- nvim-lint: add cspell as standard linter
- lang/markdown: add image.nvim (again)
- keymaps: add insert keymap to jump to closing element
- snacks: only enable colorscript section if command is available
- blink: disable completion in certain filetypes
- lint: nil check the timer for debounce
- markdown: add img-clip.nvim to allow image pasting
- formatting: add biome support
- snippets: add extra snippets for golang
- grug-far: add keymaps
- autocmds: don't run zx on foldexpr set
- lsp: properly check if we are running nvim-0.11 for lsp folding
- markview: add extra filetypes
- blink: allow lsp completion to trigger earlier
- util: add LazyUtilCore to util class
- util: add nil check for lazy_notify timer
- lsp: set border for diagnostic float
- lsp: style signatureHelp as well as hover
- lightbulb: only load if lsp supports codeActions
- snakcs: only show scope in current buffer
- kind_filter: move file specific kind filters to ftplugin files
- lazyfile: move lazyfile related code to config
- lang/helm: move to helm-ls.nvim
- neogit: add keymap for worktree
- add treesj
- keymaps: add keymap for ciw
- noice: add additional routes to noice
- lang/markdown: change to markview
- tiny-inline-diagnostic: update config and make conditionals
- flake: add dwt1-shell-color-scripts package
- snacks: enable input
- lang/golang: golangci-lint -> golangcilint
- keymaps: remove duplicate keymap
- noice: disable signature if blink.cmp is enabled
- blink: color swatch upstreamed
- mason: extract mason to a separate file
- lightbulb: update code to handle new util API
- neogit: disable process spinner
- remove nvim-cmp
- blink: add additional config for providers
- blink: add treesitter highlighting to documentation
- conform: add trim_newlines for files without ft
- lang/lua: add additional config to lua_ls
- lang/lua: add luacheck to linters
- lazy: add keymap to debug plugin spec
- autocmds: only show cursor line in active window
- remove hardtime.nvim
- remove last remnants of telescope
- image.nvim: use magick_cli
- lsp: enable lsp folding by default
- lang/lua: set annotation convention to ldoc
- util.root: switch from glob to fs_stat to check if path exists
- lazy: change spec import order
- util.cmp: move functions out of util
- snippets: change file name to blink.lua
- blink: use the enter preset
- lightbulb: rename to on_attach to match with other funcs
- formatexpr: move formatexpr to conform init
- lualine: move ui.fg to lualine.fg
- foldexpr: move foldexpr to Util root
- lsp: allow disabling keymaps for specific filetypes
- blink: make blink.compat no longer optional
- blink: use release instead of building from source
- lualine: pretty path for mixed case paths on windows
- lualine: add fzf extensions
- blink: remove compat
- add image support
- keymaps: add extra toggles for snacks features
- snacks: use snacks for maximize
- lualine: add snacks profiler status
- git: change keymaps for branch/blame
- blink: change blink config to work on main
- ui: switch picker to fzf-lua
- snacks: add debugger keymaps
- keymap: allow stopping snippet with esc
- add health check
- blink: increase lazydev score
- autocmds: add autocmd to set up folding
- autocmds: write to ShaDa on buffer delete
- snacks: replace ibl and indentscope for the snacks version
- keymaps: add keymap to open lazygit
- zen: replace zen-mode.nvim with snacks zen mode
- blink: only override color symbol kind
- fzf: fix git commits keymap
- keymaps: cmd -> noh
- lang/lua: increase score for lazydev
- refactoring: explicitly pass empty opts
- neogit: disable auto_show_console
- blink: use vim.snippet fix
- autocmds: fix the treesitter folding autocmd
- lsp: actually check for nvim 11 for lsp folding
- util.ui: add comments and use local var
- snacks: add profiler
- snacks: have snacks deal with LspProgress notifications
- keymaps: add keymap to duplicate line and comment out first
- keymaps: add tabline toggle
- flake: add gcc and update inputs
- neogit: disable foldexpr when ft is neogitconsole
- dot: kitty ft with bash treesitter
- treesitter: change incremental_selection keymap
- keymaps: move to the safe_keymap_set function
- blink: update config for latest version
- indentscope: add extra autocmd to disable on snacks_dashboard
- lsp: add the option to use lsp folding
- lsp: add tiny-inline-diagnostic for displaying diagnostic messages
- gitsigns: make blame instant
- diffview: add DiffviewOpen keymap
- snacks: add additional keymaps
- lang/typescript: limit max length of inlayHints
- lang: add zig support
- add treesitter highlights
- dotnet: switch to csharp-language-server
- blink.cmp: set draw for autocomplete close to old reversed
- misc: forgot to commit this
- keymaps: add keymap to copy gitbrowse url
- snacks: use snacks dashboard instead of dashboard.nvim
- catppuccin: enable snacks integration
- blink: enable blink.compat and sources when needed
- eslint: add option to disable eslint autoformat
- terraform: add formatter for packer files
- keymaps: use snacks to delete other buffers
- snacks: change statuscolumn fold options
- opts: remove bigfile_size in favour of using snacks
- snacks: remove util.toggle class
- snacks: add debugging commands
- blink: make keymaps more explicit
- snacks: use toggle
- snacks: use terminal
- snacks: use gitbrowse
- snacks: use rename
- snacks: use words
- snacks: use statuscolumn
- snacks: use bufremove
- snacks: use bigfile
- snacks: use quickfile
- snacks: add snacks to replace some utility functions
- noice: set default border and style for hover windows
- blink: add ripgrep provider/source
- obsidian-nvim: add aws-for-developers vault
- blink: add blink as potential replacement for nvim-cmp
- lang.rust: enable crates.nvim in process lsp
- nvim-cmp: use root.cwd as cwd function for rg
- nvim-cmp: set priorities
- keymaps: add split lines function and mapping
- wezterm-types: add wezterm-types for my wezterm config
- neogit: switch to neogit fork
- quickfix: add quickfix filetype config
- help: add help filetype config
- git: add git filetype config
- go: add GoModTidy command
- snippets: add js/ts snippets
- completion: switch to magazine
- noice.nvim: add extra routes
- gitsigns: add extra config for current line blame
- diffview.nvim: change configuration
- neogit: use neogit for git log instead of gitgraph.nvim
- catppuccin: dim inactive windows
- lsp: use builtin lsb hover provider
- util.format: add FormatInfo user command to show active formatters
- yanky: add yanky.nvim
- keymaps: add better yank and delete keymaps
- rust: update rustaceanvim
- util.toggle: add more customization options
- ui: add rainbow-delimiters.nvim
- add initial zettelkasten setup
- nvim-notify: lazy load if noice isnt enabled
- python: add black as formatter
- set up prettier so it only runs if we have config for it
- json: recognize some files known to have comments
- lightbulb: add lightbulb that signifies available code actions
- util.root: handle workspace folders provided by lsp
- add initial dictionary
- util.root: add option to ignore LSP in root detection
- snippets: add lua snippets
- util.root: add vcs detector
- util.root: add info command to help with debugging detectors
- noice.nvim: add additional filters
- add codesnap for pretty code screenshots
- avante.nvim: configure avante to use local llm and enable
- add gitgraph.nvim
- mini.indentscope: add custom draw animation
- change keymaps related to git to make more sense in my head
- add ftplugins
- add extra git related keymaps
- add additional blame keybinds for gitsigns
- add adopure for ADO PRs
- gitsigns: add keymap to preview hunk in floating window
- telescope: add keymap to find file based on current word
- add markview.nvim as optional alternative to render-markdown
- lualine: disable trouble component and move attached clients
- neo-tree: refresh git status when closing neogit windows
- add attached clients to lualine
- add octo
- add neogit configuration
- define more diff related keymappings
- add additional git tools
- I derped somewhere and lost my local commits
- add hardtime
- lang: add ansible and terraform
- add python support
- change buffer source in nvim_cmp
- add dotnet support
- switch from navigator.nvim to smart-splits.nvim
- switch to nixd
- use the same floating window options everywhere
- add avante.nvim (not loaded for now)
- lazy load clipboard setting
- add arrow.nvim
- add option to run flake as standalone
- initial commit
- flake: add cmake to shell
- ui: disable indentscope on snacks_dashboard
- blink: update blink for new config
- avante: use api_key_name instead of local
- catppuccin: remove unused integrations
- snacks: explicitly enable plugins
- lazydev: use luals bundled luv library
- dial.nvim: add bool and logical toggles to default group
- telescope: ignore current buffer in find buffer keymap
- opts: disable default ruler
- lsp: wrap hover and signature help
- opts: enable spelling in regular text files
- terraform: lazy load telescope terraform plugins
- lualine: normalize paths before calculating pretty path
- blink: add escape keymap to hide completion without leaving insert
- util.cmp: use filetype to disable buffer source instead of size
- telescope: check for gmake
- lualine: apply hl correctly to pretty_paths
- snacks: add snacks_win to close_with_q
- util.lualine: ensure path in root before substitute
- opts: set default pumblend to 10
- markdown: fix render-markdown not loading in md files
- autocmds: vim.highlight is getting deprecated
- util.root: move from vim.loop vim.uv
- nvim-dap: remove explicit load_launchjs call
- autocmds: close window and force delete buffer on q
- smart-splits-nvim: load on VeryLazy event
- nvim-dap: properly get the icons from config
- remove newlines that caused references to fail to be resolved
- noice: disable lsp hover
- neotest: properly initialize adapters
- remove redundant file types
- add ast-grep to the extrapackages for nvim
- markdown: load obsidian.nvim properly
- noice.nvim: only use vim.notify for error messages
- json: have hujso be recognized as json with comments
- load order was wrong for lazy loading clipboard
- mini.files: disable preview and hardtime
- reorder init steps
- util.root: handle multiple lsp servers
- cmp: better c-n and c-p fallback
- remove unnecessary binds
- util.root: use Util to show the output instead of just printing it
- noice.nvim: viewWarn was nix convention
- add additional dependencies
- hardtime: disable in gitsigns buffers
- add git as extra package
- nvim_get_hl_by_name is deprecated
- change gitsigns bindings to use the lua api
- enable integrations in neogit
- import ordering problem
- markdown: only load obsidian when in vault
- markdown: unknown function
- use open instead of deprecated method
- allow trailing commas in hujson files
- change tsserver to ts_ls
- style: set more borders to rounded
- conform.nvim deprecated nested brackets
- remove pre-commit file that should not have been committed in the first place
- util.ui: update the maximize code
- util.ui: simplify ui.fg
- noice.nvim: move away from using the preset lsp doc border
- change root util
- treesitter: improve foldexpr
- ui: disable treesitter folds if the buffer has no highlighting