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Common error messages

clyvb edited this page Jun 9, 2012 · 14 revisions

There are some error messages that are not so obvious what they mean. This is a living collection of messages and some possible meanings.

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"usbutil: unable to find a device matching 0451:f432"
  • You have selected the wrong serial port.
  • Your launchpad is not connected to the USB.
  • There is bug Mac OS X in the driver that caused the Launchpad to be disconnected. Unplug/plug the LaunchPad to make Mac OS X recognize it again.
  • Note Energia will recognize your launchpad once it is connected to the usb. 2 extra lines will appear in the tools->Serial Port menu


core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main':**
/Applications/ undefined reference to `setup'**
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status**
  • You don't have a setup function defined, or have a typo in the name. See BareMinimum example for more information.


core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main':
/Applications/ undefined reference to `loop'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  • You don't have a loop function defined, or have a typo in the name. See BareMinimum example for more information.


rf2500: can't claim interface: Permission denied
rf2500: failed to open RF2500 device
rf2500: can't receive data: Result too large
fet: open failed
Trying again...
rf2500: can't send data: Device not configured
fet: open failed
  • This is a mac specific solution
 The msp CDC/ACM driver install tells us the following...

Please Remove any Code-less Kext that Blocks the Ports. E.g. ez430rf2500.kext. it will block any Kext from attaching to the Device.

You get this error message is if you forget to do this...(or did not read it during the install) In my case I had to go into /System/Library/Extensions/ and remove the file.

sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/ez430rf2500.kext
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