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File metadata and controls

66 lines (52 loc) · 5.67 KB


Code Layout

There are two main parts to the ISS code, the frontend and the backend. The backend consists of the typical Django components, views, models, form etc. The fontend is a gulp pipeline that produces static assets for the site. It lives under the src/statcs directory. It outputs into the static directory which the backend either serves directly in development mode or processes to be served by something like nginx in production.

Setting it up

The easiest way to get a development environment up and running is to use the dockerized environment. This removes much of the headache of figuring out dependencies, configuration, and OS specific oddities. To get started make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed (Docker Desktop is the usual way to get these on dev machines) and simply:

docker-compose up --build

The docker containers use a hefty amount of storage and come with some startup overhead. This is usually not a big deal, but if you'd like to run ISS without dockerization see the legacy setup instructions.

Creating an admin

You can simply:

docker exec -it iss_web_1 ./ createsuperuser

In general, any time you might want to run a management command or do some operation in the webserver environment, it will look like:

docker exec -it iss_web_1 <your command here>

Note that the container must be up in order for this to work.

Development Tips

  • When debug mode is on, you can use ctrl+P on any page to cycle through the available themes without reloading a page.


Every ISS instance must define a FORUM_CONFIG setting. Default values exist for every key so it may be empty. When running via docker compose, your settings file is docker-config/ In that file you can find both your FORUM_CONFIG definition which controls the behavior of ISS itself, and general django config which you can use to configure general behavior of the application server (e.g. upload storage configuration). Note that configuring the latter is somewhat more advanced/delicate than the former, generally you'll want to leave the general Django config alone unless you're sure you know what you're doing.

Here is a list of the recognized properties and what each does:

Option Description Default
forum_name The name of the site as presented to users. Used in a couple of places, notably breadcrumbs and page titles. 'INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION'
forum_domain Domain used in composing absolute urls (only used in emails) ''
default_protocol Protocol used in composing absolute urls (only used in emails) 'http'
email_host_blacklist List of email hosts users are not allowed to register new accounts with []
banner_dir A path, relative to the static dir (in the src tree) that contains an arbitrary number of forum banners in jpg, gif, or png format. One of the files from this dir will be randomly selected for the page banner on each page load. 'banners'
min_post_chars The minimum length, in characters, of a post. 1
max_post_chars The maximum length of a post, in characters. Defaults to the number of characters in the first chapter of Dune 19476
min_thread_title_chars The minimum length, in characters, of a thread title 1
threads_per_forum_page The number of threads to be per page in a thread list like a subforum or in thread searches
posts_per_thread_page The number of posts to show on each page of a thread by default. Users may override this value. 20
ninja_edit_grace_time The amount of time, in seconds, after post creation that a user can edit their post without it being branded with an edit notice and timestamp. 120
private_message_flood_control The number of seconds users must wait after sending a private message before they can send a new one. 30
title_ladder Used for assigning users a user title based on their post count. See for the format. see
recaptcha_settings Either None or a 2-tuple with your reCAPTCHA site(public) and secret keys in that order to be used at registration time. If this is None users will be able to register without solving a captcha. None
max_avatar_size The maximum filesize for avatars, in bytes. Regardless of this value the display size of avatars is constrained to 75px in either dimension 128kB
extensions A list of forum extensions to be enabled. Currently only 'taboo' is available []
min_age_to_anonymize A timedelta indicating how long an account needs to have existed before it can anonymize itself timedelta(days=28)
min_posts_to_anonymize The minimum number of posts an account must have made before it can anonymize itself 151
initial_account_period_total The number of posts an account must have to exit the post rate limiting period 150
initial_account_period_limit The number of posts a new account may make within a given time period 20
initial_account_period_width The time period in which a new account is allowed to make at most initial_account_period_limit posts timedelta(days=1)
captcha_period The number of posts an account must make before it will no longer need to complete a captcha with each post 0
enable_registration Allow new users to register accounts without an invite. True
enable_invites Allow registration of new accounts with invites False
invite_expiration_time The length of time an invite will remain valid after being generated
max_embedded_items The maximum number of images or videos a single post is allowed to contain. Do not set too high, a page with 100 embedded youtube videos will lock up many browsers 5