Test files generated by Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic All DGC are signed with EC certifacate - method prime256v1
CZ issuing DSC in version 1.0.1 transfer to 1.3.0 is planned during 1st half of July
1.json: DGC with vaccination entry. Vaccination finished. Version 1.0.1
5.json: DGC with vaccination entry. Vacciantion in progress 1/2 doses. Version 1.0.1
11.json: DGC with vaccination entry. Vaccination finished. Version 1.3.0
15.json: DGC with vaccination entry. Vacciantion in progress 1/2 doses. Version 1.3.0
2.json: DGC with recovery entry. Version 1.0.1
12.json: DGC with recovery entry. Version 1.3.0
3.json: DGC with NAA test entry. Version 1.0.1
13.json: DGC with NAA test entry. Version 1.3.0
4.json: DGC with RAT entry. Version 1.0.1
14.json: DGC with RAT entry. Version 1.3.0