- CB-4432 copyright notice change
- CB-4889 bumping&resetting version
- [windows8] commandProxy was moved
- CB-4889 renaming references
- CB-4889 renaming org.apache.cordova.core.media to org.apache.cordova.media
- [CB-4847] iOS 7 microphone access requires user permission - if denied, CDVCapture, CDVSound does not handle it properly
- [CB-4799] Fix incorrect JS references within native code on Android & iOS
- Fix compiler/lint warnings
- Rename plugin id from AudioHandler -> media
- [CB-4763] Remove reference to cordova-android's FileHelper.
- [CB-4752] Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
- [CB-4928] plugin-media doesn't load on windows8
- [CB-4915] Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
- CB-5128: add repo + issue tag to plugin.xml for media plugin
- [CB-5010] Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
- [ubuntu] specify policy_group
- add ubuntu platform
- Added amazon-fireos platform. Change to use amazon-fireos as a platform if the user agent string contains 'cordova-amazon-fireos'
- CB-5658 Add doc/index.md for Media plugin
- Adding READ_PHONE_STATE to the plugin permissions
- Add preliminary support for Tizen.
- [CB-4755] Fix crash in Media.setVolume on iOS
- CB-6051 Update media plugin to work with new cdvfile:// urls
- CB-5748 Make sure that Media.onStatus is called when recording is started.
- CB-6422: [windows8] use cordova/exec/proxy
- CB-6212: [iOS] fix warnings compiled under arm64 64-bit
- CB-6225: Specify plugin dependency on File plugin 1.0.1
- CB-6460: Update license headers
- CB-6465: Add license headers to Tizen code
- Add NOTICE file