This is a direct fork of Kate Compton's Tracery repo and sample web app, because my JavaScript is absolutely horrible and I need to get this up and running ASAP!
Graphic Score Bot was born from a Twitter bot which remains live. It will be used as a kind of robot musical director for a live performer at Abandon Normal Devices' 'Art of Bots' show in April. I am attempting to set up a web app which will be able to generate full scores on demand for live use.
Longer-term ideas:
A temporal/slideshow-style system for performances in which the duration is also determined by the botDONEAn easier system for changing between colour schemesDONE- A check-box system to define which elements are present in a given score
Particular thanks to Kate Compton and v21 for advice, resources, help with Cheap Bots Done Quick and Tracery, and borrowed code.
View the full-score output here
View the real-time version here