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petergault edited this page Nov 12, 2013 · 95 revisions

Welcome to the Quill wiki!



Table of Contents

Quill's Teams

Every contributor participates as a member of a team. Projects are arranged into teams, and people may cooperate on multiple teams.


The Homepage team is responsible for designing all of the static public pages.
Status: Designing a new set of graphics for the homepage, and then redesigning the links.
1. Create new graphics for the homepage (Emily).
2. Add static page: professional development.
3. Update FAQ with table of contents and # links.
4. Add drop down menus to navigation bar.
5. Add page with a list of all lessons.


The Optimization team is responsible for ensuring that the code is optimized for quick performance.
Status: Setting up Travis. Building Caching System.
1. Cache student scores.
2. Set up Travis.
3. Convert Coffeescript to Javascript.
4. Upgrade site to JRuby.
5. Switch to Rspec
6. Add tests

Lesson Design

Lesson Design
The lesson design team is responsible for designing the lesson experience.
Status: Re-designing the CSS for the practice questions page.
1. Add blue dots to internal nav bar.
2. Add shadow behind the boxes. Remove the blue background color.
3. Add thin borders to boxes in Practice Questions.
4. Print the incorrect answer when a student gets a practice question incorrect.
5. Fix the purple color bug when editing words in stories.

Classroom Management

Classroom Management
The classroom management team is responsible for designing and building the student and teacher profile pages.
Status: Building the password reset functionality.
1. Enable the reset my password.
2. Enable teachers to reset their students password.
3. Enable teachers to delete students.
4. Enable teachers to create accounts for students, with naming convention.
5. Enable teachers to assign lessons to individual students.

K12 Lessons

K12 Lessons
The K12 team is responsible for building all of our Common Core lessons.
Status: 42 lessons have been built covering grades 1-8. Contribute lessons at the Quill Wiki.
1. Write parallel structure lesson (Paul).
2. Write which vs. that lesson.
3. Proofread all of the materials.
4. Restructure all of the lessons.
5. Embed a mix of errors into stories.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach
The Community Outreach team is responsible for communicating with teachers and receiving feedback.
Status: Reaching out to teachers through Twitter. Preparing professional development materials.
1. Connect with teachers through #EdChat, #EdChatRI, #SunChat, #EdTechChat
2. Connect to teachers through Coursera Blended Learning course.
3. Prepare professional development video.
4. Write newsletter to teachers.


The Contributors team is responsible for designing software for organizing all of the people participating in Quill.
Status: Building the Support Us page.
1. Complete the mockup on the Support Us page.
2. Build the API interface for all contributors.
3. Build the Support Us page.
4. Set up UserVoice, have issues kick to GitHub via Zapier.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing
The NLP team is responsible for integrating LightSide Lab's Machine Learning software into Quill.
Status: Contacting Elijah on November 20th.

Game Design

Game Design
The Game Design team is responsible for developing games, scoring systems, and collaborative learning exercises.
Status: Building paper based writing game. Building Twitter Grammar911 interaction.
1. Build Twitter 911 integration.
2. Build paper based Grammar Showdown.
3. Add a leader board and points earned for completing questions.

Testing Environment

Testing Environment
The Testing Environment team is responsible for building the pipeline for testing submitted code.
1. Set up Travis.
2. Update staging server.

Code Review

Code Review
The Code Review team is responsible for assessing all submitted code and rejecting code until it is stable.

Content Review

Content Review
The Content Review team is responsible for proofreading and editing all of the instructional materials.

College Lessons

College Lessons
The College Lessons team is responsible for building all of the college level materials.
Status: Developing commonly confused words lessons. Developing Holy Man story.
1. Input all commonly confused lessons to site (Collin).
2. Review Laura's stories for appropriate stories (Collin, Peter).
3. Assemble lesson from Holy Man story.

Quill's Contributors

===Peter Gault===
Start: 3/07/2013
Teams: Homepage, Contributors, Community Outreach , Classroom Management, Lesson Design, Content Review, Game Design .
Interests: Designing interactive learning experiences, project management software, collaborative learning, board game design
Links: Homepage, Reddit Profile

Quinn Shanahan
Start: 3/07/2013
Teams: Lesson Design, Classroom Management, Optimization, Testing Environment, Code Review
Interests: ux/ui, node.js, ruby, rails, elastic search, postgresql, git, d3.js, neo4j
Links: Homepage, HoneyCo

Michael Zemel
Start: 4/25/2013
Teams: Optimization, Testing Environment,

Paul Hartman
Start: 6/03/2013
Teams: K12 Lessons, College Lessons, Content Review, Community Outreach
Interests: Interactive Learning, Japanese

Laura Gibbs
Start: 7/1/2013
Teams: College Lessons, Community Outreach
Links: G+ profile,

Collin Cowdery
Start: 8/05/2013
Teams: Game Design, K12 Lessons, College Lessons, Community Outreach
Interests: Japanese, Economics, Board Game Design

Duncan Smith
Start: 11/5/2013
Teams: Contributors, Homepage, Optimization
Links: Homepage

Jesse Horne
Start: 11/7/2013
Teams: Optimization
Interests: JavaScript

John Jackson
Start: 11/9/2013
Teams: Homepage, Lesson Design
Interests: UI Design, HTML/CSS
Links: Dribble Profile

Emily Jones
Start: 11/11/2013
Teams: Homepage
Interests: Graphic Design, Illustration
Links: Homepage

Cotter Phinney
Start: 11/11/2013
Teams: Classroom Management
Interests: UX, Rails
Links: Homepage

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