Install Docker CE on your PC. Download Docker-CE from store.docker.com
Install docker-compose
pip install docker-compose
- if you do not have python installed on your PC, install python first. https://www.python.org/downloads/
Install SQL Ops Studio from https://aka.ms/sqlopsstudio
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/erickangMSFT/cli-docker.git
- Start mssql and mssql-cli docker containers using docker-compose
cd cli-docker docker-compose -f simaple-demo.yaml up -d
- Enter mssql-cli docker shell and execute mssql-cli
docker exec -ti mssql-cli sh export MSSQL_CLI_USER=sa MSSQL_CLI_PASSWORD=SqlDevOps2017 MSSQL_CLI_SERVER=mssql mssql-cli
- Run demo in mssql-cli prompt
\? --list all databases \ld use WideWorldImporters; --change database --list all schema \ls q --list all tables with partial word search for 'peop' \lt peop -- request: please add \lsp to list stored procedure -- open file into mssql-cli \e CTRL + R to search previously exected queries. F3 to enable multiline query select top 3 * from sys.databases where name like %wide%; -- 1. Join suggestion for tables and columns select top 3 * from "Application"."People" p join -- show join suggestion here --2. Join suggestion for columns select top 3 * from "Application"."People" p join "Sales"."Customers" c on -- show join suggestion here q
All docker images are published to https://hub.docker.com/r/ericskang/sqltools. Note that the published images are NOT OFFICIAL and FOR TEST USE ONLY.
Build docker images To build your own docker images, run following.
Test images To test, execute each step in test.sh
vim test.sh