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+> Start your OSS activities with a tutorial in full Japanese π
+This is a Japanese open source project designed to make it easy for beginners to participate.
+Follow the tutorial and experience your first contribution!
+We'll be happy to help you with your first pull request βοΈ
+## Introduction
+This project is a Japanese tutorial to learn how to use Git/GitHub in practice and how to collaborate in open source!
+### Who is this for?
+- Beginners who want to learn how to use Git/GitHub in practice
+- People who are interested in open source but don't know how to contribute
+- Or those who want to improve their skills while enjoying collaboration through more contributions
+### What is the purpose of this project?
+- To experience actual collaborative development using GitHub, which is difficult to learn on one's own
+- To teach everyone how to contribute to open source projects with confidence
+- And to help developers who love the open source culture connect with each other
+What is open source anywayββ
+[Open source](https://opensource.guide/ja/starting-a-project/#what-is-open-source-and-why-to-do-it) is:
+> When a project is open source, it means that anyone is free to use, study, modify, and distribute your project for any purpose.
+In most cases, open source projects are open to anyone!
+**Contributing to open source projects is a great way to improve your skills by collaborating with other developers. **
+If you're not interested in open source and wondering if it's worth the effort,
+check out: [Why contribute to open source? ](https://opensource.guide/ja/how-to-contribute/#%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%97%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%81%AB%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%83%93%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B%E7%90%86%E7%94%B1%E3%81%AF)
+## How to participate
+Let's experience contributing to an open source project right away!
+### What do I do?
+As a participant of this project, add the following information to the Contributors.json file!
+"name": "Your handle name",
+"github": "Your GitHub account URL",
+"favoriteColor": "Your favorite color code",
+"favoriteEmoji": "Your favorite emoji"
+The information you enter will be displayed as an emoji icon on the [website](https://first-contributions-ja.github.io).
+So, every time a contributor is added, the site becomes livelier!
+We want to make the First Contributions JA website even more POP than it is now!
+Please try it out for yourself :octocat:
+- [Get hands-on](#Get hands-on)
+- [Setup:](#Setup)
+- [Step 1: Fork this repository](#step-1Fork this repository)
+- [Step 2: Clone to local machine](#step-2Clone to local machine)
+- [Step 3: Create a working branch](#step-3Create a working branch)
+- [Step 4: Make changes](#step-4Make changes)
+- [Step 5: Commit changes](#step-5Commit changes)
+- [Step 6: Push changes](#step-6Push changes)
+- [Step 7: Create a pull request (PR)](#step-7Create pull request pr)
+- [Step 8: Review and respond to feedback](#step-8Respond to review and feedback)
+- [Finish: π](#finish)
+- [More steps](#More steps)
+- [Other Contributions](#Other Contributions)
+## Getting hands-on
+> **Become an open source contributor in 8 easy steps** :sunglasses:
+- If you need help, ask in [Discussions](https://github.com/first-contributions-ja/first-contributions-ja.github.io/discussions)!
+- If you think there's an improvement you could make to this project, report it in [Issues](https://github.com/first-contributions-ja/first-contributions-ja.github.io/issues)!
+Every little bit counts π
+### Setting up:
+- If you don't have a GitHub account, [Sign up](https://github.com/signup?ref_cta=Sign+up&ref_loc=header+logged+out&ref_page=%2F&source=header-home) to create one.
+- And if necessary, we recommend that you first complete the [GitHub Hello World tutorial](https://docs.github.com/ja/get-started/quickstart/hello-world) for complete beginners.
+- If an access token is not set in place of a password, errors may occur when cloning, etc.
+- In that case, please refer to [Setting a GitHub access token](https://docs.github.com/ja/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens).
+### Step 1: Fork this repository
+- Click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of the project page on GitHub (this page) to fork this repository.
+- Then click the "Create fork" button.
+- You can leave the "Repository name", "Description", "Copy the `main` branch only" and other items at their initial settings!
+> [!TIP]
+> This will create a copy of this repository in your GitHub account π
+### Step 2: Clone to your local machine
+You can also edit the files on GitHub, but
+to experience a more common workflow, copy the forked repository to your local machine.
+- Go to the page of your forked repository on GitHub, click the green "Code" button, and copy the HTTPS URL.
+- The URL should look something like this:`https://github.com//first-contributions-ja.github.io.git`
+- Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
+- For example, to clone to your desktop, you can use the following command:
+cd desktop
+- Clone your forked repository to your local machine with the following command:
+git clone clone URL you copied earlier
+> [!TIP]
+> This copies the repository to your local machine and you can now work on it locally π»
+### Step 3: Create a working branch
+- Use the following command to move into the repository directory:
+cd first-contributions-ja.github.io
+- Use the following command to install the packages required for this project:
+npm install
+Note: What is npm install?
+**If you have Node.js installed, you can run the `npm install` command to install all the libraries required for this project at once. **
+#### What you can do after `npm install`
+- **Start a local server and check the display in the browser**
+- After executing the `npm run dev` command, you can check by clicking the displayed URL
+- **Automatically check and format the code when committing**
+- Executed using a library called husky
+- It is executed automatically, so there is no need to execute any commands or do any work
+For more information about the `npm install` command, please refer to [here](https://qiita.com/sugurutakahashi12345/items/3cc49926faeaf25d3051)!
+#### π§Note) If Node.js is not installed on your local machine, the `npm install` command will cause an error.
+In that case, there are **two ways** to deal with it.
+- **Skip the `npm install` step. **
+- You can get a minimal contribution experience without this step, so if it's difficult for you, feel free to skip it.
+- I'd like to know how many people have trouble with this step, so it would be very helpful if you could report to the pull request that "`npm install` didn't work."
+- **Install Node.js. **
+- For installation instructions, please refer to the following sites.
+- [Node.js official site](https://nodejs.org/en) / [How to install Node.js (macOS) Progate](https://prog-8.com/docs/nodejs-env) / [How to install Node.js (Windows) Progate](https://prog-8.com/docs/nodejs-env-win)
+- If you want to know more about Node.js, please refer to [What is Node.js? Why is everyone using it? Qiita](https://qiita.com/non_cal/items/a8fee0b7ad96e67713eb).
+- If you're interested in web/JavaScript development, this is a great time to install it π
+- Next, create a new branch to separate your work from the `main` branch of your project.
+- You can use the following command: `git switch -c `
+- The **branch name** should be something meaningful related to the work you're going to be doing.
+So it will look like this:
+git switch -c add-yourname
+- **π§Caution**)
+- Don't forget to replace `yourname` with your handle
+- Enter the branch name in half-width alphanumeric characters, without hiragana, kanji, or spaces
+- β: Ogino Chihiro, Ogino Chihiro, Ogino Chihiro
+- Example:
+git switch -c add-oginochihiro
+> [!TIP]
+> Now you're ready to make changes without directly affecting the project's `main` repository π΅
+### Step 4: Make changes
+- To get started, open the cloned folder in your favorite code editor, such as VSCode.
+- Before making any changes, make sure you are working in the branch you created in the previous step!
+- You can check which branch you are in with the following command:
+git status
+- Now it's time to make some changes to your Contributors.json file.
+- **Copy and paste the following code into the "end of the list" section of your Contributors.json file. **
+"name": "Your handle",
+"github": "Your GitHub account URL",
+"favoriteColor": "Your favorite color code",
+"favoriteEmoji": "Your favorite emoji"
+- Then replace the pasted text with your own text.
+- :art: Please refer to the following sites: [Emoji List](https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/), [Primary Color Dictionary](https://www.colordic.org), [Traditional Japanese Colors](https://nipponcolors.com)
+- For example, if you replace everything, it will look like this:
+"name": "oginochihiro",
+"github": "https://github.com/first-contributions-ja",
+"favoriteColor": "#ffffff",
+"favoriteEmoji": "π"
+### Step 5: Commit the changes
+- Go to the terminal again and use the following command to commit the changes to your local repository.
+- Don't forget to replace `yourname` with your handle name.
+git add .
+git commit -m "Add yourname to contributors"
+> [!TIP]
+> This will record the changes you made to the Contributors.json file π
+### Step 6: Push your changes
+- Push your changes to your forked remote repository:
+git push origin HEAD
+> [!TIP]
+> This will push your previous commit (your local changes) to your remote repository on GitHub πΎ
+### Step 7: Create a pull request (PR)
+- Go to the page of the remote repository you forked on GitHub (`https://github.com/youraccount/first-contributions-ja.github.io`).
+- Click the "Compare & pull request" button at the top.
+- Then, after checking the following, click the "Create pull request" button.
+- Just to be sure, make sure that you are going from the `add-yourname` branch of your repository to the `main` branch of first-contributions-js!
+- Leave the title as it is and leave the description blank!
+> [!TIP]
+> This will request that the changes you made in your fork be pushed back to the repository you forked from π
+### Step 8: Review and respond to feedback
+Your PR will be reviewed by the project maintainers.
+- It is normal for the reviewer to request changes in your PR. If this happens, just make the changes and accept the changes.
+- In that case, just go back to the same working branch as before, make the requested changes, and then just [commit your changes](#step-5Commit your changes) and push again.
+- The PR will be automatically updated with the new push.
+Most reviews happen within 24 hours, but there can be a delay of a few days. Please be patient β
+### Finish:π
+- Once your pull request is approved, your changes will be merged into the main project.
+Good job!
+And thank you for your time and effort in contributing to First Contributions JA! !
+## Further steps
+> If you found this project useful, please press the β**star** button at the top of the page!
+> Also, please **share** this project with your followers and acquaintances to help spread the word!
+You've learned how to contribute to an open source project!
+- Reflect on what you've done to solidify your knowledge.
+- You've just completed the standard workflow (**read the documentation β fork β make changes β pull request**) that you will often encounter as a contributor!
+- Because First Contributions JA is an open source project, you can also contribute in other ways than the [Tutorial](#Getting started) above.
+- Let us know what you think about this project in the Discussions π
+- If you're interested, check out Other Contributions.
+- Contribute to other open source projects!
+- Check out the beginner topics on GitHub (first-contributions and good-first-issue)!
+- If you have a repository you'd like to contribute to, look for issues labeled "good first issue."
+- This generally indicates an issue for beginners who are new to a particular project or to open source in general!
+## Other Contributions
+If you want to contribute more, check out the contributing guidelines!
+Every contribution, be it code additions, bug fixes, or documentation improvements, is welcome π€
+## License
+This project is licensed under the [MIT LICENSE](/LICENSE).
+## Acknowledgements
+This project is inspired by great open source projects designed for beginners, such as [first-contributions](https://github.com/firstcontributions/first-contributions) and [Contribute-To-This-Project](https://github.com/Syknapse/Contribute-To-This-Project).
+[twttr-share]: https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Start your OSS activities with a tutorial in full Japaneseπ&url=https://github.com/first-contributions-ja/first-contributions-ja.github.io&hashtags=Programming 'Tweet this project'
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