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Error executing process > 'fastcat (6)' #63

jamespblloyd-uwa opened this issue Jan 14, 2025 · 4 comments

Error executing process > 'fastcat (6)' #63

jamespblloyd-uwa opened this issue Jan 14, 2025 · 4 comments


Copy link

Operating System


Other Linux

Sequoia 15.2

Workflow Version

version 24.10.3

Workflow Execution

Command line (Local)

Other workflow execution

version 24.10.3

EPI2ME Version

wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735

CLI command run

nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation
--fastq /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01
--sample_sheet /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01/sample_sheet_BigTest01.csv
--out_dir /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest05_debugging_output

Workflow Execution - CLI Execution Profile

standard (default)

What happened?

Yesterday I was running commands without issue. Today I attempted to re-run the same commands and kept getting errors on every run. See output of my runs below and the trace file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Docker Desktop but that did not solve the issue. I have considered doing the same for Nextflow but I have not tried that yet. Please advise.

`nextflow info

Version: 24.10.3 build 5933
Created: 16-12-2024 15:34 UTC (23:34 AWDT)
System: Mac OS X 15.2
Runtime: Groovy 4.0.23 on OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.10+7
Encoding: UTF-8 (UTF-8)


Relevant log output

N E X T F L O W   ~  version 24.10.3

Launching `` [determined_heisenberg] DSL2 - revision: 5b0d7357de [master]

||||||||||   _____ ____ ___ ____  __  __ _____      _       _
||||||||||  | ____|  _ \_ _|___ \|  \/  | ____|    | | __ _| |__  ___
|||||       |  _| | |_) | |  __) | |\/| |  _| _____| |/ _` | '_ \/ __|
|||||       | |___|  __/| | / __/| |  | | |__|_____| | (_| | |_) \__ \
||||||||||  |_____|_|  |___|_____|_|  |_|_____|    |_|\__,_|_.__/|___/
||||||||||  wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735
Core Nextflow options
  revision       : master
  runName        : determined_heisenberg
  containerEngine: docker
  container      : [withLabel:wfplasmid:ontresearch/wf-clone-validation:sha55e97540ca3ca4f06310269c2ebd3175e1e9352a, withLabel:canu:ontresearch/canu:shabbdea3813f6fb436ea0cbaa19958ad772db9154c, withLabel:medaka:ontresearch/medaka:sha447c70a639b8bcf17dc49b51e74dfcde6474837b, withLabel:wf_common:ontresearch/wf-common:shaabceef445fb63214073cbf5836fdd33c04be4ac7, withLabel:plannotate:ontresearch/plannotate:shaf7f37f751dd0bc529121b765fb63322502288a03]
  launchDir      : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat
  workDir        : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/work
  projectDir     : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation
  userName       : jameslloyd
  profile        : standard
  configFiles    : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation/nextflow.config

Input Options
  fastq          : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01

Sample Options
  sample_sheet   : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01/sample_sheet_BigTest01.csv

Output Options
  out_dir        : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest05_debugging_output

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
If you use epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation for your analysis please cite:

* The nf-core framework

This is epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735.
Searching input for [.fastq, .fastq.gz, .fq, .fq.gz] files.
executor >  local (6)
[07/09d535] process > validate_sample_sheet                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[e4/6f9bf3] process > fastcat (3)                          [  8%] 1 of 12
[-        ] process > cutsite_qc                           -
[-        ] process > pipeline:filterHostReads             -
[-        ] process > pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads          -
[-        ] process > pipeline:assembleCore                -
executor >  local (6)
[07/09d535] process > validate_sample_sheet                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[ba/fe4322] process > fastcat (6)                          [ 16%] 2 of 12, failed: 1
[-        ] process > cutsite_qc                           -
[-        ] process > pipeline:filterHostReads             -
[-        ] process > pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads          -
[-        ] process > pipeline:assembleCore                -
executor >  local (6)
[07/09d535] process > validate_sample_sheet                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[ba/fe4322] process > fastcat (6)                          [ 16%] 2 of 12, failed: 1
[-        ] process > cutsite_qc                           -
[-        ] process > pipeline:filterHostReads             -
[-        ] process > pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads          -
[-        ] process > pipeline:assembleCore                -
[-        ] process > pipeline:medakaPolishAssembly        -
[-        ] process > pipeline:reorientateFastqAndGetFasta -
[-        ] process > pipeline:downsampledStats            -
[-        ] process > pipeline:findPrimers                 -
[5e/63314b] process > pipeline:medakaVersion               [  0%] 0 of 1
[-        ] process > pipeline:flyeVersion                 -
[-        ] process > pipeline:getVersions                 -
[41/5c57f6] process > pipeline:getParams                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] process > pipeline:assembly_qc                 -
[-        ] process > pipeline:inserts                     -
[-        ] process > pipeline:insert_qc                   -
[-        ] process > pipeline:align_assembly              -
[-        ] process > pipeline:assembly_comparison         -
[-        ] process > pipeline:runPlannotate               -
[-        ] process > pipeline:assemblyMafs                -
[-        ] process > pipeline:report                      -
[-        ] process > publish                              -
WARN: Parameter --approx_size will be overwritten by column 'approx_size'
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'fastcat (6)'

Caused by:
  Process `fastcat (6)` terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

  mkdir fastcat_stats
  mkdir fastq_chunks
  # Save file as compressed fastq
  fastcat         -s sample06         -f fastcat_stats/per-file-stats.tsv         -i fastcat_stats/per-file-runids.tsv         -l fastcat_stats/per-file-basecallers.tsv         --histograms histograms                           input_src     | if [ "0" = "0" ]; then
      bgzip -@ 4 > fastq_chunks/seqs.fastq.gz
      split -l null -d --additional-suffix=.fastq.gz --filter='bgzip -@ 4 > $FILE' - fastq_chunks/seqs_;
  mv histograms/* fastcat_stats
  # get n_seqs from per-file stats - need to sum them up
  awk 'NR==1{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {ix[$i] = i}} NR>1 {c+=$ix["n_seqs"]} END{print c}'         fastcat_stats/per-file-stats.tsv > fastcat_stats/n_seqs
  # get unique run IDs (we add `-F '\t'` as `awk` uses any stretch of whitespace
  # as field delimiter per default and thus ignores empty columns)
  awk -F '\t' '
      NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {ix[$i] = i}}
      # only print run_id if present
      NR>1 && $ix["run_id"] != "" {print $ix["run_id"]}
  ' fastcat_stats/per-file-runids.tsv | sort | uniq > fastcat_stats/run_ids
  # get unique basecall models
  awk -F '\t' '
      NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {ix[$i] = i}}
      # only print basecall model if present
      NR>1 && $ix["basecaller"] != "" {print $ix["basecaller"]}
  ' fastcat_stats/per-file-basecallers.tsv | sort | uniq > fastcat_stats/basecallers

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error:
  Error reading file 'input_src', possibly truncated
  Completed processing with errors. Outputs may be incomplete.

Work dir:


Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`

 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
WARN: Killing running tasks (2)

Application activity log entry

Were you able to successfully run the latest version of the workflow with the demo data?

other (please describe below)

Other demo data information

On Friday last week, I ran the demo data and it worked fine (below) but today's attempt does not run well and gives a different error to what I see above (further below):
nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation \
        --fastq '/Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01' \
        --sample_sheet '/Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/Testing_CLI/sample_sheet_BigTest01.csv' \
        -profile standard --out_dir /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01_output

 N E X T F L O W   ~  version 24.10.3

Launching `` [disturbed_miescher] DSL2 - revision: 5b0d7357de [master]

||||||||||   _____ ____ ___ ____  __  __ _____      _       _
||||||||||  | ____|  _ \_ _|___ \|  \/  | ____|    | | __ _| |__  ___
|||||       |  _| | |_) | |  __) | |\/| |  _| _____| |/ _` | '_ \/ __|
|||||       | |___|  __/| | / __/| |  | | |__|_____| | (_| | |_) \__ \
||||||||||  |_____|_|  |___|_____|_|  |_|_____|    |_|\__,_|_.__/|___/
||||||||||  wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735
Core Nextflow options
  revision       : master
  runName        : disturbed_miescher
  containerEngine: docker
  container      : [withLabel:wfplasmid:ontresearch/wf-clone-validation:sha55e97540ca3ca4f06310269c2ebd3175e1e9352a, withLabel:canu:ontresearch/canu:shabbdea3813f6fb436ea0cbaa19958ad772db9154c, withLabel:medaka:ontresearch/medaka:sha447c70a639b8bcf17dc49b51e74dfcde6474837b, withLabel:wf_common:ontresearch/wf-common:shaabceef445fb63214073cbf5836fdd33c04be4ac7, withLabel:plannotate:ontresearch/plannotate:shaf7f37f751dd0bc529121b765fb63322502288a03]
  launchDir      : /Users/jameslloyd/bin
  workDir        : /Users/jameslloyd/bin/work
  projectDir     : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation
  userName       : jameslloyd
  profile        : standard
  configFiles    : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation/nextflow.config

Input Options
  fastq          : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01

Sample Options
  sample_sheet   : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/Testing_CLI/sample_sheet_BigTest01.csv

Output Options
  out_dir        : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/2024-12-19_James_plasmids/fastq_pass_cat/BigTest01_output

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
If you use epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation for your analysis please cite:

* The nf-core framework

This is epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735.
Searching input for [.fastq, .fastq.gz, .fq, .fq.gz] files.
executor >  local (27)
[3e/d53359] fastcat (1)                              [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] cutsite_qc                               -
[-        ] pipeline:filterHostReads                 -
[a0/a7fc9a] pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads (1)          [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[3c/5f056e] pipeline:assembleCore (1)                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[57/6d3f83] pipeline:medakaPolishAssembly (1)        [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[39/37ef6e] pipeline:reorientateFastqAndGetFasta (1) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[0a/7df531] pipeline:downsampledStats (1)            [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[38/dc0372] pipeline:findPrimers (1)                 [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[2e/ea7850] pipeline:medakaVersion                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[8c/c27eb1] pipeline:flyeVersion                     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[4b/7db741] pipeline:getVersions                     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[88/bef69e] pipeline:getParams                       [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[55/142fdc] pipeline:assembly_qc (1)                 [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[33/fae7a0] pipeline:inserts (1)                     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] pipeline:insert_qc                       -
[-        ] pipeline:align_assembly                  -
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_comparison             -
[c0/c9514e] pipeline:runPlannotate (1)               [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[fe/9dd669] pipeline:assemblyMafs (1)                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[f9/72ac16] pipeline:report (1)                      [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[ff/ab6955] publish (11)                             [100%] 11 of 11 ✔
Completed at: 10-Jan-2025 21:10:01
Duration    : 1m 48s
CPU hours   : 0.1
Succeeded   : 27

When I run it now, this is what happens:
nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation \
        --fastq 'wf-clone-validation-demo/fastq' \
        --primers 'wf-clone-validation-demo/primers.tsv' \
        --sample_sheet 'wf-clone-validation-demo/sample_sheet.csv' \
        -profile standard

 N E X T F L O W   ~  version 24.10.3

Launching `` [soggy_sammet] DSL2 - revision: 5b0d7357de [master]

||||||||||   _____ ____ ___ ____  __  __ _____      _       _
||||||||||  | ____|  _ \_ _|___ \|  \/  | ____|    | | __ _| |__  ___
|||||       |  _| | |_) | |  __) | |\/| |  _| _____| |/ _` | '_ \/ __|
|||||       | |___|  __/| | / __/| |  | | |__|_____| | (_| | |_) \__ \
||||||||||  |_____|_|  |___|_____|_|  |_|_____|    |_|\__,_|_.__/|___/
||||||||||  wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735
Core Nextflow options
  revision       : master
  runName        : soggy_sammet
  containerEngine: docker
  container      : [withLabel:wfplasmid:ontresearch/wf-clone-validation:sha55e97540ca3ca4f06310269c2ebd3175e1e9352a, withLabel:canu:ontresearch/canu:shabbdea3813f6fb436ea0cbaa19958ad772db9154c, withLabel:medaka:ontresearch/medaka:sha447c70a639b8bcf17dc49b51e74dfcde6474837b, withLabel:wf_common:ontresearch/wf-common:shaabceef445fb63214073cbf5836fdd33c04be4ac7, withLabel:plannotate:ontresearch/plannotate:shaf7f37f751dd0bc529121b765fb63322502288a03]
  launchDir      : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG
  workDir        : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/work
  projectDir     : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation
  userName       : jameslloyd
  profile        : standard
  configFiles    : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation/nextflow.config

Input Options
  fastq          : wf-clone-validation-demo/fastq
  primers        : wf-clone-validation-demo/primers.tsv

Sample Options
  sample_sheet   : wf-clone-validation-demo/sample_sheet.csv

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
If you use epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation for your analysis please cite:

* The nf-core framework

This is epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735.
Searching input for [.fastq, .fastq.gz, .fq, .fq.gz] files.
executor >  local (3)
[c5/3b6fba] validate_sample_sheet                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] fastcat                              -
[-        ] cutsite_qc                           -
[-        ] pipeline:filterHostReads             -
[-        ] pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads          -
[-        ] pipeline:assembleCore                -
[-        ] pipeline:medakaPolishAssembly        -
[-        ] pipeline:reorientateFastqAndGetFasta -
[-        ] pipeline:downsampledStats            -
[-        ] pipeline:findPrimers                 -
[74/a479be] pipeline:medakaVersion               [  0%] 0 of 1
[-        ] pipeline:flyeVersion                 -
[-        ] pipeline:getVersions                 -
[b0/7b6993] pipeline:getParams                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_qc                 -
[-        ] pipeline:inserts                     -
[-        ] pipeline:insert_qc                   -
[-        ] pipeline:align_assembly              -
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_comparison         -
[-        ] pipeline:runPlannotate               -
[-        ] pipeline:assemblyMafs                -
[-        ] pipeline:report                      -
[-        ] publish                              -
Invalid sample sheet: Parsing error: [Errno 35] Resource deadlock avoided.
WARN: Killing running tasks (1)
Copy link

This then happened when I tried to run the demo data again, which now looks a lot like the error I am getting with my own data!

        --fastq 'wf-clone-validation-demo/fastq' \
        --primers 'wf-clone-validation-demo/primers.tsv' \
        --sample_sheet 'wf-clone-validation-demo/sample_sheet.csv' \
        -profile standard

 N E X T F L O W   ~  version 24.10.3

Launching `` [happy_mahavira] DSL2 - revision: 5b0d7357de [master]

||||||||||   _____ ____ ___ ____  __  __ _____      _       _
||||||||||  | ____|  _ \_ _|___ \|  \/  | ____|    | | __ _| |__  ___
|||||       |  _| | |_) | |  __) | |\/| |  _| _____| |/ _` | '_ \/ __|
|||||       | |___|  __/| | / __/| |  | | |__|_____| | (_| | |_) \__ \
||||||||||  |_____|_|  |___|_____|_|  |_|_____|    |_|\__,_|_.__/|___/
||||||||||  wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735
Core Nextflow options
  revision       : master
  runName        : happy_mahavira
  containerEngine: docker
  container      : [withLabel:wfplasmid:ontresearch/wf-clone-validation:sha55e97540ca3ca4f06310269c2ebd3175e1e9352a, withLabel:canu:ontresearch/canu:shabbdea3813f6fb436ea0cbaa19958ad772db9154c, withLabel:medaka:ontresearch/medaka:sha447c70a639b8bcf17dc49b51e74dfcde6474837b, withLabel:wf_common:ontresearch/wf-common:shaabceef445fb63214073cbf5836fdd33c04be4ac7, withLabel:plannotate:ontresearch/plannotate:shaf7f37f751dd0bc529121b765fb63322502288a03]
  launchDir      : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG
  workDir        : /Users/jameslloyd/Documents/Main_Work_JPBL/LL/BULLYWUG/work
  projectDir     : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation
  userName       : jameslloyd
  profile        : standard
  configFiles    : /Users/jameslloyd/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation/nextflow.config

Input Options
  fastq          : wf-clone-validation-demo/fastq
  primers        : wf-clone-validation-demo/primers.tsv

Sample Options
  sample_sheet   : wf-clone-validation-demo/sample_sheet.csv

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
If you use epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation for your analysis please cite:

* The nf-core framework

This is epi2me-labs/wf-clone-validation v1.7.1-g5b0d735.
Searching input for [.fastq, .fastq.gz, .fq, .fq.gz] files.
executor >  local (5)
[c7/8342a7] validate_sample_sheet                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[eb/495907] fastcat (4)                          [  0%] 0 of 11
[-        ] cutsite_qc                           -
[-        ] pipeline:filterHostReads             -
[-        ] pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads          -
[-        ] pipeline:assembleCore                -
[-        ] pipeline:medakaPolishAssembly        -
[-        ] pipeline:reorientateFastqAndGetFasta -
[-        ] pipeline:downsampledStats            -
[-        ] pipeline:findPrimers                 -
[7e/f3ead3] pipeline:medakaVersion               [  0%] 0 of 1
[-        ] pipeline:flyeVersion                 -
[-        ] pipeline:getVersions                 -
[22/b7564e] pipeline:getParams                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_qc                 -
[-        ] pipeline:inserts                     -
[-        ] pipeline:insert_qc                   -
[-        ] pipeline:align_assembly              -
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_comparison         -
[-        ] pipeline:runPlannotate               -
[-        ] pipeline:assemblyMafs                -
[-        ] pipeline:report                      -
[-        ] publish                              -
WARN: Input directory 'barcode12' was found, but sample sheet 'wf-clone-validation-demo/sample_sheet.csv' has no such entry.
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'fastcat (7)'

Caused by:
  Process `fastcat (7)` terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

executor >  local (5)
[c7/8342a7] validate_sample_sheet                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[eb/86da80] fastcat (7)                          [  9%] 1 of 11, failed: 1
[-        ] cutsite_qc                           -
[-        ] pipeline:filterHostReads             -
[-        ] pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads          -
[-        ] pipeline:assembleCore                -
[-        ] pipeline:medakaPolishAssembly        -
[-        ] pipeline:reorientateFastqAndGetFasta -
[-        ] pipeline:downsampledStats            -
[-        ] pipeline:findPrimers                 -
[7e/f3ead3] pipeline:medakaVersion               [  0%] 0 of 1
[-        ] pipeline:flyeVersion                 -
[-        ] pipeline:getVersions                 -
[22/b7564e] pipeline:getParams                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_qc                 -
[-        ] pipeline:inserts                     -
[-        ] pipeline:insert_qc                   -
[-        ] pipeline:align_assembly              -
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_comparison         -
[-        ] pipeline:runPlannotate               -
[-        ] pipeline:assemblyMafs                -
[-        ] pipeline:report                      -
[-        ] publish                              -
WARN: Input directory 'barcode12' was found, but sample sheet 'wf-clone-validation-demo/sample_sheet.csv' has no such entry.
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'fastcat (7)'

Caused by:
  Process `fastcat (7)` terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

executor >  local (5)
[c7/8342a7] validate_sample_sheet                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[eb/86da80] fastcat (7)                          [  9%] 1 of 11, failed: 1
[-        ] cutsite_qc                           -
[-        ] pipeline:filterHostReads             -
[-        ] pipeline:checkIfEnoughReads          -
[-        ] pipeline:assembleCore                -
[-        ] pipeline:medakaPolishAssembly        -
[-        ] pipeline:reorientateFastqAndGetFasta -
[-        ] pipeline:downsampledStats            -
[-        ] pipeline:findPrimers                 -
[7e/f3ead3] pipeline:medakaVersion               [  0%] 0 of 1
[-        ] pipeline:flyeVersion                 -
[-        ] pipeline:getVersions                 -
[22/b7564e] pipeline:getParams                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_qc                 -
[-        ] pipeline:inserts                     -
[-        ] pipeline:insert_qc                   -
[-        ] pipeline:align_assembly              -
[-        ] pipeline:assembly_comparison         -
[-        ] pipeline:runPlannotate               -
[-        ] pipeline:assemblyMafs                -
[-        ] pipeline:report                      -
[-        ] publish                              -
WARN: Input directory 'barcode12' was found, but sample sheet 'wf-clone-validation-demo/sample_sheet.csv' has no such entry.
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'fastcat (7)'

Caused by:
  Process `fastcat (7)` terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

  mkdir fastcat_stats
  mkdir fastq_chunks
  # Save file as compressed fastq
  fastcat         -s sample07         -f fastcat_stats/per-file-stats.tsv         -i fastcat_stats/per-file-runids.tsv         -l fastcat_stats/per-file-basecallers.tsv         --histograms histograms                           input_src     | if [ "0" = "0" ]; then
      bgzip -@ 4 > fastq_chunks/seqs.fastq.gz
      split -l null -d --additional-suffix=.fastq.gz --filter='bgzip -@ 4 > $FILE' - fastq_chunks/seqs_;
  mv histograms/* fastcat_stats
  # get n_seqs from per-file stats - need to sum them up
  awk 'NR==1{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {ix[$i] = i}} NR>1 {c+=$ix["n_seqs"]} END{print c}'         fastcat_stats/per-file-stats.tsv > fastcat_stats/n_seqs
  # get unique run IDs (we add `-F '\t'` as `awk` uses any stretch of whitespace
  # as field delimiter per default and thus ignores empty columns)
  awk -F '\t' '
      NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {ix[$i] = i}}
      # only print run_id if present
      NR>1 && $ix["run_id"] != "" {print $ix["run_id"]}
  ' fastcat_stats/per-file-runids.tsv | sort | uniq > fastcat_stats/run_ids
  # get unique basecall models
  awk -F '\t' '
      NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {ix[$i] = i}}
      # only print basecall model if present
      NR>1 && $ix["basecaller"] != "" {print $ix["basecaller"]}
  ' fastcat_stats/per-file-basecallers.tsv | sort | uniq > fastcat_stats/basecallers

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error:
  Error reading file 'input_src', possibly truncated
  Completed processing with errors. Outputs may be incomplete.

Work dir:


Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`

 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
WARN: Killing running tasks (2)

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Can you still run hello-world? eg. nextflow run hello Has anything changed with your input src - its not pointing to anything on a mounted file system is it? Sometime i've seen it complain in these cases. Make sure the files are on the same drive you are running it from if possible. If you are on a desktop you could try the free to install and use app and see if it helps.

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jamespblloyd-uwa commented Jan 17, 2025

Thanks for getting back to me

When I run nextflow run hello i get this:

 N E X T F L O W   ~  version 24.10.3

Pulling nextflow-io/hello ...
 downloaded from
Launching `` [clever_heyrovsky] DSL2 - revision: afff16a9b4 [master]

executor >  local (4)
[75/0155c8] sayHello (1) [100%] 4 of 4Hola world!

Hello world!

Ciao world!

Bonjour world!

I have not run this before, but it looks ok to me. As for where the data is, I have one storage disk in my MacBook and it is the same as where EPI2ME is installed and where the data was when I ran it successfully at the start of the week. I have included the commands and output from nextflow for them for you to compare to the failed runs above (and how they are almost identical).

I also tried running it from the GUI (EPI2ME desktop) and I had an issue as well, so I have attached the issue export to this. Please let me know if you have any other thoughts or suggestions. I do not think that the issue is related not EPI2ME not being able to find the input files as I could manually find and select the fastq in the GUI without issue.



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What I did was to nuke everything (nextflow, docker, the downloaded EPI2ME code), and then I re-installed everything (nextflow, epi2me and docker) and it is now running beautifully again on demo and real data. Such an odd bug but at least it is behaving again.

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