- Create slides with markdown
- The git basic commands
- You should have sucessfully completed the setup
- Your GitHub account should be associated with a ssh key, if not do it now
- add a star on the repo
to keep track for later on github.com/stars - check the
- Configure user settings with
git config --global user.name "Your full name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
- Check your identity
git config -l
We are goint to create slides for your next talk with spectacle
- Create a new folder somewhere (Example:
). - Create a new markdown based presentation
npx create-spectacle
? What type of deck do you want to create? ›
One Page
❯ Markdown // select this one
React using Vite
React using webpack
cd 'name-of-your-presentation'
npm install raw-loader
npm start
You can see the presentation at http://localhost:3000
- replace the content of
<!-- slides.md -->
# GitHub Bootcamp
## This is my slide
## Happy Hacking
Congratulations! now you can save your work.
gcmsg ':new: initial commit'
Aliases are a great way to be super productive. But maybe you are wondering what's under the hood? If you are lost you can explore what's behind with
alias gss
All the new slides should be based on the oh-my-zsh
cheatsheet. And feel free to commit your changes during the process.
✅ gss
⌛ git status -s
<--- using this is fine but we should learn the fast and shorcut way
- Create a slide "How to initialise a new repository"
- Commit your work
- Create a slide "How to review changes"
- Commit your work
- Create a slide "How to commit changes"
- Commit your work
- create a
git today
alias to check what you have accomplished today
This is an example of my configuration
alias.today=log --since=midnight --author='Your full name' --oneline
After the exercice, to remember what you've just learned, then fill out the elaboration and feedback form.