From fad98eab51c1967c6e80dff14719bf9af28e4d4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Filipe Cancelinha Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:02:58 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] refactor: comments now have a warmer visible color by default --- lua/nordern/base.lua | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- lua/nordern/colors.lua | 79 ++++++++++---------- 2 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-) diff --git a/lua/nordern/base.lua b/lua/nordern/base.lua index 0b56098..7dade1c 100644 --- a/lua/nordern/base.lua +++ b/lua/nordern/base.lua @@ -33,90 +33,94 @@ local B = {} -- Base neovim B.gui = { - ColorColumn = { link = "CursorLine" }, -- Used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'. - Conceal = { fg = C.none, bg = C.none }, -- Placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (). - CurSearch = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Used for highlighting a search pattern under the cursor (see 'hlsearch'). - Cursor = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Character under the cursor. - CursorColumn = { fg = C.none, bg = C.night.c1 }, -- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is set. - CursorIM = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Like Cursor, but used when in IME mode. CursorIM - CursorLine = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is set. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not set. - CursorLineFold = { fg = C.none, bg = C.fg }, -- Like FoldColumn when 'cursorline' is set for the cursor line. - CursorLineNr = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg =, bold = true }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' is set and 'cursorlineopt' contains "number" or is "both", for the cursor line. - CursorLineSign = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = }, -- Like SignColumn when 'cursorline' is set for the cursor line. - Directory = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, -- Directory names (and other special names in listings) fg = C.none, bg = C.blend.bluec1 . - EndOfBuffer = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = C.none }, -- Filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like hl-NonText. - ErrorMsg = { fg =, bg = C.none }, -- Error messages on the command line. - FloatBorder = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = C.none }, -- Border of floating windows. - FloatFooter = { link = "FloatBorder" }, -- Footer of floating windows.base - FloatTitle = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Title of floating windows. - FoldColumn = { fg = C.none, bg = C.none }, -- 'foldcolumn' - Folded = { fg = C.none, bg = C.night.c3 }, -- Line used for closed folds. - IncSearch = { link = "CurSearch" }, -- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c". - LineNr = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set. - LineNrAbove = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none }, -- Line number for when the 'relativenumber' option is set, above the cursor line. - LineNrBelow = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none }, -- Line number for when the 'relativenumber' option is set, below the cursor line. - MatchParen = { fg = C.none, bg = C.night.c3 }, -- Character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. pi_paren.txt - ModeMsg = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --"). - MoreMsg = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- more-prompt - MsgArea = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Area for messages and cmdline. - MsgSeparator = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = }, -- Separator for scrolled messages msgsep. - NonText = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none }, -- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line). See also hl-EndOfBuffer. - Normal = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Normal text. - NormalFloat = { link = "Normal" }, -- Normal text in floating windows. - NormalNC = { link = "Normal" }, -- Normal text in non-current windows. - Pmenu = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Normal item. - PmenuExtra = { fg = C.frost.light_blue, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Normal item "extra text". - PmenuExtraSel = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Selected item "extra text". - PmenuKind = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Normal item "kind". - PmenuKindSel = { fg = C.frost.sea, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Selected item "kind". - PmenuSbar = { fg = C.blend.turquoise, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Scrollbar. - PmenuSel = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Selected item. - PmenuThumb = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = C.night.c2 }, -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar. - Question = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = }, -- hit-enter prompt and yes/no questions. - QuickFixLine = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, -- Current quickfix item in the quickfix window. Combined with hl-CursorLine when the cursor is there. - Search = { link = "CurSearch" }, -- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand out. - SignColumn = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Column where signs are displayed. - SpecialKey = { fg = C.night.c2, bg = }, -- Unprintable characters: Text displayed differently from what it really is. But not 'listchars' whitespace. hl-Whitespace - SpellBad = { fg =, bg = }, -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. - SpellCap = { fg =, bg = }, -- Word that should start with a capital. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. - SpellLocal = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. - SpellRare = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. - StatusLine = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Status line of current window. - StatusLineNC = { link = "StatusLine" }, -- Status lines of not-current windows. Note: If this is equal to "StatusLine", Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window. - Substitute = { link = "CurSearch" }, -- :substitute replacement text highlighting. - TabLine = { fg =, bg = }, -- Tab pages line, not active tab page label. - TabLineFill = { fg =, bg = }, -- Tab pages line, where there are no labels. - TabLineSel = { fg =, bg = }, -- Tab pages line, active tab page label. - TermCursor = { fg = C.none, bg = C.blend.bluec1 }, -- Cursor in a focused terminal. - TermCursorNC = { fg = C.none, bg = C.blend.bluec1 }, -- Cursor in an unfocused terminal. - TermNormal = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, - Title = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc. - Visual = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Visual mode selection. - VisualNOS = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection". - WarningMsg = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.none }, -- Warning messages. - Whitespace = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none, sp = C.night.c3 }, -- "nbsp", "space", "tab", "multispace", "lead" and "trail" in 'listchars'. - WildMenu = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = C.blend.bluec1 }, -- Current match in 'wildmenu' completion. - WinBar = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Window bar of current window. - WinBarNC = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Window bar of not-current windows - WinSeparator = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = }, -- Separators between window splits. - lCursor = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Character under the cursor when language-mapping is used (see 'guicursor'). - DiffAdd = { fg =, bg = }, -- Diff mode: Added line. diff.txt - DiffChange = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.blend.yellow }, -- Diff mode: Changed line. diff.txt - DiffDelete = { fg =, bg = }, -- Diff mode: Deleted line. diff.txt - DiffText = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Diff mode: Changed text within a changed line. diff.txt - healthError = { fg =, bg = }, - healthSuccess = { fg =, bg = }, - healthWarning = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.blend.yellow }, - Menu = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = }, -- Current font, background and foreground colors of the menus. Also used for the toolbar. Applicable highlight arguments: font, guibg, guifg. hl-Scrollbar - Scrollbar = { link = "PmenuSbar" }, -- Current background and foreground of the main window's scrollbars. Applicable highlight arguments: guibg, guifg. hl-Tooltip - Tooltip = { fg = C.blend.turquoise, bg = }, -- Current font, background and foreground of the tooltips. Applicable highlight arguments: font, guibg, guifg. - Yank = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.blend.turquoise } -- Yanking highlight + ColorColumn = { link = "CursorLine" }, -- Used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'. + Conceal = { fg = C.none, bg = C.none }, -- Placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (). + CurSearch = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Used for highlighting a search pattern under the cursor (see 'hlsearch'). + Cursor = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Character under the cursor. + CursorColumn = { fg = C.none, bg = C.night.c1 }, -- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is set. + CursorIM = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Like Cursor, but used when in IME mode. CursorIM + CursorLine = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is set. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not set. + CursorLineFold = { fg = C.none, bg = C.fg }, -- Like FoldColumn when 'cursorline' is set for the cursor line. + CursorLineNr = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg =, bold = true }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' is set and 'cursorlineopt' contains "number" or is "both", for the cursor line. + CursorLineSign = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = }, -- Like SignColumn when 'cursorline' is set for the cursor line. + Directory = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, -- Directory names (and other special names in listings) fg = C.none, bg = C.blend.bluec1 . + EndOfBuffer = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = C.none }, -- Filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like hl-NonText. + ErrorMsg = { fg =, bg = C.none }, -- Error messages on the command line. + FloatBorder = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = C.none }, -- Border of floating windows. + FloatFooter = { link = "FloatBorder" }, -- Footer of floating windows.base + FloatTitle = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Title of floating windows. + FoldColumn = { fg = C.none, bg = C.none }, -- 'foldcolumn' + Folded = { fg = C.none, bg = C.night.c3 }, -- Line used for closed folds. + IncSearch = { link = "CurSearch" }, -- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c". + LineNr = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set. + LineNrAbove = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none }, -- Line number for when the 'relativenumber' option is set, above the cursor line. + LineNrBelow = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none }, -- Line number for when the 'relativenumber' option is set, below the cursor line. + MatchParen = { fg = C.none, bg = C.night.c3 }, -- Character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. pi_paren.txt + ModeMsg = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --"). + MoreMsg = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- more-prompt + MsgArea = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Area for messages and cmdline. + MsgSeparator = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = }, -- Separator for scrolled messages msgsep. + NonText = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none }, -- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line). See also hl-EndOfBuffer. + Normal = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Normal text. + NormalFloat = { link = "Normal" }, -- Normal text in floating windows. + NormalNC = { link = "Normal" }, -- Normal text in non-current windows. + Pmenu = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Normal item. + PmenuExtra = { fg = C.frost.light_blue, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Normal item "extra text". + PmenuExtraSel = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Selected item "extra text". + PmenuKind = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Normal item "kind". + PmenuKindSel = { fg = C.frost.sea, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Selected item "kind". + PmenuSbar = { fg = C.blend.turquoise, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Scrollbar. + PmenuSel = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Popup menu: Selected item. + PmenuThumb = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = C.night.c2 }, -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar. + Question = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = }, -- hit-enter prompt and yes/no questions. + QuickFixLine = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, -- Current quickfix item in the quickfix window. Combined with hl-CursorLine when the cursor is there. + Search = { link = "CurSearch" }, -- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand out. + SignColumn = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Column where signs are displayed. + SpecialKey = { fg = C.night.c2, bg = }, -- Unprintable characters: Text displayed differently from what it really is. But not 'listchars' whitespace. hl-Whitespace + SpellBad = { fg =, bg = }, -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. + SpellCap = { fg =, bg = }, -- Word that should start with a capital. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. + SpellLocal = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. + SpellRare = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. spell Combined with the highlighting used otherwise. + StatusLine = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Status line of current window. + StatusLineNC = { link = "StatusLine" }, -- Status lines of not-current windows. Note: If this is equal to "StatusLine", Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window. + Substitute = { link = "CurSearch" }, -- :substitute replacement text highlighting. + TabLine = { fg =, bg = }, -- Tab pages line, not active tab page label. + TabLineFill = { fg =, bg = }, -- Tab pages line, where there are no labels. + TabLineSel = { fg =, bg = }, -- Tab pages line, active tab page label. + TermCursor = { fg = C.none, bg = C.blend.bluec1 }, -- Cursor in a focused terminal. + TermCursorNC = { fg = C.none, bg = C.blend.bluec1 }, -- Cursor in an unfocused terminal. + TermNormal = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, + Title = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc. + Visual = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Visual mode selection. + VisualNOS = { fg = C.none, bg = }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection". + WarningMsg = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.none }, -- Warning messages. + Whitespace = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none, sp = C.night.c3 }, -- "nbsp", "space", "tab", "multispace", "lead" and "trail" in 'listchars'. + WildMenu = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = C.blend.bluec1 }, -- Current match in 'wildmenu' completion. + WinBar = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Window bar of current window. + WinBarNC = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Window bar of not-current windows + WinSeparator = { fg = C.night.c1, bg = C.none }, -- Separators between window splits. + lCursor = { fg =, bg = C.frost.turquoise }, -- Character under the cursor when language-mapping is used (see 'guicursor'). + DiffAdd = { fg =, bg = }, -- Diff mode: Added line. diff.txt + DiffChange = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.blend.yellow }, -- Diff mode: Changed line. diff.txt + DiffDelete = { fg =, bg = }, -- Diff mode: Deleted line. diff.txt + DiffText = { fg = C.fg, bg = }, -- Diff mode: Changed text within a changed line. diff.txt + healthError = { fg =, bg = }, + healthSuccess = { fg =, bg = }, + healthWarning = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.blend.yellow }, + Menu = { fg = C.frost.turquoise, bg = }, -- Current font, background and foreground colors of the menus. Also used for the toolbar. Applicable highlight arguments: font, guibg, guifg. hl-Scrollbar + Scrollbar = { link = "PmenuSbar" }, -- Current background and foreground of the main window's scrollbars. Applicable highlight arguments: guibg, guifg. hl-Tooltip + Tooltip = { fg = C.blend.turquoise, bg = }, -- Current font, background and foreground of the tooltips. Applicable highlight arguments: font, guibg, guifg. + Yank = { fg = C.aurora.yellow, bg = C.blend.turquoise }, -- Yanking highlight + WindowPickerWinBar = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, + WindowPickerWinBarNC = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, + WindowPickerStatusLine = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, + WindowPickerStatusLineNC = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }, } B.syntax = { Boolean = { fg = C.frost.sea, bg = C.none }, -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false Character = { fg = C.frost.light_blue, bg = C.none }, -- any character constant: 'c', '\n' - Comment = { fg = C.night.c3, bg = C.none }, -- italic comments + Comment = { fg = C.blend.comment, bg = C.none }, -- any comment Conditional = { fg = C.frost.light_blue, bg = C.none }, -- italic if, then, else, endif, switch, etc. Constant = { fg = C.frost.light_blue, bg = C.none }, -- any constant Debug = { fg = C.snow.c0, bg = C.none }, -- debugging statements diff --git a/lua/nordern/colors.lua b/lua/nordern/colors.lua index 12fcafa..40d4180 100644 --- a/lua/nordern/colors.lua +++ b/lua/nordern/colors.lua @@ -3,45 +3,46 @@ local U = require("nordern.utils") -- These are the main colors that will form the basis of this colorscheme local colors = { - none = "NONE", - bg = "#2e3440", - fg = "#eceff4", - night = { - c0 = "#2e3440", - c1 = "#3b4252", - c2 = "#434c5e", - c3 = "#4c566a", - }, - snow = { - c0 = "#d8dee9", - c1 = "#e5e9f0", - c2 = "#eceff4", - }, - frost = { - blue = "#5e81ac", - light_blue = "#81a1c1", - sea = "#8fbcbb", - turquoise = "#88c0d0", - }, - aurora = { - green = "#a3be8c", - orange = "#d08770", - purple = "#B48EAD", - red = "#bf616a", - yellow = "#ebcb8b", - }, - blend = { - red = U.blend("#bf616a", "#2E3440", 0.1), - yellow = U.blend("#ebcb8b", "#2E3440", 0.1), - green = U.blend("#a3be8c", "#2E3440", 0.1), - turquoise = U.blend("#88c0d0", "#2E3440", 0.1), - blue = U.blend("#5e81ac", "#2E3440", 0.2), - bluec1 = U.blend("#5e81ac", "#2E3440", 0.3), - }, - special = { - sea = "#8EBDBC", - light_blue = "#7AA1BE", - }, + none = "NONE", + bg = "#2e3440", + fg = "#eceff4", + night = { + c0 = "#2e3440", + c1 = "#3b4252", + c2 = "#434c5e", + c3 = "#4c566a", + }, + snow = { + c0 = "#d8dee9", + c1 = "#e5e9f0", + c2 = "#eceff4", + }, + frost = { + blue = "#5e81ac", + light_blue = "#81a1c1", + sea = "#8fbcbb", + turquoise = "#88c0d0", + }, + aurora = { + green = "#a3be8c", + orange = "#d08770", + purple = "#B48EAD", + red = "#bf616a", + yellow = "#ebcb8b", + }, + blend = { + red = U.blend("#bf616a", "#2E3440", 0.1), + yellow = U.blend("#ebcb8b", "#2E3440", 0.1), + green = U.blend("#a3be8c", "#2E3440", 0.1), + turquoise = U.blend("#88c0d0", "#2E3440", 0.1), + blue = U.blend("#5e81ac", "#2E3440", 0.2), + bluec1 = U.blend("#5e81ac", "#2E3440", 0.3), + comment = U.blend("#616E88", "#2E3440", 0.9), + }, + special = { + sea = "#8EBDBC", + light_blue = "#7AA1BE", + }, } return colors