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Example package for Evolution CMS 3.x

Since most Laravel components are already in the core of Evolution CMS, it is logical to write additions for Evolution CMS according to the rules of Laravel: Most Laravel packages can be easy migrate to Evolution CMS.



Run in you core folder:

  1. php artisan package:installrequire evolution-cms/example-package "*"

  2. php artisan vendor:publish --provider="EvolutionCMS\Example\ExampleServiceProvider" - если используется копирование файлов публичных и конфигов

  3. php artisan migrate - если используются миграции

Package structure

This structure recommended for use, but you can use any what you want.

  • Assets: folder for files what connected


Used for convenience when migrating from older versions and for a more familiar naming and location of elements.


You can create chunks from files:

    dirname(__DIR__) . '/assets/chunks/',

in file core/custom/packages/example/ExampleServiceProvider.php you can see how this work

See sample of chunks in folder: core/custom/packages/example/assets/chunks/

If you use package with namespace you need write snippet like: namespace#chunkname:


You can use subdir, put chunk file in subdir after that call:



You can create module from files, without adding in manager panel:

$this->app->registerModule('Module from file', dirname(__DIR__).'/assets/modules/module/module.php');

in file core/custom/packages/example/ExampleServiceProvider.php you can see how this work


You can create plugins from files:

//this code work for add plugins to Evo
    dirname(__DIR__) . '/assets/plugins/'

in file core/custom/packages/example/ExampleServiceProvider.php you can see how this work

See sample of plugins in folder: core/custom/packages/example/assets/plugins/


You can create snippets from files:

    dirname(__DIR__). '/assets//snippets/',

in file core/custom/packages/example/ExampleServiceProvider.php you can see how this work

See sample of snippets in folder: core/custom/packages/example/snippets/

If you use package with namespace you need write snippet like: namespace#snippetname:


You can use subdir, put snippet file in subdir after that call:



Create folder and files similar tvs/TVName/TVName.customtv.php with all logic what you need and add rules for publications:

 $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../assets/tvs' => public_path('assets/tvs')]);

after public with artisan public:vendor all will work


Add in Service Provider in boot()

$this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../lang', 'example');

in Folder lang you need folders for langs like: en, ru, etc. and in folder php file with translations:

After that you can use: @lang('example::main.welcome')


All work like in Laravel Put file with migration for package in folder migrations and set in Service Provider: $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../migrations');

When you install package, need run from core folder php artisan migrate


This folder contains all file what need use for frontend, like css, js, images.

All file will move to assets folders when you run artisan publish:vendor command. For set what files you can move and where uses laravel functions in Service Provider:

 $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../public' => public_path('assets/vendor/example')]);

More info you can find here:


Add to Service Provider boot:

 $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../views', 'example');

Now you can use views with namespace:

return \View::make('example::example', ['data'=>'1']);

If need overriding package views, you can put view file to path: /views/vendor/example/example.blade.php

And if you publish views you can do that with this code in Service Provider boot:

$this->publishes([__DIR__.'/../views' => public_path('views/vendor/example')]);

Full information you can read here:


In this place put all code what need be autoloaded with composer


Read Laravel docs:


Artisan is the command-line interface included in Evolutions CMS. It provides a number of helpful commands that can assist you while you build your application. More info you can find here:

How use artisan:

run artisan from core folder:

php artisan

for see all Available commands

How Create console command:

Also you can add own artisan commands: create file: core/custom/packages/example/src/Console/ExampleCommand.php

namespace EvolutionCMS\Example\Console;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class ExampleCommand extends Command

    protected $signature = 'example:examplecommand';

    protected $description = 'ExampleCommand';

    public function __construct()
        $this->evo = EvolutionCMS();

    public function handle()
        echo 'Hello Word';

add in file: core/custom/packages/example/src/ExampleServiceProvider.php

    //add after line: protected $namespace
    protected $commands = [

Also in the registration method of our notification provider service:

//registering commands for artisan

Now you can use: php artisan example:examplecommand


Put Controllers in src/Controllers for sample see in code.


If your package contains routes, you may load them using this code in ServiceProvider boot():


How work with routes, you can read here:


You can put Middleware in folder src/Middleware and use that

In Evolution CMS exist Middleware for check user auth token

Route::middleware(['EvolutionCMS\\Middleware\\CheckAuthToken'])->group(function () {
     Route::get('/secureuserinfo', [EvolutionCMS\Example\Controllers\ExampleApiController::class, '`getInfo`']);


place for Models in your package: src/Models All default tables already have Models you can see here: /core/src/Models/ all works same

p.s. after add some new Models need run composer upd

How Publish own package

  1. Create own package on github (you can clone this for that), use prefix evocms- in package name, or write Evocms in file composer.json description tag. This help find all packages on
  2. Register own package on (need for use with composer)
  3. Write me [email protected] if you want add your package to Evo artisan Extras:

How Migrate old solution for EVO 3.0

This sample package build for that, you can fully rewrite for new rules.

But you can do fast migrate for use in Evo artisan Extras

  1. Create composer.json file, sample:
  2. Create and set Service provider, sample:
  3. Move plugins,snippets,chunks from install to folder in package, sample:
  4. Publish package