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Shroud: Key Generation and Payload Encryption

Kpow secure test Clojars Project

A library for encrypted Kafka configuration with Java AES encryption and PBKDF2 master key generation.

Encrypted configuration is not a replacement for secret managers, but may help in environments with limited secret management options.

Can be used standalone or integrated with your application. This library provides:

This library is used as an option to secure configuration for Kpow for Apache Kafka since v88.2.

See the Shroud Configuration Guide for specifics on secure configuration for Kpow.


  • 256-bit AES encryption key generation from a passphrase and salt using PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256
  • AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding cipher-text with random IV encryption / decryption
  • Base64 key serialization / deserialization of keys for import / export
  • Base64 payload encoding of scheme version, IV length, IV, and cipher text
  • Payload interpretation (decrypt config into java.util.Properties or clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap)
  • CLI interface for key generation and encryption / decryption
  • Java API for easy decryption of payload into java.util.String or java.util.Properties
  • Key lookup via SHROUD_KEY or SHROUD_KEY_LOCATION environment variables


This project is released under the MIT license.

Clojure Implementation

Key Generation

Generate a key with a random salt (not reproducible from inputs)

(key/secret-key "aquickredfox")
=> #object[javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec 0x9a9f63e "javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec@15b1a"]

Generate a key with a chosen salt (reproducible from inputs)

(key/secret-key "aquickredfox" "asalt")
=> #object[javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec 0x5c2ac756 "javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec@fffe96a4"]

Key Serialization

Serialize a key to base64 text

(key/export-key (key/secret-key "aquickredfox" "asalt"))
=> "Ic9cChI5tatKL1pzbQqVzJ0Tv0DsiEa7ES/CW1IVgok="

Produce a key from base64 text

(key/import-key "Ic9cChI5tatKL1pzbQqVzJ0Tv0DsiEa7ES/CW1IVgok=")
=> #object[javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec 0x3d2b5928 "javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec@fffe96a4"]


Encrypted payload from base64 encoded key and plaintext

 (str "SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=keypass1234\n"
=> "ARAOGa3BAZ2TMxbU1aj+tFYfNHNwnRh3r/w2sG7FA4L7fVRzArpzrxAd2dUovyDfel++FHgW1IFrinZddTo+KiYFYm2rsn+ul65eQ1L5t9MsBq3LpuGjoFDSxkYFZweo/w0="

Encrypted payload from SecretKey and plaintext

 (key/secret-key "aquickredfox" "some-salt")
 (str "SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=keypass1234\n"
=> "ARAOGa3BAZ2TMxbU1aj+tFYfNHNwnRh3r/w2sG7FA4L7fVRzArpzrxAd2dUovyDfel++FHgW1IFrinZddTo+KiYFYm2rsn+ul65eQ1L5t9MsBq3LpuGjoFDSxkYFZweo/w0="


Plaintext from serialized key and encrypted payload


Plaintext from SecretKey and encrypted payload

 (key/secret-key "aquickredfox" "some-salt")


Kpow-Secure will interpret payloads where the plaintext is in java.util.Properties format.

See dev-resources/secure/props.env for an example of the flexibility of Java Properties encoding.

Interpret payload as clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

(-> (secure/decrypted (slurp "dev-resources/secure/passphrase.key") (slurp "dev-resources/secure/config.env.aes"))
{"SASL_JAAS_CONFIG"        " required username=\"kpow\" password=\"kpow-secret\";"
 "SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION" "/ssl/truststore.jks"
 "SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD" "password1234"}

Interpret payload as java.util.Properties

(-> (secure/decrypted (slurp "dev-resources/secure/passphrase.key") (slurp "dev-resources/secure/props.env.aes"))
{"sasl.jaas.config"        " required username=\"kpow\" password=\"kpow-secret\";"
 "sasl.mechanism"          "PLAIN"
 "security.protocol"       "SASL_PLAINTEXT"
 "ssl.truststore.location" "/ssl/truststore.jks"
 "ssl.truststore.password" "1234"}

Command Line Interface

This library exposes key generation and payload encryption / decryption functions via a CLI.

You can uberjar this project, or include the library within your own project and uberjar that.

Key Generation

The passphrase is read from a local file to ensure it is not observable in your shell history.

Show the help menu

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud.key --help
21:27:09.090 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud.key -

  -p, --pass-file PASSPHRASE-FILE  (required) File containing key passphrase
  -s, --salt SALT                  (optional) Salt to use with key generation, random if none provided
  -o, --out-file OUT-FILE          (optional) File for key output, default: [PASSPHRASE-FILE].key
  -h, --help

Generate a key with random salt

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud.key --pass-file dev-resources/secure/passphrase.txt --out-file dev-resources/secure/passphrase.key
19:46:50.912 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud.key -

Shroud Key:


Key file written to: dev-resources/secure/passphrase.key

Random salt used, this key cannot be regenerated.

Generate a key with chosen salt

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud.key --pass-file dev-resources/secure/passphrase.txt --salt abcdef --out-file dev-resources/secure/mykey.aes
19:48:01.933 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud.key -

Shroud Key:


Key file written to: dev-resources/secure/mykey.aes

This key can be regenerated with the same passphrase and salt.


Show the help menu

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud --help
23:01:46.551 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud -

      --key TEXT           Base64 encoded key
      --key-file FILE      File containing base64 encoded key
      --encrypt TEXT       Text to encrypt
      --decrypt TEXT       Base64 encoded payload text
      --encrypt-file FILE  File containing text to encrypt
      --decrypt-file FILE  File containing base64 encoded payload text
      --out-file FILE      (optional) File for encrypted/decrypted output
  -h, --help

Encrypt text directly on the command line

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud --encrypt supersecrettext --key 88wRMz4DuaRWOmyKPb8IgmY4kZAyQvPiRVxUy79OgL8=
22:19:30.511 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud -

Kpow Encrypted:


Decrypt text directly on the command line

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud --decrypt ARDO7O0legO6PFvIGq/ILD/gekC43knuHqCxhvJoyOeCBw== --key-file dev-resources/secure/passphrase.key
22:21:16.491 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud -

Kpow Decrypted:


Encrypt a plaintext file

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud --encrypt-file dev-resources/secure/config.env --key-file dev-resources/secure/passphrase.key --out-file dev-resources/secure/config.aes
22:33:28.807 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud -

Kpow Encrypted:

> dev-resources/secure/config.aes

View the encrypted payload

cat dev-resources/secure/config.aes


Decrypt the payload

java -cp target/shroud-1.0.0-standalone.jar io.factorhouse.shroud --decrypt-file dev-resources/secure/config.aes --key-file dev-resources/secure/passphrase.key
22:40:11.998 [main] INFO io.factorhouse.shroud -

Kpow Decrypted:

SASL_MECHANISM=PLAIN required username="kpow" password="kpow-secret";


Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Copyright (c) Factor House