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File metadata and controls

120 lines (87 loc) · 5.32 KB


Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.

Current supported features are:

  • browsing (by folders or tags)
  • streaming of various audio file formats
  • transcoding
  • user or random playlists
  • cover arts (cover.jpg files in the same folder as music files)
  • starred tracks/albums and ratings
  • Last.FM scrobbling

For more details, go check the API implementation status wiki page.


Supysonic can run as a standalone application (not recommended for a "production" server) or as a WSGI application (on Apache for instance). But first:


  • Python 2.7
  • Flask >= 0.7 (pip install flask)
  • SQLAlchemy (apt-get install python-sqlalchemy)
  • Python Imaging Library (apt-get install python-imaging)
  • simplejson (apt-get install python-simplejson)
  • requests >= 0.12.1 (pip install requests)
  • mutagen (apt-get install python-mutagen)


Supysonic looks for two files for its configuration: /etc/supysonic and ~/.supysonic, merging values from the two files. Configuration files must respect a structure similar to Windows INI file, with [section] headers and using a KEY = VALUE or KEY: VALUE syntax.

Available settings are:

  • Section base:
    • database_uri: required, a SQLAlchemy database URI. I personally use SQLite (sqlite:////var/supysonic/supysonic.db), but it might not be the brightest idea for large libraries.
    • cache_dir: path to a cache folder. Mostly used for resized cover art images. Defaults to <system temp dir>/supysonic.
    • log_file: path and base name of a rolling log file.
    • scanner_extensions: space-separated list of file extensions the scanner is restricted to. If omitted, files will be scanned regardless of their extension
  • Section lastfm:
    • api_key: Last.FM API key to enable scrobbling
    • secret: Last.FM API secret matching the key.
  • Section transcoding: see Transcoding
  • Section mimetypes: extension to content-type mappings. Designed to help the system guess types, to help clients relying on the content-type. See the list of common types.

Running the application

As a standalone debug server

It is possible to run Supysonic as a standalone server, but it is only recommended to do so if you are hacking on the source. A standalone won't be able to serve more than one request at a time.

To start the server, just run the script.


By default, it will listen on the loopback interface ( on port 5000, but you can specify another address on the command line, for instance on all the IPv6 interfaces:

python ::

As an Apache WSGI application

Supysonic can run as a WSGI application with the supysonic.wsgi file. But first you need to edit this file to set the path to the Supysonic app folder.

To run it within an Apache2 server, first you need to install the WSGI module and enable it.

apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi
a2enmod wsgi

Next, edit the Apache configuration to load the application. Here's a basic example of what it looks like:

WSGIScriptAlias /supysonic /path/to/supysonic/supysonic.wsgi
<Directory /path/to/supysonic>
	WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
	WSGIPassAuthorization On
	Order deny,allow
	Allow from all

You might also need to run Apache using the system default locale, as the one it uses might cause problems while scanning the library. To do so, edit the /etc/apache2/envvars file, comment the line export LANG=C and uncomment the . /etc/default/locale line. Then you can restart Apache.

service apache2 restart

With that kind of configuration, the server address will look like http://server/supysonic/

Other options

If you use another HTTP server, such as nginx or lighttpd, or prefer to use FastCGI or CGI over WSGI, FastCGI and CGI scripts are also provided, respectively as supysonic.fcgi and supysonic.cgi. As with WSGI, you might need to edit those file to suit your system configuration.

Here are some quick docs on how to configure your server for FastCGI or CGI.


To start using Supysonic, you'll first have to specify where your music library is located and create a user to allow calls to the API.

Let's start by creating the user. To do so, use the command-line interface ( For the folder(s) (music library) you can either use the CLI, or go to the web interface if you gave admin rights to the user. Once the folder is created, don't forget to scan it to build the music database (it might take a while depending on your library size, so be patient). Once scanning is done, you can enjoy your music with the client of your choice.