brew install rethinkdb
- in browser go to http://localhost:8080/
Good article on couchdb optimization
Good article on couchdb view design
Good article on optimization
Filtering changes
Better doc IDS that have our sensor prop names in them?
Command api allows for remote control of your GMG. A few implementation notes
- All endpoints are GET requests for now, to make them easy to debug in browser
- Since endpoints command an actual thing which can be dangerous, a confirmation pattern is used. The first request to each endpoint returns a code and a link, following the link actually executes the command.
Here are the api endpoints
GET /command/power/on
GET /command/power/off
GET /command/power/cold-smoke
GET /command/temp/grill
GET /command/temp/probe1
GET /command/temp/probe2
GET /command/settings/pizza
GET /command/settings/regular
Basic API to get status of grill as stored in local state. Status is updated approx 1-5 seconds by pinging grill and waiting for response message. It's not reccomdend to use this for polling. Instead, talk directory to the database, see examples TODO
GET /status
TODO document
Old notes
The point is a useful webapp for visualizing and tracking Green Mountain Grill cooks. This is a proof of concept which uses the work from to decode the grill status which is sent over UDP when the grill gets the right command. This code aims to be much simplier to reason than Aenima4six2/gmg, and easier to get running and customize.
This spike write data to a CSV as a database (which proved to be more trouble than worth) and visualizes prob1 temp using a ascii line chart. Another command prompt can run a real-time dashboard, although its very buggy due to reading / writing to files.
To get started
- Install deps
npm install
- Configure for your grill in
- Run
npm run start
- Additionally, in a new command window, run
npm run dashboard
- See CSV generated in
- Use a real database to sync data from server to client
- Test and reafactor the GrillStatus class
- Add react front-end with proper graphs.
- Try sending commands?
- Debug profiles and what they are all about - do we need them if we can set a profile on this?
Debugging wireshark data from iPhone
in command line
rvictl -s ##
rvictl -x ##
- pay $5
- pay what you wish
- buy / generate art from cooks
- (python)
- (python)
- Great article simple steps:
GET /cook // returns all cooks