The application should have a navigation bar and two pages
Chat page
Should display the messages
Messages from the application user should be displayed at right, only with the time
Messages from the other users should be displayed on the left, with the sender user name and received time
The time displayed should follow the configuration on the settings page
Should cache the received messages
Should have a input field to send messages, that respects the configuration on the settings page
Settings page
Should have a field to update the user name
Should have radio buttons to switch between light or dark colors theme
Should have radio buttons to select the clock display
Should have radio buttons to enable the keyboard shortcut to send the message
Should have a language select options to change the labels of the application to the selected one
Should have a button to cleanup the cached messages
Should cache the selected settings
Should have a button to reset to the defaults settings
Navigation bar
Should have a link/tab to the chat page and other to the settings page
When the user selected the settings page, the application should display the number of the unread messages over the chat link/tab and then, when the user returns to the chat page that number should disappear
- Mobile
- Desktop
Chat page
Message text parser to support
Video - should embedded and display it
Image - should display it
others - display as anchor
Settings page
- Add a dropdown to defines the length of the cached messages [1000, 500, 300, 100]