diff --git a/presentation/chapters/en-US/futures.chapter b/presentation/chapters/en-US/futures.chapter new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ed48a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/presentation/chapters/en-US/futures.chapter @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# Futures + +[Table of Contents](toc/english.html) + +--- + +The crate [`futures-rs`](https://github.com/alexcrichton/futures-rs) is commonly used to build asyncronous functionality. It provides constructs similar to `Promise`s in Javascript. + +--- + +## Notes on performance and usability + +* Rust does not have an implicit runtime event loop like Node.js. + + Tokio provides an explicit one. +* Futures are a zero-cost abstraction. +* The documentation for `futures-rs` is regarded as 'not good'. +* The async ecosystem is still very young. Be patient! + +--- + +## You've got oneshot + +`futures::sync::oneshot` provides a basic, single use future. + +They feel like a channel to use, even coming with a `tx` and `rx` pair. + +--- + +## You've got oneshot + +
+## You've got oneshot
+What happens if we swap the `rx.wait()` and the `tx.send()`?
+There is **no** implicit threading, calling `rx.wait()` blocks the thread until data is received!
+## You've got oneshot (threads)
+## Multiple oneshots
+## 57 channels (and nothing on)
+An `futures::sync::mpsc` represents a channel that will yield a series of futures.
+`mpsc::channel` has a bounded buffer size, and is concerned with back pressure.
+`mpsc::unbounded` has no bounded size, and can grow to fit all of memory.
+## 57 channels (and nothing on)
+## Toes in the CPU pool
+`futures-rs` comes with [`futures_cpupool`](https://docs.rs/futures-cpupool/0.1.7/futures_cpupool/) which provides a simple, easy to use CPU Pool type.
+This allows for us to dispatch arbitrary (heterogeneous!) jobs to a pool without worrying about where (and when) it gets executed.
+## Toes in the CPU pool
+## Interacting with futures
+Most of the times you will not be creating raw futures and sending them around.
+Instead, you'll likely end up interacting with them as part of a crate.
+Worry more about how to handle them, and work with them, than how to create and execute them.
diff --git a/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/1.rs b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/1.rs
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index 0000000..bf89dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/1.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fn main() {
+ // This is a simple future, sort of like a one-time channel.
+ // You get a (sender, receiver) when you invoke them.
+ // Sending a value consumes that side of the channel.
+ let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
+ // This consumes the sender, we can't use it afterwards.
+ tx.send("Bears").unwrap();
+ // Now we can wait for it to finish
+ let result = rx.wait()
+ .unwrap();
+ println!("{}", result);
+extern crate futures;
+use futures::Future;
+use futures::sync::oneshot;
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diff --git a/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/2.rs b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/2.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d861cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/2.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+fn main() {
+ let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500));
+ tx.send("Bears").unwrap();
+ });
+ let result = rx.wait()
+ .unwrap();
+ println!("{}", result);
+extern crate futures;
+extern crate rand;
+use std::thread;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use futures::Future;
+use futures::sync::oneshot;
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diff --git a/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/3.rs b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/3.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4252a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/3.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+const NUM_OF_TASKS: usize = 10;
+fn main() {
+ let mut rx_set = Vec::new();
+ for index in 0..NUM_OF_TASKS {
+ let (tx, rx) = futures::oneshot();
+ rx_set.push(rx);
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ println!("{} --> START", index);
+ sleep_a_little_bit();
+ tx.send(index).unwrap();
+ println!("{} <-- END", index);
+ });
+ }
+ // `join_all` lets us join together the set of futures.
+ let result = join_all(rx_set)
+ .wait()
+ .unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", result);
+extern crate rand;
+extern crate futures;
+use std::thread;
+use futures::Future;
+use futures::future::join_all;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use rand::distributions::{Range, IndependentSample};
+// This function sleeps for a bit, then returns how long it slept.
+pub fn sleep_a_little_bit() -> u64 {
+ let mut generator = rand::thread_rng();
+ let possibilities = Range::new(0, 1000);
+ let choice = possibilities.ind_sample(&mut generator);
+ let a_little_bit = Duration::from_millis(choice);
+ thread::sleep(a_little_bit);
+ choice
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diff --git a/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/4.rs b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/4.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1494d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/4.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 57;
+fn main() {
+ // We're using a bounded channel here with a limited size.
+ let (mut tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(BUFFER_SIZE);
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ for index in 0..(BUFFER_SIZE+2) {
+ sleep_a_little_bit();
+ // When we `send()` a value it consumes the sender. Returning
+ // a 'new' sender which we have to handle. In this case we just
+ // re-assign.
+ match tx.send(index).wait() {
+ // Why do we need to do this? This is how back pressure is implemented.
+ // When the buffer is full `wait()` will block.
+ Ok(new_tx) => tx = new_tx,
+ Err(_) => panic!("Oh no!"),
+ }
+ }
+ // Here the stream (`tx`) is dropped, completing it.
+ });
+ // We can `.fold()` like we would an iterator. In fact we can do many
+ // things like we would an iterator.
+ let sum = rx.fold(0, |acc, val| {
+ // Notice when we run that this is happening after each item of
+ // the stream resolves, like an iterator.
+ println!("--- FOLDING {} INTO {}", val, acc);
+ // `ok()` is a simple way to say "Yes this worked."
+ // `err()` also exists.
+ ok(acc + val)
+ })
+ .wait()
+ .unwrap();
+ println!("Sum: {}", sum);
+extern crate rand;
+extern crate futures;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use std::thread;
+use rand::distributions::{Range, IndependentSample};
+use futures::future::{Future, ok};
+use futures::stream::Stream;
+use futures::sync::mpsc;
+use futures::Sink;
+// This function sleeps for a bit, then returns how long it slept.
+pub fn sleep_a_little_bit() -> u64 {
+ let mut generator = rand::thread_rng();
+ let possibilities = Range::new(0, 100);
+ let choice = possibilities.ind_sample(&mut generator);
+ let a_little_bit = Duration::from_millis(choice);
+ thread::sleep(a_little_bit);
+ choice
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diff --git a/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/5.rs b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/5.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a878e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentation/chapters/shared/code/futures/5.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+fn main() {
+ // Creates a CpuPool with workers equal to the cores on the machine.
+ let pool = Builder::new().create();
+ let returns_string = pool.spawn_fn(move || -> Result<_, ()> {
+ Ok("First")
+ });
+ let returns_integer = pool.spawn_fn(move || -> Result<_, ()> {
+ Ok(2)
+ });
+ let resulting_string = returns_string.wait().unwrap();
+ let resulting_integer = returns_integer.wait().unwrap();
+ println!("{}, {}", resulting_string, resulting_integer);
+ // Returns `First, 2`
+extern crate futures;
+extern crate futures_cpupool;
+use futures::future::Future;
+use futures_cpupool::Builder;
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index b585bde..62fd58c 100644
--- a/presentation/toc/english.html
+++ b/presentation/toc/english.html
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