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658 lines (556 loc) · 16.8 KB

File metadata and controls

658 lines (556 loc) · 16.8 KB


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Logsend is high-performance tool for processing logs.

What is it

This like Logstash but tiny and written by Golang. Supported outputs:


Just download binary by your platform from GitHub Latest Releases and unzip, or use this installer

Install logsend to /usr/local/bin

curl -L|sudo bash

OR to your own directory

curl -L|bash -s /tmp

##How it can be used

As daemon, watching file in directory:

logsend -config=config.json /logs

Using PIPE:

tail -F /logs/*.log |logsend -config=config.json
cat /logs/*.log |logsend -config=config.json
ssh user@host "tail -F /logs/*.log"|logsend -config=config.json

Or using PIPE without config.json:

tail -F /logs/*.log |logsend -influx-dbname test -influx-host 'hosta:4444' -regex='\d+'


logsend -config=config.json /logs 2> error.log &


With 1 rule

Log files Lines per log Result (real/user/sys)
1 250k 0m3.186s 0m3.742s 0m1.672s
5 250k 0m5.641s 0m13.423s 0m1.015s
10 250k 0m8.577s 0m25.781s 0m1.341s


  "influxdb": {
    "host": "localhost:4444",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "database": "logers",
    "udp": true,
    "send_buffer": 8
  "groups": [
        "mask": "test.log",
        "rules": [
                "regexp": "test string (?P<word_STRING>\\\\w+)",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "test"

With 3 rules

Log files Lines per log Result (real/user/sys)
1 250k 0m5.722s 0m7.638s 0m3.779s
5 250k 0m9.676s 0m30.553s 0m2.410s
10 250k 0m18.385s 0m58.795s 0m2.534s


  "influxdb": {
    "host": "localhost:4444",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "database": "logers",
    "udp": true,
    "send_buffer": 8
  "groups": [
        "mask": "test.log",
        "rules": [
                "regexp": "test string (?P<word_STRING>\\\\w+)",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "test"
                "regexp": "(?P<word_STRING>\\\\w+) string one",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "test"
                "regexp": "string (?P<word_STRING>\\\\w+) one",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "test"


logsend -config config.json /logs


Influxdb configuration


"mask": "search.log$" - match logs in watch-dir directory "regexp": "metric dbcount (?P<count_INT>[0-9]+)$", - regexp for matching line. But we want to store some values from this line and we should use named group with type association, in this case count_INT will be perform to field count with type int. Also supported notation FLOAT, STRING. "name": "keys_count" - database name in Influxdb


    "influxdb": {
        "host": "host:4444",
        "user": "root",
        "password": "root",
        "database": "logers"
    "groups": [
            "mask": "search.log$",
            "rules": [
                    "regexp": "metric dbcount (?P<count_INT>[0-9]+)$",
                    "influxdb": {
                        "name": "keys_count"

Advanced Influxdb configuration


"udp": true, - sending packets thought UDP(require that Influxdb supported this option)

"send_buffer": 8 - messages per one packet. But don't forget, max size of packet should be no more then 1500 Byte

Some times we need added not captured params, and for this purpose we used extra_fields key.

"extra_fields": [
	["service", "search"],
	["host", "HOST"]

["service", "search"], - First is column name, second it's value.

["host", "HOST"] - HOST it's a special keyword who's returned hostname of machine.


    "influxdb": {
        "host": "host:4444",
        "user": "root",
        "password": "root",
        "database": "logers",
        "udp": true,
        "send_buffer": 8
    "groups": [
            "mask": "search.log$",
            "rules": [
                    "regexp": "metric dbcount (?P<count_INT>[0-9]+)$",
                    "influxdb": {
                        "name": "keys_count",
                        "extra_fields": [
                        	["service", "search"],
                      		["host", "HOST"]

NewRelic configuration


  • "host" - hostname when started logsend
  • "name" - application name
  • "key" - api key for NewRelic
  • "duration" - seconds, how often send report to New Relic
  • "tmpl" - metric name

image image image


	"newrelic": {
        "host": "host1",
        "key": "0000023231232231",
        "name": "project1"
    "groups": [
            "mask": "access.log$",
            "rules": [
                    "newrelic": {
                        "duration": 10,
                        "tmpl": "Component/Project1/NginxRequestsCode{{.code}}"
                    "regexp": "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ .+ \\[.+\\] \"\\w+ \\S+ \\S+\" (?P<code>\\d+)"
                    "newrelic": {
                        "duration": 10,
                        "tmpl": "Component/Project1/OpenPageType-{{.pageType}}"
                    "regexp": "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ .+ \\[.+\\] \"\\w+ /(?P<pageType>hotels|cities|countries)/\\S+ \\S+\" 200"
            "mask": "production.log$",
            "rules": [
                    "newrelic": {
                        "duration": 10,
                        "tmpl": "Component/Project1/RailsRequestsCode{{.code}}"
                    "regexp": "^Completed (?P<code>\\d+)"
                    "newrelic": {
                        "duration": 10,
                        "tmpl": "Component/Project1/RailsResponseTime{{.NAME}}"
                    "regexp": "^Completed \\d+ .+ in \\d+\\.\\d+ms \\(Views: (?P<RenderViews_FLOAT>\\d+\\.\\d+)ms .+ ActiveRecord: (?P<ActiveRecord_FLOAT>\\d+\\.\\d+)ms"

Statsd configuration


["search.prepare_proposal_time", "prepare_proposals"] - set prepare_proposals to search.prepare_proposal_time as timing "search.prepare_proposals" - increment by by this metric ["search.keys_count", "prepare_proposals"] - set non integer metrics


    "regexp": "PreapreProposals took (?P<prepare_proposals_DurationToMillisecond>.+)$",
    "statsd": {
        "timing": [
        	["search.prepare_proposal_time", "prepare_proposals"]
        "increment": [
        "gauge": [
        	["search.keys_count", "prepare_proposals"]

Full Influx and Statsd configuration


  "influxdb": {
    "host": "hosta:4444",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "database": "logers",
    "udp": true,
    "send_buffer": 8
  "statsd": {
    "host": "hostb:8125",
    "prefix": "test.",
    "interval": "1s"
  "groups": [
        "mask": "search.log$",
        "rules": [
                "regexp": "metric dbcount (?P<count_INT>[0-9]+)$",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "g_keys_count",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["service", "search"],
                      ["host", "HOST"]
                "statsd": {
                  "gauge": [
                    ["search.keys_count", "count"]
                "regexp": "PreapreProposals took (?P<prepare_proposals_DurationToMillisecond>.+)$",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "g_benchmark",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["service", "search"],
                      ["host", "HOST"]
                "statsd": {
                  "timing": [
                    ["search.prepare_proposal_time", "prepare_proposals"]
                  "increment": [
                "regexp": "Completed (?P<code_INT>\\d+) .+ in (?P<tm_DurationToMillisecond>.+)$",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "g_responses",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["service", "search"],
                      ["host", "HOST"]
                "statsd": {
                  "increment": [
        "mask": "map.log$",
        "rules": [
                "regexp": "metric dbcount (?P<count_INT>[0-9]+)$",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "g_keys_count",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["service", "map"],
                      ["host", "HOST"]
                "regexp": "PreapreProposals took (?P<prepare_proposals_DurationToMillisecond>.+)$",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "g_benchmark",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["service", "map"],
                      ["host", "HOST"]
                "regexp": "Completed (?P<code_INT>\\d+) .+ in (?P<tm_DurationToMillisecond>.+)$",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "g_responses",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["service", "map"],
                      ["host", "HOST"]




  "influxdb": {
    "host": "influxdbhost:8086",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "database": "logers",
    "send_buffer": 12
  "groups": [
        "mask": "some.[0-9]+.log$",
        "rules": [
                "regexp": "\\[W .+ chain_processor.+\\] \\[.+\\] (?P<gate_STRING>\\w+_gate) -> (?P<exec_time_FLOAT>\\d+.\\d+)",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "gate_response",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["host", "HOST"]
                "regexp": "^\\[I .+ web.+\\] (?P<code_INT>\\d+) \\w+ (?P<name_STRING>\/\\S+)(?:\\?.+) \\(.+\\) (?P<resp_time_FLOAT>\\d+.\\d+)ms",
                "influxdb": {
                    "name": "adaptors",
                    "extra_fields": [
                      ["host", "HOST"]

another examples how to run:

only one rule:

tail -F some.log| logsend -influxdb-host "influxdbhost:8086"
-influxdb-user root -influxdb-password root
-influxdb-database logers -influxdb-send_buffer 12
-influxdb-extra_fields 'host,HOST'
-regex '\[W .+ chain_processor.+\] \[.+\] (?P<gate_STRING>\w+_gate) -> (?P<exec_time_FLOAT>\d+.\d+)'

using previous config file:

tail -F some.log| logsend -config config.json



  "statsd": {
    "host": "statsdhost:8125",
    "prefix": "test",
    "interval": "1s"
  "groups": [
        "mask": "some.[0-9]+.log$",
        "rules": [
                "regexp": "\\[W .+ chain_processor.+\\] \\[.+\\] (?P<gate_STRING>\\w+_gate) -> (?P<exec_time_FLOAT>\\d+.\\d+)",
                "statsd": {
                  "timing": [
                    ["gate_exec_time", "exec_time"]
                "regexp": "^\\[I .+ web.+\\] (?P<code_INT>\\d+) \\w+ (?P<name_STRING>\/\\S+)(?:\\?.+) \\(.+\\) (?P<resp_time_FLOAT>\\d+.\\d+)ms",
                "statsd": {
                  "increment": [

another examples how to run:

only one rule:

tail -F some.log| logsend -statsd-host "statsdhost:8125"
-statsd-host "statsdhost:8125" -statsd-prefix test
-statsd-interval 1s -statsd-timing 'gate_exec_time,exec_time'
-regex '\[W .+ chain_processor.+\] \[.+\] (?P<gate_STRING>\w+_gate) -> (?P<exec_time_FLOAT>\d+.\d+)'

using previous config file:

tail -F some.log| logsend -config config.json



  "mysql": {
    "host": "root:toor@/test1?timeout=30s&strict=true"
  "groups": [
        "mask": "some.[0-9]+.log$",
        "rules": [
                "regexp": "\\[W .+ chain_processor.+\\] \\[.+\\] (?P<gate_STRING>\\w+_gate) -> (?P<exec_time_FLOAT>\\d+.\\d+)",
                "mysql": {
                  "query": [
                    "insert into test1(teststring, testfloat) values('{{.gate}}', {{.exec_time}});",
                    "insert into test2(teststring, testfloat) values('{{.gate}}', {{.exec_time}});"
                "regexp": "^\\[I .+ web.+\\] (?P<code_INT>\\d+) \\w+ (?P<name_STRING>\/\\S+)(?:\\?.+) \\(.+\\) (?P<resp_time_FLOAT>\\d+.\\d+)ms",
                "mysql": {
                  "query": [
                    "insert into test1(teststring, testfloat) values('a', 22);"

another examples how to run:

only one rule:

tail -F some.log| logsend -mysql-host "root:toor@/test1?timeout=30s&strict=true"
-mysql-query "insert into test1(teststring, testfloat) values('{{.gate}}', {{.exec_time}});"
-regex '\[W .+ chain_processor.+\] \[.+\] (?P<gate_STRING>\w+_gate) -> (?P<exec_time_FLOAT>\d+.\d+)'

using previous config file:

tail -F some.log| logsend -config config.json


  • use flag -debug for more info
  • use flag -dry-run for processing logs but not send to destination
  • use flag -read-whole-log for reading whole log file and continue reading
  • use flag -read-once better for use with -read-whole-log, just read whole log and exit


check process logsend pidfile /home/user/logsend/
    start program = "/bin/bash -c '/usr/local/bin/logsend -config /home/user/rails_app/current/config/logsend.json -log=/home/user/logsend/logsend.log /home/user/rails_app/shared/log & echo $! > /home/user/logsend/'"
       as uid user and gid user
    stop program = "/bin/bash -c '/bin/kill `cat /home/user/logsend/`'"
       as uid user and gid user with timeout 5 seconds
    if totalmemory is greater than 64 MB for 5 cycles then restart
    if totalcpu is greater than 60% for 5 cycles then restart
    if children is greater than 64 for 5 cycles then restart

check file logsend_restart path /home/user/rails_app/current/config/logsend.json
    if changed timestamp then exec "/bin/bash -c '/bin/kill `cat /home/user/logsend/`'"


Logsend is released under the MIT License.