000001). See Coordinate Precision.
lon Conditionally REQUIRED
(as of v2.1)
Longitude Longitude of the vehicle in decimal degrees. (as of v2.1) REQUIRED if station_id is not provided for this vehicle (free floating). This field SHOULD have a precision of 6 decimal places (0.000001). See Coordinate Precision.
is_reserved Yes Boolean Is the vehicle currently reserved?

true - Vehicle is currently reserved.
false - Vehicle is not currently reserved.
is_disabled Yes Boolean Is the vehicle currently disabled?

true - Vehicle is currently disabled.
false - Vehicle is not currently disabled.

This field is used to indicate vehicles that are in the field but not available for rental due to a mechanical issue or low battery etc. Publishing this data may prevent users from attempting to rent vehicles that are disabled and not available for rental. This field SHOULD NOT be set to true when the system is closed for vehicles that would otherwise be rentable.
rental_uris OPTIONAL Object JSON object that contains rental URIs for Android, iOS, and web in the android, ios, and web fields. See examples of how to use these fields and supported analytics.
 - android OPTIONAL URI URI that can be passed to an Android app with an android.intent.action.VIEW Android intent to support Android Deep Links ( Please use Android App Links ( if possible, so viewing apps do not need to manually manage the redirect of the user to the app store if the user does not have the application installed.

This URI SHOULD be a deep link specific to this vehicle, and SHOULD NOT be a general rental page that includes information for more than one vehicle. The deep link SHOULD take users directly to this vehicle, without any prompts, interstitial pages, or logins. Make sure that users can see this vehicle even if they never previously opened the application. Note that providers MUST rotate identifiers within deep links after each rental to avoid unintentionally exposing private vehicle trip origins and destinations.

If this field is empty, it means deep linking is not supported in the native Android rental app.

Note that the URI does not necessarily include the vehicle_id for this vehicle - other identifiers can be used by the rental app within the URI to uniquely identify this vehicle.

See the Analytics section for how viewing apps can report the origin of the deep link to rental apps.

Android App Links example value:

Deep Link (without App Links) example value:
 - ios OPTIONAL URI URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this vehicle. More information on this iOS feature can be found here. Please use iOS Universal Links ( if possible, so viewing apps do not need to manually manage the redirect of the user to the app store if the user does not have the application installed.

This URI SHOULD be a deep link specific to this vehicle, and SHOULD NOT be a general rental page that includes information for more than one vehicle. The deep link SHOULD take users directly to this vehicle, without any prompts, interstitial pages, or logins. Make sure that users can see this vehicle even if they never previously opened the application. Note that providers MUST rotate identifiers within deep links after each rental to avoid unintentionally exposing private vehicle trip origins and destinations.

If this field is empty, it means deep linking is not supported in the native iOS rental app.

Note that the URI does not necessarily include the vehicle_id - other identifiers can be used by the rental app within the URL to uniquely identify this vehicle.

See the Analytics section for how viewing apps can report the origin of the deep link to rental apps.

iOS Universal Links example value:

Deep Link (without Universal Links) example value: com.example.ios://
 - web OPTIONAL URL URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle at this vehicle.

This URL SHOULD be a deep link specific to this vehicle, and SHOULD NOT be a general rental page that includes information for more than one vehicle. The deep link SHOULD take users directly to this vehicle, without any prompts, interstitial pages, or logins. Make sure that users can see this vehicle even if they never previously opened the application. Note that providers MUST rotate identifiers within deep links after each rental to avoid unintentionally exposing private vehicle trip origins and destinations.

If this field is empty, it means deep linking is not supported for web browsers.

Example value:
- vehicle_type_id
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED ID The vehicle_type_id of this vehicle, as described in vehicle_types.json. REQUIRED if the vehicle_types.json file is defined. The vehicle_type_id of this vehicle, as described in vehicle_types.json.
- last_reported
(added in v2.1)
OPTIONAL Timestamp The last time this vehicle reported its status to the operator's backend.
- current_range_meters
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED Non-negative float REQUIRED if the corresponding vehicle_type definition for this vehicle has a motor. This value represents the furthest distance in meters that the vehicle can travel with the vehicle's current charge or fuel (without recharging or refueling). Note that in the case of carsharing, the given range is indicative and can be different from the one displayed on the vehicle's dashboard.
- current_fuel_percent
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Non-negative float This value represents the current percentage, expressed from 0 to 1, of fuel or battery power remaining in the vehicle.
- station_id
(added in v2.1)
Conditionally REQUIRED ID REQUIRED if the vehicle is currently at a station and the vehicle_types.json file has been defined. Identifier referencing the station_id field in station_information.json.
- home_station_id
(added in v2.3-RC)
OPTIONAL ID The station_id of the station this vehicle must be returned to as defined in station_information.json.
- pricing_plan_id
(added in v2.2)
OPTIONAL ID The plan_id of the pricing plan this vehicle is eligible for as described in system_pricing_plans.json. If this field is defined it supersedes default_pricing_plan_id in vehicle_types.json. This field SHOULD be used to override default_pricing_plan_id in vehicle_types.json to define pricing plans for individual vehicles when necessary.
- vehicle_equipment
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Array List of vehicle equipment provided by the operator in addition to the accessories already provided in the vehicle (field vehicle_accessories of vehicle_types.json) but subject to more frequent updates.

Current valid values are:
  • child_seat_a (Baby seat ("0-10kg"))
  • child_seat_b (Seat or seat extension for small children ("9-18 kg"))
  • child_seat_c (Seat or seat extension for older children ("15-36 kg"))
  • winter_tires (Vehicle has tires for winter weather)
  • snow_chains
- available_until
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Datetime The date and time when any rental of the vehicle must be completed. The vehicle must be returned and made available for the next user by this time. If this field is empty, it indicates that the vehicle is available indefinitely.

This field SHOULD be published by carsharing or other mobility systems where vehicles can be booked in advance for future travel.

Example 1: Micromobility

        "rental_uris": {
          "android": "",
          "ios": ""

Example 2: Carsharing

  "last_updated": 1640887163,


This file has been deprecated in v3.0-RC. For earlier versions see the version history.


This file has been deprecated in v3.0-RC. For earlier versions see the version history.


Describes regions for a system. Regions are a subset of a shared mobility system as defined by system_id in system_information.json. Regions may be defined for any purpose, for example political jurisdictions, neighborhoods or economic zones.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
regions Yes Array Array of objects as defined below.
region_id Yes ID Identifier for the region.
name Yes String Public name for this region.


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 86400,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "regions": [
        "name": "North",
        "region_id": "3"
        "name": "East",
        "region_id": "4"
        "name": "South",
        "region_id": "5"
        "name": "West",
        "region_id": "6"


Describes pricing for the system.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
plans Yes Array Array of objects as defined below.
plan_id Yes ID Identifier for a pricing plan in the system.
url OPTIONAL URL URL where the customer can learn more about this pricing plan.
name Yes String Name of this pricing plan.
currency Yes String Currency used to pay the fare.

This pricing is in ISO 4217 code:
(for example, CAD for Canadian dollars, EUR for euros, or JPY for Japanese yen.)
price Yes Non-Negative Float Fare price, in the unit specified by currency.
(added in v2.2) In case of non-rate price, this field is the total price. In case of rate price, this field is the base price that is charged only once per trip (typically the price for unlocking) in addition to per_km_pricing and/or per_min_pricing.
is_taxable Yes Boolean Will additional tax be added to the base price?

true - Yes.
false - No.

false MAY be used to indicate that tax is not charged or that tax is included in the base price.
description Yes String Customer-readable description of the pricing plan. This SHOULD include the duration, price, conditions, etc. that the publisher would like users to see.
(added in v2.2)
OPTIONAL Array Array of segments when the price is a function of distance traveled, displayed in kilometers.

Total cost is the addition of price and all segments in per_km_pricing and per_min_pricing. If this array is not provided, there are no variable costs based on distance.
  - start
(added in v2.2)
Conditionally REQUIRED Non-Negative Integer REQUIRED if per_km_pricing is defined. The kilometer at which this segment rate starts being charged (inclusive).
  - rate
(added in v2.2)
Conditionally REQUIRED Float REQUIRED if per_km_pricing is defined. Rate that is charged for each kilometer interval after the start. Can be a negative number, which indicates that the traveler will receive a discount.
  - interval
(added in v2.2)
Conditionally REQUIRED Non-Negative Integer REQUIRED if per_km_pricing is defined. Interval in kilometers at which the rate of this segment is either reapplied indefinitely, or if defined, up until (but not including) end kilometer.

An interval of 0 indicates the rate is only charged once.
  -  end
(added in v2.2)
OPTIONAL Non-Negative Integer The kilometer at which the rate will no longer apply (exclusive) for example, if end is 20 the rate no longer applies at 20.00 km.

If this field is empty, the price issued for this segment is charged until the trip ends, in addition to the cost of any subsequent segments.
(added in v2.2)
OPTIONAL Array Array of segments when the price is a function of time traveled, displayed in minutes.

Total cost is the addition of price and all segments in per_km_pricing and per_min_pricing. If this array is not provided, there are no variable costs based on time.
  - start
(added in v2.2)
Conditionally REQUIRED Non-Negative Integer REQUIRED if per_min_pricing is defined. The minute at which this segment rate starts being charged (inclusive).
  - rate
(added in v2.2)
Conditionally REQUIRED Float REQUIRED if per_min_pricing is defined. Rate that is charged for each minute interval after the start. Can be a negative number, which indicates that the traveler will receive a discount.
  - interval
(added in v2.2)
Conditionally REQUIRED Non-Negative Integer REQUIRED if per_min_pricing is defined. Interval in minutes at which the rate of this segment is either reapplied indefinitely, or up until (but not including) the end minute, if end is defined.

An interval of 0 indicates the rate is only charged once.
  -  end
(added in v2.2)
OPTIONAL Non-Negative Integer The minute at which the rate will no longer apply (exclusive) for example, if end is 20 the rate no longer applies after 19:59.

If this field is empty, the price issued for this segment is charged until the trip ends, in addition to the cost of any subsequent segments.
(added in v2.2)
OPTIONAL Boolean Is there currently an increase in price in response to increased demand in this pricing plan? If this field is empty, it means there is no surge pricing in effect.

true - Surge pricing is in effect.
false - Surge pricing is not in effect.

Example 1:

The user does not pay more than the base price for the first 10 km. After 10 km the user pays $1 per km. After 25 km the user pays $0.50 per km and an additional $3 every 5 km, the extension price, in addition to $0.50 per km.

  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "plans": [
        "plan_id": "plan2",
        "name": "One-Way",
        "currency": "USD",
        "price": 2.00,
        "is_taxable": false,
        "description": "Includes 10km, overage fees apply after 10km.",
        "per_km_pricing": [
            "start": 10,
            "rate": 1.00,
            "interval": 1,
            "end": 25
            "start": 25,
            "rate": 0.50,
            "interval": 1
            "start": 25,
            "rate": 3.00,
            "interval": 5

Example 2:

This example demonstrates a pricing scheme that has a rate both by minute and by km. The user is charged $0.25 per km as well as $0.50 per minute. Both of these rates happen concurrently and are not dependent on one another.

  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 0,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "plans": [
        "plan_id": "plan3",
        "name": "Simple Rate",
        "currency": "CAD",
        "price": 3.00,
        "is_taxable": true,
        "description": "$3 unlock fee, $0.25 per kilometer and 0.50 per minute.",
        "per_km_pricing": [
            "start": 0,
            "rate": 0.25,
            "interval": 1
        "per_min_pricing": [
            "start": 0,
            "rate": 0.50,
            "interval": 1


This feed is intended to inform customers about changes to the system that do not fall within the normal system operations. For example, system closures due to weather would be listed here, but a system that only operated for part of the year would have that schedule listed in the system_calendar.json feed.
Obsolete alerts SHOULD be removed so the client application can safely present to the end user everything present in the feed.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
alerts Yes Array Array of objects each indicating a system alert as defined below.
alert_id Yes ID Identifier for this alert.
type Yes Enum Valid values are:

  • system_closure
  • station_closure
  • station_move
  • other
times OPTIONAL Array Array of objects with the fields start and end indicating when the alert is in effect (for example, when the system or station is actually closed, or when a station is scheduled to be moved).
 - start Conditionally REQUIRED Timestamp REQUIRED if times array is defined. Start time of the alert.
 - end OPTIONAL Timestamp End time of the alert. If there is currently no end time planned for the alert, this can be omitted.
station_ids OPTIONAL Array If this is an alert that affects one or more stations, include their ID(s). Otherwise omit this field. If both station_id and region_id are omitted, this alert affects the entire system.
region_ids OPTIONAL Array If this system has regions, and if this alert only affects certain regions, include their ID(s). Otherwise, omit this field. If both station_ids and region_ids are omitted, this alert affects the entire system.
url OPTIONAL URL URL where the customer can learn more information about this alert.
summary Yes String A short summary of this alert to be displayed to the customer.
description OPTIONAL String Detailed description of the alert.
last_updated OPTIONAL Timestamp Indicates the last time the info for the alert was updated.


  "last_updated": 1604519393,
  "ttl": 60,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "alerts": [
        "alert_id": "21",
        "type": "station_closure",
        "station_ids": [
        "times": [
            "start": 1604448000,
            "end": 1604674800
        "url": "",
        "summary": "Disruption of Service",
        "description": "The three stations on Broadway will be out of service from 12:00am Nov 3 to 3:00pm Nov 6th to accommodate road work",
        "last_updated": 1604198100


(added in v2.1)

Describes geofencing zones and their associated rules and attributes.
Geofenced areas are delineated using GeoJSON in accordance with RFC 7946. By default, no restrictions apply everywhere. Geofencing zones SHOULD be modeled according to restrictions rather than allowance. An operational area (outside of which vehicles cannot be used) SHOULD be defined with a counterclockwise polygon, and a limitation area (in which vehicles can be used under certain restrictions) SHOULD be defined with a clockwise polygon.

Geofences and GPS operate in two dimensions. Restrictions placed on an overpass or bridge will also be applied to the roadway or path beneath.

Care SHOULD be taken when developing geofence based policies that rely on location data. Location data from GPS, cellular and Wi-Fi signals are subject to interference resulting in accuracy levels in the tens of meters or greater. This may result in vehicles being placed within a geofenced zone when they are actually outside or adjacent to the zone. Transit time between server and client can also impact when a user is notified of a geofence based policy. A vehicle traveling at 15kph can be well inside of a restricted zone before a notification is received.
The following fields are all attributes within the main data object for this feed.

Field Name REQUIRED Type Defines
geofencing_zones Yes GeoJSON FeatureCollection Each geofenced zone and its associated rules and attributes is described as an object within the array of features, as follows.
type Yes String “FeatureCollection” (as per IETF RFC 7946).
features Yes Array Array of objects as defined below.
 - type Yes String “Feature” (as per IETF RFC 7946).
 - geometry Yes GeoJSON MultiPolygon A polygon that describes where rides might not be able to start, end, go through, or have other limitations. A clockwise arrangement of points defines the area enclosed by the polygon, while a counterclockwise order defines the area outside the polygon (right-hand rule). All geofencing zones contained in this list are public (meaning they can be displayed on a map for public use).
 - properties Yes Object Properties: As defined below, describing travel allowances and limitations.
  - name OPTIONAL String Public name of the geofencing zone.
  - start OPTIONAL Timestamp Start time of the geofencing zone. If the geofencing zone is always active, this can be omitted.
  - end OPTIONAL Timestamp End time of the geofencing zone. If the geofencing zone is always active, this can be omitted.
  - rules OPTIONAL Array Array that contains one object per rule as defined below.

In the event of colliding rules within the same polygon, the earlier rule (in order of the JSON file) takes precedence.
In the case of overlapping polygons, the combined set of rules associated with the overlapping polygons applies to the intersection of the polygons. In the event of colliding rules in this set, the earlier rule (in order of the JSON file) also takes precedence.
   - vehicle_type_id OPTIONAL Array Array of IDs of vehicle types for which any restrictions SHOULD be applied (see vehicle type definitions in vehicle_types.json). If vehicle type IDs are not specified, then restrictions apply to all vehicle types.
   - ride_allowed Conditionally REQUIRED Boolean REQUIRED if rules array is defined. Is the undocked (“free floating vehicle”) ride allowed to start and end in this zone?

true - Undocked (“free floating”) ride can start and end in this zone.
false - Undocked (“free floating vehicle”) ride cannot start and end in this zone.
   - ride_through_allowed Conditionally REQUIRED Boolean REQUIRED if rules array is defined. Is the ride allowed to travel through this zone?

true - Ride can travel through this zone.
false - Ride cannot travel through this zone.
   - maximum_speed_kph OPTIONAL Non-negative Integer What is the maximum speed allowed, in kilometers per hour?

If there is no maximum speed to observe, this can be omitted.
   - station_parking
(added in v2.3-RC2)
OPTIONAL Boolean Can vehicles only be parked at stations defined in station_information.json within this geofence zone?

true - Vehicles can only be parked at stations.
false - Vehicles may be parked outside of stations.


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 60,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "geofencing_zones": {
      "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "geometry": {
            "type": "MultiPolygon",
            "coordinates": [
          "properties": {
            "name": "NE 24th/NE Knott",
            "start": 1593878400,
            "end": 1593907260,
            "rules": [
                "vehicle_type_id": [
                "ride_allowed": false,
                "ride_through_allowed": true,
                "maximum_speed_kph": 10,
                "station_parking": true

Deep Links

Deep links to iOS, Android, and web apps are supported via URIs in the system_information.json, station_information.json, and vehicle_status.json files. The following sections describe how analytics can be added to these URIs, as well as some examples. For further examples, see "What's New in GBFS".


In all of the rental URI fields, a viewing app can report the origin of a deep link request to a rental app by appending the client_id parameter to the URI along with the domain name for the viewing app.

For example, if Google is the viewing app, it can append: the URI field to report that Google is the originator of the deep link request. If the Android URI is:

...then the URI used by Google would be:

Other supported parameters include:

  1. ad_id - Advertising ID issued to the viewing app (for example, IFDA on iOS)
  2. token - A token identifier that was issued by the rental app to the viewing app.

Deep links Examples

Example 1 - App Links on Android and Universal Links on iOS are supported:


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 60,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "name": "Example Bike Rental",
    "system_id": "example_cityname",
    "timezone": "America/Chicago",
    "language": "en",
    "rental_apps": {
      "android": {
        "discovery_uri": ""
      "ios": {
        "discovery_uri": "com.example.ios://"


  "last_updated": 1640887163,
  "ttl": 60,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "stations": [
        "station_id": "425",
        "name": "Coppertail",
        "lat": 27.956333,
        "lon": -82.430436,
        "rental_uris": {
          "android": "",
          "ios": ""

Note that the Android URI and iOS Universal Link URLs do not necessarily use the same identifier as the station_id.

Example 2 - App Links are not supported on Android and Universal Links are not supported on iOS, but deep links are still supported on Android and iOS:


  "last_updated": 1572447999,
  "ttl": 60,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "name": "Example Bike Rental",
    "system_id": "example_cityname",
    "timezone": "America/Chicago",
    "language": "en",
    "rental_apps": {
      "android": {
        "discovery_uri": "",
        "store_uri": ""
      "ios": {
        "store_uri": "",
        "discovery_uri": "com.example.ios://"


  "last_updated": 1609866247,
  "ttl": 60,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "stations": [
        "station_id": "425",
        "name": "Coppertail",
        "lat": 27.956333,
        "lon": -82.430436,

Example 3 - Deep link web URLs are supported, but not Android or iOS native apps:


  "last_updated": 1609866247,
  "ttl": 60,
  "version": "3.0",
  "data": {
    "stations": [
        "station_id": "425",
        "name": "Coppertail",
        "lat": 27.956333,
        "lon": -82.430436,
        "rental_uris": {
          "web": ""


Apple Pay, PayPass, and other third-party product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.