Our solution to the Traveling Salesperson 2D problem on Kattis (oldkattis:tsp), as part of the course DD2440 Advanced Algorithms at KTH.
See below for the full problem statement.
Your program should take as input a single TSP instance. It will be run several times, once for every test case. The time limit is per test case.
The first line of standard input contains an integer $1 \le N \le 1000$, the number of points. The following $N$ lines each contain a pair of real numbers $x$, $y$ giving the coordinates of the $N$ points. All numbers in the input have absolute value bounded by $10^6$.
The distance between two points is computed as the Euclidean distance between the two points, rounded to the nearest integer.
Standard output should consist of $N$ lines, the $i$'th of which should contain the (0-based) index of the $i$'th point visited.
Let $Opt$ be the length of an optimal tour, $Val$ be the length of the tour found by your solution, and $Naive$ be the length of the tour found by the algorithm below. Define $x = (Val - Opt)/(Naive - Opt)$. (In the special case that $Naive = Opt$, define $x = 0$ if $Val = Opt$, and $x = \infty$ if $Val > Opt$.)
The score on a test case is $0.02^x$. Thus, if your tour is optimal, you will get $1$ point on this test case. If your score is halfway between $Naive$ and $Opt$, you get roughly $0.14$ points. The total score of your submission is the sum of your score over all test cases. There will be a total of $50$ test cases. Thus, an implementation of the algorithm below should give a score of at least $1$ (it will get $0.02$ points on most test cases, and $1.0$ points on some easy cases where it manages to find an optimal solution).
The algorithm giving the value $Naive$ is as follows:
tour[0] = 0
used[0] = true
for i = 1 to n-1
best = -1
for j = 0 to n-1
if not used[j] and (best = -1 or dist(tour[i-1],j) < dist(tour[i-1],best))
best = j
tour[i] = best
used[best] = true
return tour
The sample output gives the tour found by GreedyTour
on the sample input. The length of the tour is 323.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
95.0129 61.5432
23.1139 79.1937
60.6843 92.1813
48.5982 73.8207
89.1299 17.6266
76.2097 40.5706
45.6468 93.5470
1.8504 91.6904
82.1407 41.0270
44.4703 89.3650