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Level API +---------------------- +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + :caption: Contents: + + TSfitter + spectrum + + +Low Level API +-------------- +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + :caption: Contents: + + formfactor + fitmodel + ratintn \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py index a3abb09..04620fd 100644 --- a/docs/source/conf.py +++ b/docs/source/conf.py @@ -5,23 +5,280 @@ # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#project-information +# -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. 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These conditions can then be used as the initial conditions for a fine resolution fit. +It is recommended start fitting data with a coarse resolution in order to identify the rough plasma conditions. +These conditions can then be used as the initial conditions for a fine resolution fit. @@ -9,7 +10,8 @@ It is recommended start fitting data with a coarse resolution in order to identi Background and lineout selection --------------------------------- -There are multiple options for background algorithms and types of fitting. These tend to be the best options for various data types. All of these options are editable in the input deck. +There are multiple options for background algorithms and types of fitting. These tend to be the best options for various +data types. All of these options are editable in the input deck. **Best operation for time resolved data:** diff --git a/docs/source/formfactor.rst b/docs/source/formfactor.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8789315 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/formfactor.rst @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Form Factor API +================ + +This is the module that handles the loss function, gradient calculation, hessian calculation, and parameter generation + +.. autoclass:: inverse_thomson_scattering.model.physics.form_factor.FormFactor + :members: + :private-members: + +.. autofunction:: inverse_thomson_scattering.model.physics.form_factor.zprimeMaxw + diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst index 072e1bb..c0c33f1 100644 --- a/docs/source/index.rst +++ b/docs/source/index.rst @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ More details on the numerics will be added soon. FAQ math contributing + api_main *What does TSADAR stand for?* diff --git a/docs/source/math.rst b/docs/source/math.rst index 6b6a8e6..e1afc3c 100644 --- a/docs/source/math.rst +++ b/docs/source/math.rst @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ Implementation of Thomson Scattering ---------------------------------- +------------------------------------- *Coming Soon* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/source/ratintn.rst b/docs/source/ratintn.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46dbdc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/ratintn.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Dispersion Relation Integral +============================= + +The dispersion relation integral is the most computationally expensive component. Because there is a pole in the +integral, we perform a rational integral that is described by the following routines + + +.. autofunction:: inverse_thomson_scattering.model.physics.ratintn.ratintn +.. autofunction:: inverse_thomson_scattering.model.physics.ratintn.ratcen + diff --git a/docs/source/runner.rst b/docs/source/runner.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..255b943 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/runner.rst @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Runner API +============ + +This is the highest level module that manages the MLFlow run and runs the calculation + +.. automodule:: inverse_thomson_scattering.runner + :members: + :private-members: + :special-members: \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/source/spectrum.rst b/docs/source/spectrum.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a533cc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/spectrum.rst @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Spectrum API +================ + +TODO + +.. autoclass:: inverse_thomson_scattering.model.spectrum.SpectrumCalculator + :members: + :private-members: diff --git a/env.yml b/env.yml index e540a84..39f31dd 100644 --- a/env.yml +++ b/env.yml @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ dependencies: - python=3.10 - pip - pip: - - jaxlib==0.4.14 - - jax==0.4.14 + - jaxlib + - jax - jaxopt - numpy - scipy @@ -20,4 +20,6 @@ dependencies: - typing-extensions - optax - tqdm - - xarray \ No newline at end of file + - xarray + - mlflow_export_import + - pandas \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/env_gpu.yml b/env_gpu.yml index 2f41cd0..da6b778 100644 --- a/env_gpu.yml +++ b/env_gpu.yml @@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ dependencies: - optax - tqdm - xarray - - mlflow_export_import \ No newline at end of file + - mlflow_export_import + - pandas \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/fitter.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/fitter.py index b060c18..270cd46 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/fitter.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/fitter.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import copy -from typing import Dict, Tuple +from typing import Dict, Tuple, List import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from jax.flatten_util import ravel_pytree from inverse_thomson_scattering.misc.num_dist_func import get_num_dist_func -from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.loss_function import TSFitter +from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.TSFitter import TSFitter from inverse_thomson_scattering.process import prepare, postprocess @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def _validate_inputs_(config: Dict) -> Dict: return config -def scipy_angular_loop(config: Dict, all_data: Dict, sa): +def scipy_angular_loop(config: Dict, all_data: Dict, sa) -> Tuple[Dict, float, TSFitter]: """ Performs angular thomson scattering i.e. ARTEMIS fitting exercise using the SciPy optimizer routines @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def scipy_angular_loop(config: Dict, all_data: Dict, sa): ts_fitter = TSFitter(config, sa, batch) all_weights = {k: [] for k in ts_fitter.pytree_weights["active"].keys()} - + if config["optimizer"]["num_mins"] > 1: print(Warning("multiple num mins doesnt work. only running once")) for i in range(1): @@ -248,9 +248,11 @@ def angular_adam(config, all_data, sa, batch_indices, num_batches): best_weights = weights mlflow.log_metrics({"epoch loss": float(epoch_loss)}, step=i_epoch) - -def _1d_adam_loop_(config, ts_fitter, previous_weights, batch, tbatch): + +def _1d_adam_loop_( + config: Dict, ts_fitter: TSFitter, previous_weights: np.ndarray, batch: Dict, tbatch +) -> Tuple[float, Dict]: jaxopt_kwargs = dict( fun=ts_fitter.vg_loss, maxiter=config["optimizer"]["num_epochs"], value_and_grad=True, has_aux=True ) @@ -283,8 +285,9 @@ def _1d_adam_loop_(config, ts_fitter, previous_weights, batch, tbatch): best_weights = init_weights return best_loss, best_weights - -def _1d_scipy_loop_(config, ts_fitter: TSFitter, previous_weights, batch, tbatch): + + +def _1d_scipy_loop_(config: Dict, ts_fitter: TSFitter, previous_weights: np.ndarray, batch: Dict) -> Tuple[float, Dict]: if previous_weights is None: # if prev, then use that, if not then use flattened weights init_weights = np.copy(ts_fitter.flattened_weights) else: @@ -304,14 +307,33 @@ def _1d_scipy_loop_(config, ts_fitter: TSFitter, previous_weights, batch, tbatch bounds=ts_fitter.bounds, options={"disp": True, "maxiter": 1000}, ) - + best_loss = res["fun"] best_weights = ts_fitter.unravel_pytree(res["x"]) return best_loss, best_weights -def one_d_loop(config, all_data, sa, batch_indices, num_batches): +def one_d_loop( + config: Dict, all_data: Dict, sa: Tuple, batch_indices: np.ndarray, num_batches: int +) -> Tuple[List, float, TSFitter]: + """ + This is the higher level wrapper that prepares the data and the fitting code for the 1D fits + + This function branches out into the various optimization routines for fitting. + + For now, this is either running the ADAM loop or the SciPy optimizer loop + + Args: + config: + all_data: + sa: + batch_indices: + num_batches: + + Returns: + + """ sample = {k: v[: config["optimizer"]["batch_size"]] for k, v in all_data.items()} sample = { "noise_e": config["other"]["PhysParams"]["noiseE"][: config["optimizer"]["batch_size"]], @@ -342,7 +364,7 @@ def one_d_loop(config, all_data, sa, batch_indices, num_batches): else: # not sure why this is needed but something needs to be reset, either the weights or the bounds ts_fitter = TSFitter(config, sa, batch) - best_loss, best_weights = _1d_scipy_loop_(config, ts_fitter, previous_weights, batch, tbatch) + best_loss, best_weights = _1d_scipy_loop_(config, ts_fitter, previous_weights, batch) all_weights.append(best_weights) mlflow.log_metrics({"batch loss": float(best_loss)}, step=i_batch) diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/loss_function.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/TSFitter.py similarity index 80% rename from inverse_thomson_scattering/model/loss_function.py rename to inverse_thomson_scattering/model/TSFitter.py index a0e2eb9..8062cfe 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/loss_function.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/TSFitter.py @@ -13,7 +13,23 @@ class TSFitter: + """ + This class is responsible for handling the forward pass and using that to create a loss function + + Args: + cfg: Configuration dictionary + sas: TODO + dummy_batch: Dictionary of dummy data + + """ def __init__(self, cfg: Dict, sas, dummy_batch): + """ + + Args: + cfg: Configuration dictionary + sas: TODO + dummy_batch: Dictionary of dummy data + """ self.cfg = cfg if cfg["optimizer"]["y_norm"]: @@ -64,9 +80,24 @@ def __init__(self, cfg: Dict, sas, dummy_batch): else: raise NotImplementedError else: - Warning("\n !!! Distribution function not fitted !!! Make sure this is what you thought you were running \n") + Warning( + "\n !!! Distribution function not fitted !!! Make sure this is what you thought you were running \n" + ) + + def smooth(self, distribution: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: + """ + This method is used to smooth the distribution function. It sits right in between the optimization algorithm + that provides the weights/values of the distribution function and the fitting code that uses it. - def smooth(self, distribution): + Because the optimizer is not constrained to provide a smooth distribution function, this operation smoothens + the output. This is a differentiable operation and we train/fit our weights through this. + + Args: + distribution: + + Returns: + + """ s = jnp.r_[ distribution[self.smooth_window_len - 1 : 0 : -1], distribution, @@ -76,7 +107,20 @@ def smooth(self, distribution): self.smooth_window_len - 1 : -(self.smooth_window_len - 1) ] - def weights_to_params(self, these_params, return_static_params=True): + def weights_to_params(self, these_params: Dict, return_static_params: bool = True) -> Dict: + """ + This function creates the physical parameters used in the TS algorithm from the weights. + + This could be a 1:1 mapping, or it could be a linear transformation e.g. "normalized" parameters, or it could + be something else altogether e.g. a neural network + + Args: + these_params: + return_static_params: + + Returns: + + """ for param_name, param_config in self.cfg["parameters"].items(): if param_config["active"]: # if self.cfg["optimizer"]["method"] == "adam": @@ -95,7 +139,19 @@ def weights_to_params(self, these_params, return_static_params=True): return these_params - def _array_loss_fn_(self, weights, batch): + def _array_loss_fn_(self, weights: Dict, batch: Dict): + """ + This is similar to the _loss_ function but it calculates the loss per slice without doing a batch-wise mean + calculation at the end. There might be a better way to write this + + + Args: + weights: + batch: + + Returns: + + """ # Used for postprocessing params = self.weights_to_params(weights) ThryE, ThryI, lamAxisE, lamAxisI = self.spec_calc(params, batch) @@ -212,7 +268,17 @@ def calc_ei_error(self, batch, ThryI, lamAxisI, ThryE, lamAxisE, denom, reduce_f return i_error, e_error - def moment_loss(self, params): + def _moment_loss_(self, params): + """ + This function calculates the loss associated with regularizing the moments of the distribution function i.e. + the density should be 1, the temperature should be 1, and momentum should be 0. + + Args: + params: + + Returns: + + """ dv = self.cfg["velocity"][1] - self.cfg["velocity"][0] if self.cfg["parameters"]["fe"]["symmetric"]: density_loss = jnp.mean(jnp.square(1.0 - 2.0 * jnp.sum(jnp.exp(params["fe"]) * dv, axis=1))) @@ -264,16 +330,25 @@ def __loss__(self, weights, batch): denom=[jnp.square(self.i_norm), jnp.square(self.e_norm)], reduce_func=jnp.mean, ) - density_loss, temperature_loss, momentum_loss = self.moment_loss(params) + density_loss, temperature_loss, momentum_loss = self._moment_loss_(params) # other_losses = calc_other_losses(params) - normed_batch = self.get_normed_batch(batch) + normed_batch = self._get_normed_batch_(batch) normed_e_data = normed_batch["e_data"] ion_error = self.cfg["data"]["ion_loss_scale"] * i_error total_loss = ion_error + e_error + density_loss + temperature_loss + momentum_loss return total_loss, [ThryE, normed_e_data, params] - def get_normed_batch(self, batch): + def _get_normed_batch_(self, batch): + """ + Normalizes the batch + + Args: + batch: + + Returns: + + """ normed_batch = copy.deepcopy(batch) normed_batch["i_data"] = normed_batch["i_data"] / self.i_input_norm normed_batch["e_data"] = normed_batch["e_data"] / self.e_input_norm @@ -287,7 +362,22 @@ def loss(self, weights, batch): else: return self._loss_(weights, batch) - def vg_loss(self, weights, batch): + def vg_loss(self, weights: Dict, batch: Dict): + """ + This is the primary workhorse high level function. This function returns the value of the loss function which + is used to assess goodness-of-fit and the gradient of that value with respect to the weights, which is used to + update the weights + + This function is used by both optimization methods. It performs the necessary pre-/post- processing that is + needed to work with the optimization software. + + Args: + weights: + batch: + + Returns: + + """ if self.cfg["optimizer"]["method"] == "l-bfgs-b": pytree_weights = self.unravel_pytree(weights) (value, aux), grad = self._vg_func_(pytree_weights, batch) diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/form_factor.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/form_factor.py index ef176d0..6d571ec 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/form_factor.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/form_factor.py @@ -54,7 +54,12 @@ def __init__(self, lamrang, npts): def __call__(self, params, cur_ne, cur_Te, sa, f_and_v, lam): """ - NONMAXWTHOMSON calculates the Thomson spectral density function S(k,omg) and is capable of handeling multiple plasma conditions and scattering angles. The spectral density function is calculated with and without the ion contribution which can be set to an independent grid from the electron contribution. Distribution functions can be one or two dimensional and the appropriate susceptibility is calculated with the rational integration. + Calculates the Thomson spectral density function S(k,omg) and is capable of handeling multiple plasma conditions + and scattering angles. The spectral density function is calculated with and without the ion contribution + which can be set to an independent grid from the electron contribution. Distribution functions can be one or + two dimensional and the appropriate susceptibility is calculated with the rational integration. + + In angular, `fe` is a Tuple, Distribution function (DF), normalized velocity (x), and angles from k_L to f1 in radians @@ -69,8 +74,8 @@ def __call__(self, params, cur_ne, cur_Te, sa, f_and_v, lam): :param lamrang: wavelength range in nm [1 by 2] :param lam: probe wavelength in nm :param sa: scattering angle in degrees [1 by n] - :param fe: Distribution function (DF) and normalized velocity (x) for 1D distributions and - Distribution function (DF), normalized velocity (x), and angles from k_L to f1 in radians + :param fe: Distribution function (DF) and normalized velocity (x) for 1D distributions + :return: """ diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/generate_spectra.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/generate_spectra.py index 034161b..767725e 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/generate_spectra.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/physics/generate_spectra.py @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +from typing import Dict + from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.physics.form_factor import FormFactor from inverse_thomson_scattering.misc.num_dist_func import get_num_dist_func @@ -5,14 +7,32 @@ class FitModel: - def __init__(self, config, sa): + """ + TODO + + Args: + config: + sa: + """ + + def __init__(self, config: Dict, sa): self.config = config self.sa = sa self.electron_form_factor = FormFactor(config["other"]["lamrangE"], npts=config["other"]["npts"]) self.ion_form_factor = FormFactor(config["other"]["lamrangI"], npts=config["other"]["npts"]) self.num_dist_func = get_num_dist_func(config["parameters"]["fe"]["type"], config["velocity"]) - def __call__(self, all_params): + def __call__(self, all_params: Dict): + """ + TODO + + + Args: + all_params: + + Returns: + + """ for key in self.config["parameters"].keys(): if key != "fe": all_params[key] = jnp.squeeze(all_params[key]) diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/spectrum.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/spectrum.py index ef569cc..3df5d5a 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/spectrum.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/model/spectrum.py @@ -4,9 +4,24 @@ from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.physics.generate_spectra import FitModel from inverse_thomson_scattering.process import irf +""" +This is the class that generates the spectrum (?) + +TODO + +""" class SpectrumCalculator: + """ + TODO + + Args: + cfg: + sas: + dummy_batch: + """ def __init__(self, cfg, sas, dummy_batch): + super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.sas = sas @@ -26,6 +41,20 @@ def __init__(self, cfg, sas, dummy_batch): self.vmap_postprocess_thry = vmap(self.postprocess_thry) def postprocess_thry(self, modlE, modlI, lamAxisE, lamAxisI, amps, TSins): + """ + TODO + + Args: + modlE: + modlI: + lamAxisE: + lamAxisI: + amps: + TSins: + + Returns: + + """ if self.cfg["other"]["extraoptions"]["load_ion_spec"]: lamAxisI, ThryI = irf.add_ion_IRF(self.cfg, lamAxisI, modlI, amps["i_amps"], TSins) else: @@ -45,6 +74,18 @@ def postprocess_thry(self, modlE, modlI, lamAxisE, lamAxisI, amps, TSins): return ThryE, ThryI, lamAxisE, lamAxisI def reduce_ATS_to_resunit(self, ThryE, lamAxisE, TSins, batch): + """ + TODO + + Args: + ThryE: + lamAxisE: + TSins: + batch: + + Returns: + + """ lam_step = round(ThryE.shape[1] / batch["e_data"].shape[1]) ang_step = round(ThryE.shape[0] / self.cfg["other"]["CCDsize"][0]) @@ -60,6 +101,16 @@ def reduce_ATS_to_resunit(self, ThryE, lamAxisE, TSins, batch): return ThryE, lamAxisE def __call__(self, params, batch): + """ + TODO + + Args: + params: + batch: + + Returns: + + """ modlE, modlI, lamAxisE, lamAxisI, live_TSinputs = self.vmap_forward_pass(params) # , sas["weights"]) ThryE, ThryI, lamAxisE, lamAxisI = self.vmap_postprocess_thry( modlE, modlI, lamAxisE, lamAxisI, {"e_amps": batch["e_amps"], "i_amps": batch["i_amps"]}, live_TSinputs diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/correct_throughput.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/correct_throughput.py index f3f353b..32c6535 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/correct_throughput.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/correct_throughput.py @@ -3,26 +3,39 @@ from numpy.matlib import repmat import scipy.interpolate as sp import scipy.io as sio -from os.path import join, exists -import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from os.path import join def correctThroughput(data, tstype, axisy, shotNum): + """ + Corrects throughput + + todo: improve documentation and typehints + + Args: + data: + tstype: + axisy: + shotNum: + + Returns: + + """ if tstype == "angular": - imp = sio.loadmat(join('files', 'spectral_sensitivity.mat'), variable_names='speccal') - speccal = imp['speccal'] + imp = sio.loadmat(join("files", "spectral_sensitivity.mat"), variable_names="speccal") + speccal = imp["speccal"] # not sure if this transpose is correct, need to check once plotting is working speccal = np.transpose(speccal) if shotNum < 95000: - vq1 = 1. / speccal + vq1 = 1.0 / speccal else: - specax = np.arange(0, 1023) * .214116 + 449.5272 + specax = np.arange(0, 1023) * 0.214116 + 449.5272 speccalshift = sp.interp1d(specax, speccal, "linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=speccal[0]) - vq1 = 1. / speccalshift(axisy) + vq1 = 1.0 / speccalshift(axisy) # print(np.shape(vq1)) elif tstype == "temporal": - wb = xlrd.open_workbook(join('files', 'Copy of MeasuredSensitivity_9.21.15.xls')) + wb = xlrd.open_workbook(join("files", "Copy of MeasuredSensitivity_9.21.15.xls")) sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0) sens = np.zeros([301, 2]) @@ -30,7 +43,7 @@ def correctThroughput(data, tstype, axisy, shotNum): sens[i - 2, 0] = sheet.cell_value(i, 0) sens[i - 2, 1] = sheet.cell_value(i, 1) - sens[:, 1] = 1. / sens[:, 1] + sens[:, 1] = 1.0 / sens[:, 1] sens[0:17, 1] = sens[18, 1] # the sensitivity goes to zero in this location and is not usable speccalshift = sp.interp1d(sens[:, 0], sens[:, 1], "linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=sens[0, 1]) diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/evaluate_background.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/evaluate_background.py index ac11f98..79ed1c8 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/evaluate_background.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/evaluate_background.py @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -# Contains two functions one which quantifies the background for full images and one whcih quantifies the background for individual lineouts +from typing import Tuple + import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as spopt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt @@ -10,6 +11,17 @@ def get_shot_bg(config, axisyE, elecData): + """ + Quantify the background for full images + + Args: + config: + axisyE: + elecData: + + Returns: + + """ if config["data"]["background"]["type"] == "Shot": [BGele, BGion, _, _] = loadData( config["data"]["background"]["slice"], config["data"]["shotDay"], config["other"]["extraoptions"] @@ -62,23 +74,32 @@ def quadbg(x): def get_lineout_bg( config, elecData, ionData, BGele, BGion, LineoutTSE_smooth, BackgroundPixel, LineoutPixelE, LineoutPixelI -): +) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ - This function generates noise or background profiles to based off the data or background data. Electron spectra have 2 options "Fit" and "pixel". These specify how forground data is treated. Noise is then the sum of forground and background noise. Ions only have one background option as the background is usualy very small - - "Fit" : fits a rational model against the edges of the lineout to produce a background, the model can be changed. This option functions differently for angular data and is handled by the function get_shot_bg. This option makes no attempt to remove a background shot, using both can result in double counting. This option is best for imaging data. - - "pixel : the other options "ps" and "auto" are aliases for "pixel" where the background pixel is instead idenitifed by a time ("ps") or set to 100 pixels past the lineout ("auto"). This method uses another linout of the data that is smoothed to act as the background. If included a background shot is removed to prevent double counting. This option is best for time resolved data. + This function generates noise or background profiles to based off the data or background data. + Electron spectra have 2 options "Fit" and "pixel". These specify how foreground data is treated. + Noise is then the sum of foreground and background noise. Ions only have one background option as the background is + usually very small + + "Fit" : fits a rational model against the edges of the lineout to produce a background, the model can be changed. + This option functions differently for angular data and is handled by the function get_shot_bg. This option makes no + attempt to remove a background shot, using both can result in double counting. This option is best for imaging data. + + "pixel : the other options "ps" and "auto" are aliases for "pixel" where the background pixel is instead identified + by a time ("ps") or set to 100 pixels past the lineout ("auto"). This method uses another lint of the data that is + smoothed to act as the background. If included a background shot is removed to prevent double counting. This option + is best for time resolved data. """ span = 2 * config["data"]["dpixel"] + 1 # (span must be odd) if config["data"]["background"]["type"] not in ["Fit", "Shot", "pixel"]: raise NotImplementedError("Background type must be: 'Fit', 'Shot', or 'pixel'") - + if config["other"]["extraoptions"]["load_ele_spec"]: if config["data"]["background"]["type"] == "Fit": if config["other"]["extraoptions"]["spectype"] != "angular": - # exp2 bg seems to be the best for some imaging data while rat11 is better in other cases but should be checked in more situations + # exp2 bg seems to be the best for some imaging data while rat11 is better in other cases but + # should be checked in more situations bgfitx = np.hstack([np.arange(100, 200), np.arange(800, 1023)]) def exp2(x, a, b, c, d): @@ -106,9 +127,9 @@ def rat11(x, a, b, c): plt.plot(rat11(np.arange(1024), *rat1bg)) plt.plot(LineoutTSE_smooth[i]) plt.show() - + LineoutBGE.append(rat11(np.arange(1024), *rat1bg)) - #if not fit + # if not fit else: # quantify a background lineout LineoutBGE = np.mean( @@ -130,7 +151,7 @@ def exp2(x, a, b, c, d): ) # this is specificaly targeted at streaked data, removes the fiducials at top and bottom and notch filter bgfitx2 = np.hstack([np.arange(250, 300), np.arange(700, 900)]) plt.plot(bgfitx, LineoutBGE[bgfitx]) - + [expbg, _] = spopt.curve_fit(exp2, bgfitx, LineoutBGE[bgfitx], p0=[200, 0.001, 200, 0.001]) LineoutBGE = config["data"]["bgscaleE"] * exp2(np.arange(1024), *expbg) @@ -152,7 +173,7 @@ def exp2(x, a, b, c, d): # plt.plot(bgfitx, lin[bgfitx]) # plt.show() - #add background from background shot is applicable + # add background from background shot is applicable if np.shape(BGele) == tuple(config["other"]["CCDsize"]): LineoutBGE2 = [ np.mean(BGele[:, a - config["data"]["dpixel"] : a + config["data"]["dpixel"]], axis=1) @@ -161,19 +182,18 @@ def exp2(x, a, b, c, d): noiseE = LineoutBGE + np.array(LineoutBGE2) else: noiseE = LineoutBGE * np.ones((len(LineoutPixelE), 1)) - + # constant addition to the background noiseE += config["other"]["flatbg"] else: noiseE = np.zeros(len(config["data"]["lineouts"]["val"])) - - + if config["other"]["extraoptions"]["load_ion_spec"]: - #Due to the low background associated with IAWs the fitted background is only performed for the EPW + # Due to the low background associated with IAWs the fitted background is only performed for the EPW if config["data"]["background"]["type"] == "Fit": BackgroundPixel = config["data"]["background"]["slice"] - + # quantify a uniform background noiseI = np.mean( (ionData - BGion)[ @@ -189,9 +209,7 @@ def exp2(x, a, b, c, d): # add the uniform background to the background from the background shot if np.shape(BGion) == tuple(config["other"]["CCDsize"]): LineoutBGI = [ - np.mean( - BGion[:, a - config["data"]["dpixel"] : a + config["data"]["dpixel"]], axis=1 - ) + np.mean(BGion[:, a - config["data"]["dpixel"] : a + config["data"]["dpixel"]], axis=1) for a in LineoutPixelI ] noiseI = noiseI + LineoutBGI diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/irf.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/irf.py index 065906e..d85d1dd 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/irf.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/irf.py @@ -1,7 +1,25 @@ +from typing import Tuple from jax import numpy as jnp -def add_ATS_IRF(config, sas, lamAxisE, modlE, amps, TSins, lam): +def add_ATS_IRF(config, sas, lamAxisE, modlE, amps, TSins, lam) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: + """ + Angular Thomson Scattering IRF + + todo: improve doc and typehints + + Args: + config: + sas: + lamAxisE: + modlE: + amps: + TSins: + lam: + + Returns: + + """ stddev_lam = config["other"]["PhysParams"]["widIRF"]["spect_FWHM_ele"] / 2.3548 stddev_ang = config["other"]["PhysParams"]["widIRF"]["ang_FWHM_ele"] / 2.3548 # Conceptual_origin so the convolution donsn't shift the signal @@ -31,7 +49,22 @@ def add_ATS_IRF(config, sas, lamAxisE, modlE, amps, TSins, lam): return lamAxisE, ThryE -def add_ion_IRF(config, lamAxisI, modlI, amps, TSins): +def add_ion_IRF(config, lamAxisI, modlI, amps, TSins) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: + """ + Ion IRF (Instrument Response Function?) + + todo: improve doc and typehints + + Args: + config: + lamAxisI: + modlI: + amps: + TSins: + + Returns: + + """ stddevI = config["other"]["PhysParams"]["widIRF"]["spect_stddev_ion"] if stddevI: originI = (jnp.amax(lamAxisI) + jnp.amin(lamAxisI)) / 2.0 @@ -53,7 +86,23 @@ def add_ion_IRF(config, lamAxisI, modlI, amps, TSins): return lamAxisI, ThryI -def add_electron_IRF(config, lamAxisE, modlE, amps, TSins, lam): +def add_electron_IRF(config, lamAxisE, modlE, amps, TSins, lam) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: + """ + electron IRF (Instrument Response Function?) + + todo: improve doc and typehints + + Args: + config: + lamAxisE: + modlE: + amps: + TSins: + lam: + + Returns: + + """ stddevE = config["other"]["PhysParams"]["widIRF"]["spect_stddev_ele"] # Conceptual_origin so the convolution doesn't shift the signal originE = (jnp.amax(lamAxisE) + jnp.amin(lamAxisE)) / 2.0 diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/lineouts.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/lineouts.py index 0f8a4cc..1c96492 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/lineouts.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/lineouts.py @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +from typing import Dict + from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np @@ -6,7 +8,7 @@ def get_lineouts( elecData, ionData, BGele, BGion, axisxE, axisxI, axisyE, axisyI, shift_zero, IAWtime, xlab, sa, config -): +) -> Dict: # Convert lineout locations to pixel if config["data"]["lineouts"]["type"] == "ps" or config["data"]["lineouts"]["type"] == "um": LineoutPixelE = [np.argmin(abs(axisxE - loc - shift_zero)) for loc in config["data"]["lineouts"]["val"]] @@ -65,15 +67,7 @@ def get_lineouts( # Find background signal combining information from a background shot and background lineout [noiseE, noiseI] = get_lineout_bg( - config, - elecData, - ionData, - BGele, - BGion, - LineoutTSE_smooth, - BackgroundPixel, - LineoutPixelE, - LineoutPixelI, + config, elecData, ionData, BGele, BGion, LineoutTSE_smooth, BackgroundPixel, LineoutPixelE, LineoutPixelI ) # Find data amplitudes diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/postprocess.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/postprocess.py index d106ab2..07806a1 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/postprocess.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/process/postprocess.py @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import scipy.optimize as spopt from inverse_thomson_scattering.misc import plotters -from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.loss_function import TSFitter +from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.TSFitter import TSFitter def recalculate_with_chosen_weights( diff --git a/inverse_thomson_scattering/runner.py b/inverse_thomson_scattering/runner.py index 67349f5..09212c3 100644 --- a/inverse_thomson_scattering/runner.py +++ b/inverse_thomson_scattering/runner.py @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import time, os +from typing import Dict, Tuple import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt @@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ from inverse_thomson_scattering import fitter from inverse_thomson_scattering.misc.calibration import get_scattering_angles from inverse_thomson_scattering.misc.num_dist_func import get_num_dist_func -from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.loss_function import TSFitter +from inverse_thomson_scattering.model.TSFitter import TSFitter from inverse_thomson_scattering.fitter import init_param_norm_and_shift from inverse_thomson_scattering.misc import utils @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ BASE_TEMPDIR = None -def load_and_make_folders(cfg_path): +def load_and_make_folders(cfg_path: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict]: """ This is used to queue runs on NERSC @@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ def load_and_make_folders(cfg_path): return mlflow_run.info.run_id, all_configs -def run(cfg_path, mode): +def run(cfg_path: str, mode: str) -> str: """ Wrapper for lower level runner @@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ def run(cfg_path, mode): return run_id -def _run_(config, mode="fit"): +def _run_(config: Dict, mode: str = "fit"): """ Either performs a forward pass or an entire fitting routine @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ def _run_(config, mode="fit"): mlflow.set_tag("status", "completed") -def run_job(run_id, nested): +def run_job(run_id: str, nested: bool): """ This is used to run queued runs on NERSC. It picks up the `run_id` and finds that using MLFlow and does the fitting @@ -131,7 +132,17 @@ def run_job(run_id, nested): utils.export_run(run_id) -def calc_spec(config): +def calc_spec(config: Dict): + """ + Just performs a forward pass + + + Args: + config: + + Returns: + + """ # get scattering angles and weights config["optimizer"]["batch_size"] = 1 config["other"]["extraoptions"]["spectype"] = "temporal" @@ -145,11 +156,11 @@ def calc_spec(config): config["velocity"] = np.linspace(-7, 7, config["parameters"]["fe"]["length"]) if config["parameters"]["fe"]["symmetric"]: config["velocity"] = np.linspace(0, 7, config["parameters"]["fe"]["length"]) - + NumDistFunc = get_num_dist_func(config["parameters"]["fe"]["type"], config["velocity"]) if not config["parameters"]["fe"]["val"]: config["parameters"]["fe"]["val"] = np.log(NumDistFunc(config["parameters"]["m"]["val"])) - + config["units"] = init_param_norm_and_shift(config) sas = get_scattering_angles(config) diff --git a/requirements-docs.txt b/requirements-docs.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..494465f --- /dev/null +++ b/requirements-docs.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +-r ./requirements.txt + +# building the docs +sphinx > 3.0.0 +sphinx_copybutton +sphinx-rtd-theme >= 1.0, < 2.0 +sphinx-github-style >= 1.0, <= 1.1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 3b45c28..537d977 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ tqdm jaxopt xarray mlflow_export_import +pandas \ No newline at end of file