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Source code for vptstools.bin.transfer_baltrad

-Python CLI script that:
-- Connects via SFTP to the BALTRAD server
-- For each vp file (pvol gets ignored), download the file from the server and
-  upload it to the "aloft" S3 bucket
-- If file already exists at destination => do nothing
-Designed to be executed daily via a simple scheduled job like cron (files disappear after a few
-days on the BALTRAD server)
-Configuration is loaded from environmental variables:
-- FTP_HOST: Baltrad FTP host ip address
-- FTP_PORT: Baltrad FTP host port
-- FTP_USERNAME: Baltrad FTP user name
-- FTP_PWD: Baltrad FTP password
-- FTP_DATADIR: Baltrad FTP directory to load data files from
-- DESTINATION_BUCKET: AWS S3 bucket to write data to
-- SNS_TOPIC: AWS SNS topic to report when routine fails
-- AWS_PROFILE: AWS profile (mainly for local development)
-import datetime
-import os
-from functools import partial
-import tempfile
-import boto3
-import click
-from dotenv import load_dotenv
-import paramiko
-from vptstools.bin.click_exception import catch_all_exceptions, report_exception_to_sns
-# Load environmental variables from file in dev (load_dotenv doesn't override existing environment variables)
-AWS_SNS_TOPIC = os.environ.get("SNS_TOPIC")
-AWS_PROFILE = os.environ.get("AWS_PROFILE", None)
-AWS_REGION = os.environ.get("AWS_REGION", None)
-# Update reporting to SNS functionality
-report_sns = partial(report_exception_to_sns,
-                     aws_sns_topic=AWS_SNS_TOPIC,
-                     subject=f"Transfer from Baltrad FTP to s3 bucket {DESTINATION_BUCKET} failed.",
-                     profile_name=AWS_PROFILE,
-                     region_name=AWS_REGION
-                     )
-[docs] -def s3_key_exists(key: str, bucket: str, s3_client) -> bool: - """Check if an S3 key is existing in a bucket - - Parameters - ---------- - key : str - Key of the object - bucket : str - Bucket name to search for key - s3_client : boto3.Session - Boto3 session - - Returns - ------- - bool - """ - results = s3_client.list_objects(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=key) - return "Contents" in results
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-[docs] -def extract_metadata_from_filename(filename: str) -> tuple: - """Extract the metadata from the filename (format - such as 'fropo_vp_20220809T051000Z_0xb') - - All returned values are strings, month and days are 0-prefixed if - they are single-digit. - - Parameters - ---------- - filename : str - Filename of a h5 incoming file from FTP - """ - elems = filename.split("_") - radar_code = elems[0] - timestamp = elems[2] - - year = timestamp[0:4] - month_str = timestamp[4:6] - day_str = timestamp[6:8] - - return radar_code, year, month_str, day_str
- - - -@click.command(cls=catch_all_exceptions(click.Command, handler=report_sns)) # Add SNS-reporting to exception -def cli(): - cli_start_time = datetime.datetime.now() - click.echo(f"Start transfer Baltrad FTP sync at {cli_start_time}") - click.echo("Read configuration from environmental variables.") - baltrad_server_host = os.environ.get("FTP_HOST") - baltrad_server_port = int(os.environ.get("FTP_PORT")) - baltrad_server_username = os.environ.get("FTP_USERNAME") - baltrad_server_password = os.environ.get("FTP_PWD") - baltrad_server_datadir = os.environ.get("FTP_DATADIR", "data") - destination_bucket = DESTINATION_BUCKET - - click.echo("Establish SFTP connection.") - paramiko.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log") - with paramiko.SSHClient() as ssh: - ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy( - paramiko.AutoAddPolicy() - ) # necessary to avoid "Server 'hostname' not found in known_hosts error - ssh.connect( - baltrad_server_host, - port=baltrad_server_port, - username=baltrad_server_username, - password=baltrad_server_password, - ) - with ssh.open_sftp() as sftp: - sftp.chdir(baltrad_server_datadir) - - click.echo("Initialize S3/Boto3 client") - session = boto3.Session(profile_name=AWS_PROFILE) - s3_client = session.client("s3") - click.echo("Initialization complete, we can loop on files on the SFTP server") - - # listdir_attr is not a generator like listdir_iter which introduced BUG, but as the time between enlisting - # and the effective download is now larger, the risk of a removed file in between requires us to - # double check on the existence (should be edge case when running daily). - for entry in sftp.listdir_attr(): - if "_vp_" in entry.filename: # PVOLs and other files are ignored - click.echo( - f"{entry.filename} is a vp file, we need to consider it... " - ) - - radar_code, year, month_str, day_str = extract_metadata_from_filename( - entry.filename - ) - destination_key = ( - f"baltrad/hdf5/{radar_code}/{year}/" - f"{month_str}/{day_str}/{entry.filename}" - ) - if not s3_key_exists(destination_key, destination_bucket, s3_client): - click.echo( - f"{destination_key} does not exist at {destination_bucket}, " - f"transfer it..." - ) - with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: - tmp_file_path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, entry.filename) - try: - sftp.get(entry.filename, tmp_file_path) - click.echo(f"SFTP download of file {entry.filename} completed.") - s3_client.upload_file( - tmp_file_path, destination_bucket, destination_key - ) - click.echo(f"Upload of file {entry.filename} to S3 completed!") - except FileNotFoundError: - click.echo( - f"{entry.filename} file could not longer be found on sFTP, skipping file." - ) - - else: - click.echo( - f"{destination_key} already exists at {destination_bucket}, skip it." - ) - cli_duration = datetime.datetime.now() - cli_start_time - click.echo(f"File transfer from Baltrad finished, the syncrhonization took {cli_duration}.") - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - cli() -
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