Answer the following questions considering the learning outcomes for Week 09
Make sure to record evidence of your processes. You can use code snippets, screenshots or any other material to support your answers.
Do not fill in the feedback section. The Founders and Coders team will update this with feedback on your progress.
- C# class library resource for documentation
- C# variables and how to defne them
string myString = "this is a string";
int myNumber;
myNumber = 2;
- C# string methods how and when to use them
string newString = oldString.ToLower().Trim();
- C# loops, different types, how they are useful
something // an operation that either checks a condition and breaks or updates the isRunning bool
} while (isRunning) // a bool
- C# value vs reference types - stored in the "stack" - direct memory (value) or the "heap" a memory space on your machine where the variable only stores the memory address (reference). This is significant in how these values are updated in different scoping environments or how variables are copied from one to another.
- C# writing custom methods - used like functions in javascript, repeatable code
string messageForAlex = customMethod(true);
string customMethod(bool whichMessage)
return bool? "Yay you get the good message!" : "Oh no! You got the bad message!;
2. Show an example of some of the learning outcomes you have struggled with and/or would like to re-visit.
- I'm happy with my progress so far this week, I think I learned a lot through the C# workshops. My particular struggle would be with how late methods were introduced into the programme and having to deal with very long repetitive code written by someone els eand figure out where changes should be implemented based on requirements (also written by someone else). If the code was more modular and using fucntions, it would be a lot clearer, more readable etc.
- I would say I also struggled with the length of the workshops and the inaccurate time estimates from Microsoft to complete them, I had to work long hours to finish them... and I still have one left to do.
[Course Facilitator name]>
[What went well]
I love how you pushed yourself to progress with the workshops. It also looks like you are getting a good understanding of csharp basics.