Simple Speedometer class to iOS and WatchOS.
Measure the speed using an iPhone or Apple Watch.
The Demo UI was created using LidorFadida package SpeedometerSwiftUI
I like to measure my speed inside trains and buses. When I was searching for a speedometer app, the majority of them were ugly, with tons of ads. I was searching for an Apple Watch Speedometer with complications, iOS App with Widgets and did not found. Because of that I decided to create my own app. First thing was measure speed using CLLocationManager
The Swift Package Manager is the easiest way to install and manage SpeedManagerModule as a dependency. Simply add SpeedManagerModule to your dependencies in your Package.swift file:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "")
Add the correct permission descriptions
<string>Your description why you should use NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</string>
<string>Your description why you should use NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</string>
<string>Your description why you should use NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</string>
Add the background location updates in xcode
Or add the info to the Info.plist
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@StateObject var speedManager = SpeedManager(.kilometersPerHour)
var body: some View {
VStack {
switch speedManager.authorizationStatus {
case .authorized:
Text("Your current speed is:")
import UIKit
class SpeedViewController: UIViewController {
var speedManager = SpeedManager(.kilometersPerHour)
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.speedManager.delegate = self
extension SpeedViewController: SpeedManagerDelegate {
func speedManager(_ manager: SpeedManager, didUpdateSpeed speed: Double, speedAccuracy: Double) {
// Update UI with the current speed and accuracy
func speedManager(_ manager: SpeedManager, didFailWithError error: Error) {
// Handle error
func speedManager(_ speedManager: SpeedManager, didUpdateAuthorizationStatus status: SpeedManagerAuthorizationStatus) {
// Handle authorization status update
func speedManagerDidFailWithLocationServicesUnavailable(_ speedManager: SpeedManager) {
// Handle location services unavailable
Just choose the unit during the class init.
var speedManagerKmh = SpeedManager(.kilometersPerHour)
var speedManagerMs = SpeedManager(.metersPerSecond)
var speedManagerMph = SpeedManager(.milesPerHour)
Check the Demo
folder to see it in action.
@ezefranca – @ezefranca
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.