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On-demand Profiling For PyTorch application


Debugging performance on distributed AI applications can be challenging. Currently, developers can examine their PyTorch training applications programmatically using the PyTorch Profiler API. However, this needs modification to the python code and likely a relaunch of their jobs.

Dynolog enables profiling distributed AI applications on-demand i.e without any code changes. Using the Dynolog service the user can request a PyTorch profile collection. On receiving a profiling request Dynolog uses inter-process communication (IPC) to configure the PyTorch profiler on the fly. This is illustrated in the following diagram. Profiler activation flow with Dynolog and PyTorch

The following instructions walk through:

  1. Configuring the PyTorch application environment to enable on-demand trace collection.
  2. Collecting GPU traces on-demand locally or remotely.
  3. Profiling a distributed training job.

PyTorch Setup

Note that these instructions continue to evolve as we add more features to PyTorch profiler and Dynolog.

Please use the latest PyTorch 2.0 release. For more information on obtaining PyTorch nightly see here. Older versions of PyTorch (< 2.0) are currently not supported.

On-demand tracing locally

On a local machine you can run Dynolog and use the command line tool to trace your application.

Spin up Dynolog

Dynolog can communicate with PyTorch when --enable_ipc_monitor option is passed. If you are running Dynolog using systemd (RPM or debian) you can add this flags to the '/etc/dynolog.gflags' by running:

echo "--enable_ipc_monitor" | sudo tee -a /etc/dynolog.gflags
sudo systemctl restart dynolog

Alternatively, you can also run dynolog server in user mode with -

./build/bin/dynolog --enable_ipc_monitor

Running the PyTorch program

For PyTorch to register with Dynolog we need to set the following environment variables:


The initialization delay is recommended to avoid dynamic library loading race condition that manifests as a segfault.

Now you can run the PyTorch program. We included a simple example PyTorch script for you to test out this flow.

python3 scripts/pytorch/

Alternatively, set the environment variables on the command line -

KINETO_USE_DAEMON=1 python3 scripts/pytorch/

In the output of the script you should see a message as follows, this means the PyTorch attempted to register with Dynolog.

INFO:2022-10-22 00:59:13 151209:151209 init.cpp:98] Registering daemon config loader

Triggering an on-demand trace

You can now trigger trace collection using the dyno command line tool. Dynolog will try to match PyTorch processes running on the machine. We can also filter processes by pid or job id. On successful matches the tool prints the paths where the trace files will be saved to stdout:

# building from source? use ./build/bin/dyno
$> dyno gputrace --log-file /tmp/libkineto_trace.json

Matched 1 processes
Trace output files will be written to:

The collected trace file can be visualized using Chrome Trace Viewer or Perfetto. Also, the generated trace file names include the process id as a suffix. This allows you to profile multiple processes on the node simultaneously.

Duration based vs iteration based traces

By default the traces are captured for a specific time duration. One can configure this trace duration in ms using the --duration-ms flag of the dyno command line tool.

A common requirement is to capture 3-5 trainging iterations of your AI model. This is now possible as PyTorch includes a profiling hook in the optimizer. Generally speaking, training involves at least one optimizer operation in each iteration.

We can make a request to capture iteration based traces using the --iterations flag.

$> dyno gputrace --log-file /tmp/libkineto_trace.json --iterations 5

For a working example of the above you can run the scripts/pytorch/ that contains a training loop with an optimizer. If PyTorch profiler is unable to capture an iteration based trace it defaults back to a duration based trace.

On-demand tracing on a remote node

To trigger a PyTorch trace on a remote node you can use the --host-name flag. Note that Dynolog should be running on that remote node.

dyno --host-name remote_host gputrace --log-file /path/to/log/file/libkineto_trace.json

Tip: If your cluster supports NFS you can set the log file path to a directory backed by NFS.

Also, it is possible that a single node can run multiple cluster jobs. PyTorch profiler can recognize job IDs of processes launched using the SLURM job scheduler. One can pass a job ID to filter processes as follows.

dyno --host-name remote_host gputrace --job-id 4242 --log-file /path/to/log/file/libkineto_trace.json

Coordinated Tracing on a distributed application

Lastly, this section talks about how to profile a distributed training job running on multiple nodes simultaneously. This assumes that Dynolog is present on remote nodes in the cluster - either 1) it is installed and running on all remote nodes, 2) or you can launch an instance of Dynolog with your job (see launching jobs with Dynolog below).

Profiling a distributed job (

Assuming Dynolog is running on remote nodes, we can use a utility script to profile the entire training job. The script will accept a SLURM job id as an input and:

  1. Lookup the nodes running the job.
  2. Send dyno gputrace requests to all nodes as required.

Currently, this script only works with SLURM job scheduler. Further, job IDs with an underscore or _ in the name are not supported. This can be easily extended to more schedulers, please file an issue or reach out to us for support on this.

The usage of the script is straightforward.

Usage: ./scripts/pytorch/ [slurm_job_id] [output_dir]
  • where output_dir will be the top level directory for saving traces. will save a new trace file for each job using the naming convention libkineto_trace_<slurm_job_id>_<pid_of_process>.json

For example, the following command traces the job 65788044

./scripts/pytorch/ 65788044 /tmp/trace_65788044/

This produces the output shown below:

Hosts = ['machine1773', 'machine1775', 'machine1776', 'machine1798', 'machine1800', 'machine1809', 'machine1811', 'machine1812']
Running cmd: ./build/release/dyno --hostname machine1773 gputrace --job-id 65788044 --log-file /tmp/trace_65788044/libkineto_trace_machine1773.json

Launching a job with Dynolog

In case Dynolog is not deployed on your cloud setup/cluster you can launch the Dynolog binary with your job. The script can be used for this purpose.

This script will spin up a Dynolog process first and then run your job's command. It will also setup the required environment variables. An example is shown below:

# srun ./scripts/slurm/ <desired launch cmd>
# example
srun ./scripts/slurm/ python3 ./scripts/pytorch/


For support on this feature please feel free to raise a github [issue](( or contact us directly, see theREADME page for details. Thanks for reading!