Elasticsearch allows us to index, delete and update in bulk mode for much faster turnaround (saving a ton of round trip requests at the very least).
Elastic4s supports this is a very easy way. Simply use the index, update or delete syntax as before, except combine into a sequence and pass to the bulk method.
For example, multiple indexing:
val resp = client.bulk {
index into "bands/rock" fields "name"->"coldplay",
index into "bands/rock" fields "name"->"kings of leon",
index into "bands/pop" fields (
"name"->"elton john",
"best_album"->"goodbye yellow brick road"
And multiple deletin:g
val resp = client.bulk {
delete id 3 from "places/cities",
delete id 8 from "places/cities",
delete id 3 from "music/bands"
And we can even combine all the different types into a single bulk request:
val resp = client.bulk {
index into "bands/rock" fields "name"->"coldplay",
index into "bands/rock" fields "name"->"kings of leon",
delete id 3 from "places/cities",
delete id 8 from "places/cities"