A collection of terminal color scripts I've accumulated over the years. Included 52 beautiful terminal color scripts.
All you need to do is download the PKGBUILD from this repository. Then run the following command:
makepkg -cf
This will create a file that ends in .pkg.tar.xz (for example, shell-color-scripts-0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz). Then run:
sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.zst
Alternately, you could also install shell-color-scripts from the AUR using an AUR helper such as yay:
yay -S shell-color-scripts
Download the source code from this repository or use a git clone:
git clone https://github.com/faraaz-baig/shell-color-scripts.git
cd shell-color-scripts
rm -rf /opt/shell-color-scripts || return 1
sudo mkdir -p /opt/shell-color-scripts/colorscripts || return 1
sudo cp -rf colorscripts/* /opt/shell-color-scripts/colorscripts
sudo cp colorscript.sh /usr/bin/colorscript
# optional for zsh completion
sudo cp zsh_completion/_colorscript /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
colorscript --help
Description: A collection of terminal color scripts.
Usage: colorscript [OPTION] [SCRIPT NAME/INDEX]
-h, --help, help Print this help.
-l, --list, list List all color scripts.
-r, --random, random Run a random color script.
-e, --exec, exec Run a spesific color script by SCRIPT NAME or INDEX.
The source for shell-color-scripts is placed in:
For even more fun, add the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc and you will run a random color script each time you open a terminal:
colorscript random