New constraints, including:
- even
- odd
- multipleOf(base: number)
- powerOf(base: number)
- strictlyAbove(bound: number)
- aboveOrEqualTo(bound: number)
- strictlyBelow(bound: number)
- belowOrEqualTo(bound: number)
- positive
- negative
- nonEmpty
- startingWith(prefix: string)
- endingWith(suffix: string)
- ofLengthAtMost(maximum: number)
- OfLengthAtLeast(minimum: number)
- ofSize(size: number)
- ofSizeAtLeast(minimum: number)
- ofSizeAtMost(maximum: number)
- ofUniqueItems()
Basic type-checking of Object trees, including:
- Boolean values
- String values (with regexp)
- Numbers
- Arrays
- Union of types
- Objects (with optional properties)
The type-checking detects
- Typing error (e.g., string expected, but number found)
- Missing properties on objects
- Extraneous properties on objects
Optional production rules associated with strings, booleam value, numbers, array and objects.