(ii), (iv) and (v)
Key essence of machine learning:
- exists some 'underlying pattern' to be learned
- but no programming (easy) definition
- somehow there is data about the pattern
reinforcement learning
unsupervised learning
supervised learning
active learning
Type of learning:
- Learning with Different Output Space
- [classification], [regression], [structured]
- Learning with Different Data Label
- [supervised], un/semi-supervised, reinforcement
- Learning with Different Protocol
=> (
- [batch], online, active
- Learning with Different Input Space
- [concrete], raw abstract
Can be converted to a question of how many even between and
Obviously, the different values of depends on
import numpy as np
def loadData(filename):
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
data = np.matrix(data)
col, row = data.shape
X = np.c_[np.ones((col, 1)), data[:, 0:-1]]
Y = data[:, -1]
return X, Y
def perceptron(X, Y, w, speed=1):
num = 0; prevpos = 0
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
index = np.where(yhat != Y)[0]
if not index.any():
if not index[index >= prevpos].any():
prevpos = 0
pos = index[index >= prevpos][0]
prevpos = pos
w += speed*Y[pos, 0]*X[pos:pos+1, :].T
num += 1
return num
X, Y = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_15_train.dat')
col, row = X.shape
w0 = np.zeros((row, 1))
num = perceptron(X, Y, w0)
In [1]: %timeit %run 15.py
100 loops, best of 3: 7.74 ms per loop
import numpy as np
def loadData(filename):
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
data = np.matrix(data)
col, row = data.shape
X = np.c_[np.ones((col, 1)), data[:, 0:-1]]
Y = data[:, -1]
return X, Y
def perceptron(X, Y, w, speed=1):
num = 0; prevpos = 0
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
index = np.where(yhat != Y)[0]
if not index.any():
if not index[index >= prevpos].any():
prevpos = 0
pos = index[index >= prevpos][0]
prevpos = pos
w += speed*Y[pos, 0]*X[pos:pos+1, :].T
num += 1
return num
X, Y = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_15_train.dat')
col, row = X.shape
total = 0
for i in range(2000):
w0 = np.zeros((row,1))
randpos = np.random.permutation(col)
Xrnd = X[randpos, :]
Yrnd = Y[randpos, :]
num = perceptron(Xrnd, Yrnd, w0)
total += num
In [2]: %timeit %run 16.py
1 loop, best of 3: 4.22 s per loop
import numpy as np
def loadData(filename):
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
data = np.matrix(data)
col, row = data.shape
X = np.c_[np.ones((col, 1)), data[:, 0:-1]]
Y = data[:, -1]
return X, Y
def perceptron(X, Y, w, speed=1):
num = 0; prevpos = 0
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
index = np.where(yhat != Y)[0]
if not index.any():
if not index[index >= prevpos].any():
prevpos = 0
pos = index[index >= prevpos][0]
prevpos = pos
w += speed*Y[pos, 0]*X[pos:pos+1, :].T
num += 1
return num
X, Y = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_15_train.dat')
col, row = X.shape
total = 0
for i in range(2000):
w0 = np.zeros((row,1))
randpos = np.random.permutation(col)
Xrnd = X[randpos, :]
Yrnd = Y[randpos, :]
num = perceptron(Xrnd, Yrnd, w0, 0.5)
total += num
In [3]: %timeit %run 17.py
1 loop, best of 3: 4.21 s per loop
import numpy as np
def loadData(filename):
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
data = np.matrix(data)
col, row = data.shape
X = np.c_[np.ones((col, 1)), data[:, 0:-1]]
Y = data[:, -1]
return X, Y
def mistake(yhat, y):
row, col = y.shape
return np.sum(yhat != y)/row
def pocket(X, Y, w, iternum, speed=1):
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
errOld = mistake(yhat, Y)
wBest = np.zeros(w.shape)
for i in range(iternum):
index = np.where(yhat != Y)[0]
if not index.any():
pos = index[np.random.permutation(len(index))[0]]
w += speed*Y[pos, 0]*X[pos:pos+1, :].T
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
errNow = mistake(yhat, Y)
if errNow < errOld:
wBest = w.copy()
errOld = errNow
return wBest, w
X, Y = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_18_train.dat')
Xtest, Ytest = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_18_test.dat')
col, row = X.shape
total = 0
for i in range(2000):
w0 = np.zeros((row, 1))
randpos = np.random.permutation(col)
Xrnd = X[randpos, :]
Yrnd = Y[randpos, :]
w, wBad = pocket(Xrnd, Yrnd, w0, 50)
yhat = np.sign(Xtest.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
err = mistake(yhat, Ytest)
total += err
In [1]: %timeit %run 18.py
1 loop, best of 3: 10.1 s per loop
import numpy as np
def loadData(filename):
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
data = np.matrix(data)
col, row = data.shape
X = np.c_[np.ones((col, 1)), data[:, 0:-1]]
Y = data[:, -1]
return X, Y
def mistake(yhat, y):
row, col = y.shape
return np.sum(yhat != y)/row
def pocket(X, Y, w, iternum, speed=1):
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
errOld = mistake(yhat, Y)
wBest = np.zeros(w.shape)
for i in range(iternum):
index = np.where(yhat != Y)[0]
if not index.any():
pos = index[np.random.permutation(len(index))[0]]
w += speed*Y[pos, 0]*X[pos:pos+1, :].T
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
errNow = mistake(yhat, Y)
if errNow < errOld:
wBest = w.copy()
errOld = errNow
return wBest, w
X, Y = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_18_train.dat')
Xtest, Ytest = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_18_test.dat')
col, row = X.shape
total = 0
for i in range(2000):
w0 = np.zeros((row, 1))
randpos = np.random.permutation(col)
Xrnd = X[randpos, :]
Yrnd = Y[randpos, :]
w, wBad = pocket(Xrnd, Yrnd, w0, 50)
yhat = np.sign(Xtest.dot(wBad))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
err = mistake(yhat, Ytest)
total += err
In [2]: %timeit %run 19.py
1 loop, best of 3: 10.3 s per loop
import numpy as np
def loadData(filename):
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
data = np.matrix(data)
col, row = data.shape
X = np.c_[np.ones((col, 1)), data[:, 0:-1]]
Y = data[:, -1]
return X, Y
def mistake(yhat, y):
row, col = y.shape
return np.sum(yhat != y)/row
def pocket(X, Y, w, iternum, speed=1):
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
errOld = mistake(yhat, Y)
wBest = np.zeros(w.shape)
for i in range(iternum):
index = np.where(yhat != Y)[0]
if not index.any():
pos = index[np.random.permutation(len(index))[0]]
w += speed*Y[pos, 0]*X[pos:pos+1, :].T
yhat = np.sign(X.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
errNow = mistake(yhat, Y)
if errNow < errOld:
wBest = w.copy()
errOld = errNow
return wBest, w
X, Y = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_18_train.dat')
Xtest, Ytest = loadData('./pic/homework/hw1_18_test.dat')
col, row = X.shape
total = 0
for i in range(2000):
w0 = np.zeros((row, 1))
randpos = np.random.permutation(col)
Xrnd = X[randpos, :]
Yrnd = Y[randpos, :]
w, wBad = pocket(Xrnd, Yrnd, w0, 100)
yhat = np.sign(Xtest.dot(w))
yhat[np.where(yhat == 0)] = -1
err = mistake(yhat, Ytest)
total += err
In [3]: %timeit %run 20.py
1 loop, best of 3: 19.8 s per loop