- Boot a full Linux system and gain complete control over your device WITHOUT modifying the firmware. -
-- Note from the developer(s): This project is officially dead and/or unmaintained(Though if I know Apacelus right he would revive it for the ten billionth time in a row in a month or so). If you have a chromebook, install MrChromebox's firmware, or if you like this project, install Submarine, kind of like depthcharge. In my opinion, UEFI would be better as it is supported by most devices, and it allows your chromebook to become a 'normal' laptop. -
-- EupneaOS is a Fedora based operating system optimized to run on - supported 64-bit - Chromebooks. It features a custom (KDE based) - ChromeOS style desktop and native Android app support. -
- -- EupneaOS is still in development. Stay tuned. -
-- Choose between a variety of common Linux distributions and desktop environments - to create a bootable image for - supported 64-bit Chromebooks. -
- - - -- The Eupnea Project develops a custom Linux distribution based on - Fedora called EupneaOS. It's designed to imitate the - look of ChromeOS and is the recommended way of upgrading your Chromebook. It is designed to replicate - most features of ChromeOS, but without any limitations. -
- -- Depthboot (a fork of Breath) can create bootable images for all - 64-bit Chromebooks. Multiple - Linux distributions and desktop environments are supported. -
-- Follow the instructions described in the documentation to build a Depthboot image. -
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