- Configurable pprint previews menu for slow to pprint values cases
- Very crude zoom-in/zoom-out on scope visualizer
- Make *out* and *err* print panel font monospaced
- Make printer support printing multi-line strings when printing strings
- Fix printer removing after flow cleanning
- Fix data-window eql extractor so it doesn't break on infinite sequences
- Add configurable auto jump to exceptions
- New eql-query-pprint visualizer
- New webpage visualizer
- Add support for setting the visualizer via flow-storm.api/data-window-push-val
- Add debugger/bookmark to set bookmarks from code and also quickly jump to the first one
- Enable multiple ClojureScript runtimes <> multiple debuggers via "flowstorm_ws_port"
- Configurable thread tab auto-update every 1sec (on by default)
- Remove middleware dependency on cider-nrepl-middleware
- Aspect extractors signature deprecation. Now it recieves the object and a map with extras
- Fix taps "search value on flows"
- Fix middleware not working with nrepl > 1.3.0-beta2
- Fix middleware for ClojureScript
- Fix identity and equality powerstepping for unwinds
- Change flow exceptions combo to only show exception root instead of all unwinds
- Fix middleware for Cider Storm
- DataWindow system
- Outputs tool (Clojure only)
- Improved flow search for DataWindows support
- Update javafx to "21.0.4-ea+1"
- Fix Quick Jump on multiple flows
- Fix UI displaying of multi line strings in varios places
- Fix printers enable state on printers screen open
- Fix thread trace count not updating on thread tab refresh
- Fix ctx menu showing on forms background with left click
- For ns reload functionality don't read forms with *read-eval* false
- Use quoted-string-split on editor open commands
- Improved multi-thread timeline colors
- Do not deref all derefables automatically, just atoms, refs, agents and vars and pending realized ones. Leave the reast to snapshot-value system
- Do not deref delays when tracing values
- Add before-reload and after-reload hooks for the namespace reloading utilities
- Improve ns auto reload for namespaces loaded with load-file
- Make Search, Printer and Multi-thread-timeline tools work per flow
- Pake Printer use the multi-thread timeline if available to allow for thread interleaving print debugging
- New fn-call power stepper
- Optional automatic namespaces reload after changing prefixes for storm
- Flows UI refactor
- Make stack click jump to beg of the fn instead of prev step
- Add printer support to print on all threads
- Add printers transform expression (Clojure only)
- UI refactor for toolbars
- UI refactor for printers and multi-thread timeline
- Set a UI limit of 200 on the Exceptions menu entries to improve UI responsiveness under deep recursions exceptions.
- Fix #181 close children windows if main window closed
- Fix out of boundaries on step-prev-over and step-next-over
- Add recorded threads counter on the threads menu button
- Clean initialization console logs for ClojureScript
- Fix remote debugging for vanilla
- Fix windows paths handling in middleware
- Fix FlowStorm not starting in OSX because of wrong taskbar icon url
- Add jump to first and last occurrences buttons to power stepping controls
- #rtrace now clears the current recording flow before running again
- Upgrade ikonli-javafx to 12.3.1
- Add FlowStorm icon to the toolbar and taskbar
- Namespace FlowStorm resources so they don't collide with other resources
- Fix thread-id lost from thread tab after tab refresh
- Fix running with nrepl >= 1.2
- Make the code stepper the default tab instead of the tree
- Fix auto tab switch on code jump
- Add Goto file:line on the menu
- Show open in editor for any form that contains line meta
- Show value inspector `def` on the same screen
- Remove unnamed anonymous functions from Quick Jump
- Remove docs builder (now on dyna-spec)
- Remove tools.build as a dependency
- Make the coed stepper the default tab instead of the tree
- Timelines notification updates and thread refresh button
- Don't run #rtrace when recording is paused
- Fix vanilla-instrument-var for clojurescript
- Fix #rtrace for clojurescript
- Implement storm instrumentation management in the browser
- Add "Copy qualified function symbol" and "Copy function calling form" to form menu
- Add only-functions? to multi-thread timeline
- The record flow selector combo is now next to the tabs
- The threads selector is now a menu button instead of a list view to gain some UI space
- Automatically open first recorded thread
- Improved graphical tutorial
- Help menu with tutorial and user's guide
- Don't start recording by default
- Add support to open forms in editors
- Add an option to set threads limit to throw
- There is a new, much more powerfull global search system instead of the old per timeline search.
- An improved Flows system that allows the user to record into multiple flows.
- Implement an improved loop navigation system
- Improve pprint panes. Now all of the also show exceptions
- #rtrace0 ... #rtrace5 reader tags were removed since they aren't needed anymore with the new flow system
- Theme dialog panes
- Fix inspector power stepper
- Bring back the clear recordings button to the toolbar
- A faster search system for ClojureScript (for every functionality that searches on the timeline)
- Implemented thread trace limit as a fuse for infinite loops/recursion
- All possibly expensive slow operations are now cancellable. This includes :
- List functions calls
- List prints with the printer
- Values search
- Multi-thread timeline
- All power stepping tools
- Quick jump
- All functions that collect from the timeline will report as they run, no need to wait to the end. This includes :
- List functions calls
- List prints with the printer
- Multi-thread timeline
- Add a menu bar to help with discoverability
- Add functions calls ret render checkbox that update on change
- Change Exceptions from a ComboBox to MenuButton
- Functions calls auto update on selection
- Fix functions lists for nil returns
- Improved functions pane.
- Change stack double click behavior as per #150
- Display bookmarks and inspector windows centered on main window
- Display all dialogs centered on main window
- Add identity-other-thread power stepper
- Big refactor with a ton of improvements to the repl API
- Better execution highlighting system
- Browser and functions calls list views update as they change with the keyboard
- Fix multi-thread timeline search
- Close context menu if there is one already open
- :ex captured exception system removed - superseded by unwind tracing
- [IMPORTANT!] Fix timeline structure when functions unwind (requires ClojureStorm >= 1.11.1-19)
- Fix value inspector stack showing val instead of key
- Add a timeline index column to the bookmarks table
- Add a thread timeline index column to the multi-thread timeline
- New same-coord and custom-same-coord power steppers
- New context menu to find recordings from unhighlighted text ("Jump forward here", etc)
- Make tooltips have a 400ms delay instead of default 1000ms
- Display timeline indexes zero based (used to be 1 based) to be less confusing when using the repl api
- Add thread-ids everywhere thread-names show
- Show form line next to form namespace if known
- New stepper buttong layout
- Centralize bookmarks system (one bookmark system for all flows and threads)
- Step over doesn't stop at function boundaries anymore
- Improved value inspector performance on remote runtimes (via :val-preview)
- Pasting in quick jump box doesn't fire autocomplete
- Quick jump should create and/or focus the tab
- Fix tree view freezes when a node contains too many childs
- Fix quick-jump on Clojure remote
- Add print-wrap controls on panes
- Don't automatically switch to the Taps tab on new taps
- Don't trace false as nil
- Update hansel to 0.1.81 to fix browser var instrumentation in cljc
- Add a bookmarking system
- Add navigation undo/redo system
- Upgrade JavaFX to 21.0.1
- Push minimal supported JDK version to 17 with a path for using it with 11
- Improve keyboard event handling system to support different layouts
- Improve following current selected expression
- Remove double scrolling in code panes
- Make code stack pane jump a double-click
- Support multiple debugger instances running at the same time. Useful for debugging multiple build in cljs.
- Fix "Add to prints" not showing on Vanilla
- Enter on time box focus the code
- Don't print handled exception error messages on std-err since it messes up cider
- Capture exceptions on cljs remote connect
- [Remote] Don't crash the debugger if there is an exception initializing the RT through the repl
- Patch for clojure.pprint bug https://ask.clojure.org/index.php/13455/clojure-pprint-pprint-bug-when-using-the-code-dispatch-table
- Ctrl-f copies the current qualified funcion symbol to the clipboard
- Ctrl-Shift-f copies the current function call form
- Right clicking on a tree node now shows "Copy qualified function symbol"
- Right clicking on a tree node now shows "Copy function calling form"
- Big codebase refactor for make it cleaner
- Improved search functionality (faster and with better UX)
- Fix functions list not showing entire functions names when they are large
- Add dynamic font inc/dec and theme rotation
- Upgrading j-system-theme-detector to 3.8.1 to fix a NPE
- Downgrading JavaFX to 19.0.2 since >20 needs JDK>=17 and we still want JDK11
- Improved code highlighter. Replaces JavaFX standard TextFlow with RichTextFx CodeArea for improved performance.
- Change hansel to com.github.flow-storm/hansel 0.1.79 for the organization move
- Fix #98 Stepping over big forms is very slow
- Add function call limits
- Disable functionality that doesn't make sense under storm when working under ClojureStorm or ClojureScriptStorm
- Improve Printer thread selection so you don't need to constantly re-select thread
- Add flow-storm.storm-preload for ClojureScriptStorm
- Improved initialization system for remote debugging
- Reuduce callstack tree nodes args print level and depth for perf (specially on remotes)
- Add multimethod dispatch-val to stack pane
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.78
- Fix printer goto location without thread selection
- Fix ClojureScript double require issue
- Fix java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when building timeline
- Implement quickjump
- Unblock all breakpoint blocked threads with toolbar and keyboard
- Fix enabling/disabling of thread breakpoints
- Add "Search value on Flows" to taps
- Add "Timeline tool" implementation
- Add power stepping to stepping controls
- Add "Printer tool" implementation
- Fix NPE after closing thread tab
- Upgrade to hansel 0.1.74 for a couple of bug fixes. Check hansel changelog.
- Fix ability to capture what happens before the debugger connects on ClojureScript
- Code stepping follow value allows you to step to the next/prev expression that evaluates to the same value. Useful for understanding how values flow through programs
- Value inspector follow value, same as before.
- New code stepping search tool
- The call stack tree search tool was removed since it was buggy and hard to fix because of how javaFx lazy TreeView works
- Upgrade to hansel 0.1.69 with improved coordinate system
- Fix call tree highlight current frame
- Add debugger window title configurable via :title and flowstorm.title prop
- Add support for debugging litteral maps and sets of any size
- Upgrades to hansel 0.1.65 and supports new coordinate system
- Reintroduced #rtrace ^{:thread-trace-limit N}
- issues/65 GUI icon hover making the icon unreadable
- Add flow-storm-find-flow-fn-call to nrepl middleware
- Add flow-storm.nrepl.middleware for editors integration
- Improve step out functionality
- Fix flow-storm.runtime.values/value-type for sorte-maps
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.63
- Fix step over for the (map some-fn) etc cases
- Exclude org.slf4j/slf4j-nop
- Make pprint panes a TextArea so we can copy it's content
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.60 to fix ClojureScript namespace instrumentation issue
- Add functions list refresh button
- Add step-prev-over and step-next-over buttons and keybindings
- Pprint panel now display value type
- Add define all current frame bindings
- Improve auto-scrolling when stepping on the code tool
- Keep functions and tree state when switching tabs
- Much improved value inspector
- Update hansel to 0.1.56 so #trace (deftest ...) works
- BREAKING! flow-storm.runtime.values/snapshot-value defmethod was replaced by flow-storm.runtime.values/SnapshotP protocol for performance
- Fix goto-location
- Respect flowstorm.startRecording before :dbg on ClojureStorm
- Add "Highlight current frame" on the call tree tool
- Add stack tab to code stepping tool
- Add a result pane on the functions list tool
- Add double click on calls tree tool node steps code
- Control recording from the UI
- Add threads breakpoints
- Add basic keyboard support
- Allow DEF button functionality to specify a NS
- Made search functionality faster and simplified it's code
- #rtrace automatically opens the code stepping tool in the last position
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.54
- Signal error when trying to use #rtrace with ClojureStorm
- Don't crash if tracer functions are called before the system is fully started
- Fix Clojure remote debugging race condition
- Keep the thread list split pane size correct after window resize
- [CRITICAL] For remote connections fix repl-watchdog spamming the repl
- Add support for ClojureStorm
- Add a separate threads list and thread tabs contain names
- Add step up button
- Redesign Flows tools UX
- A bunch of performance improvements
- Many bug fixes (sorry for the low detail, this is a big release)
- Exclude guava as a transitive dep in tools.build since it breaks shadow-cljs 2.21.0
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.50
- Upgrade openjfx to
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.46
- Upgrade to hansel 0.1.42 which contains a couple of bug fixes
- Update to hansel 0.1.38 which contains a couple of bug fiexs
- Improve docs file generation. Generated docs will be put into flow-docs.edn instead of samples.edn since
it is less likely to collide. Also the data format has been improved for extensibility
- Update hansel dependency to 0.1.35
- Handle OS theme detector exceptions
- Update hansel to 0.1.31 which contains a critical bug
- Improve value inspector styles
- Fix docs examples display
- Add Flow Docs - Generate projects functions documentation by sampling their executions.
- Fix a ConcurrentModificationException on debuggers_api/reference_frame_data!
- Add browser var recursive instrumentation
- Update to hansel 0.1.22 to fix ClojureScript go blocks instrumentation
- New tap button allows you to tap> any value from the UI (nice to integrate with other tooling like portal)
- New locals "tap value" allows you to tap> any locals
- Migrate to hansel for instrumentation (should be much better than previous instrumentation system)
- Value inspector navigation bar now shows keys instead of val text
- Fix automatic [un]instrumentation watcher
- Fix clojure instrument entire namespace for non libraries
- Remove flow-storm hard dependency on org.clojure/clojurescript artifact. Will lazy require when needed for ClojureScript, assuming the dependency will be provided
- Add #rtrace ^{:thread-trace-limit X} where X can be a integer. Execution will throw after tracing X times for a trace. Useful for debugging possibly infinite loops
- Add support for snapshoting mutable values via flow-storm.runtime.values/snapshot-value multimethod
- Add #tap-stack-trace, to tap the current stack trace wherever you add it
- Add support for core.async/go blocks instrumentation
- Add Ctrl+MouseWheel on forms to step prev/next
- Immediately highlihgt the first trace when creating a flow in the debugger
- Remove unnecessary first-fn-call-event
- Alt+Tab now works on MacOs for switching between the debugger and the repl windows (thanks to Lucy Wang @lucywang000)
- Fix extend-protocol and extend-type instrumentations for ClojureScript
- Fix instrumentation breaking variadic functions in ClojureScript
- Improves theming
- Fix dynamic vars not being re-evaluated as dynamic in cljs
- Fix dynamic vars not being re-evalueated as dynamic in ClojureScript
- Fix timeout issues on remote connection
- Add `Instrument form without bindings` to form context menu
- Add got to last trace on code loops context-menu
- Full [un]instrumentation synchronization between the browser and #trace (Clojure only)
- Now you can [un]instrument single vars from the browser, even if they where defined at the repl (Clojure only)
- Improved Single var [un]instrumentation from the browser (Clojure and ClojureScript)
- Fix show-error on the clojure local path
- flow-storm.api/cli-run now supports :flow-id key
- Windows pprint form problem
- Bunch of minor small bug fixes
- Instrummented code should run much faster due to removed unnecessary runtime ctx rebinding
- Fix browser navigation after instrumentation bug
- Automatic event retention. For ClojureScript or remote Clojure you don't need to remote-connect by hand
when you want to capture traces before the debugger is connected. Just need to require flow-storm.api on your main.
- Automatic ui cleaning on reconnection
- Remote connection now accepts :debugger-host and :runtime-host keys (check out the documentation)
- Fix the more button on value inspector
- Fix for infinite sequence handling
- Automatic remote connection management. The re-connect button was removed from the toolbar since it isn't needed anymore
- Fix javafx platform not initialized exception when there is a error connecting to a repl
- Add support for remote debugging without repl connection (clojure and clojurescript)
- Show nrepl errors on the UI
- Fix ClojureScript re-run flow
- Fix a deadlock caused by the event system
3.0 is a full redesign! So it is full of changes, and fixes. Most remarkable things are :
- ClojureScript is feature par with Clojure now, so every feature is available to both languages.
- Remote debugging can be accomplished by just connecting to nrepl server (socket repl support on the roadmap)
- A programable API (https://jpmonettas.github.io/flow-storm-debugger/user_guide.html#_programmable_debugging)
- Enables the posibility to integrate it with IDEs/editors
* Add inspect for locals
* Can jump to any index by typing the idx number in the thread controls
* Locals print-length is now 20 and print-level 5
* Make the value inspector show more info on dig nodes
* Add a proper lazy and recursive value inspector
* Add tap tool (support for tap>)
* New functions for shutting down the debugger and connections gracefully.
When starting with `flow-storm.api/local-connect` or `flow-storm.api/remote-connect` you can shut it down with `flow-storm.api/stop`
When starting a standalone debugger with `flow-storm.debugger.main/start-debugger` you can shutdown with `flow-storm.debugger.main/stop-debugger`
* Add support for light and dark themes, in selected or automatic mode. Checkout the user guide for more info. (thanks to Liverm0r!)
* Thread tabs can be closed and reordered
* The entire debugger was refactored to manage state with mount
* Fix #28 - Callstack tree args and ret listviews should expand to the bottom
* Fix #34 - instrument-forms-for-namespaces not instrumenting (def foo (fn [...] ...))
* Add bottom bar progress indicator when running commands
* Add reload tree button on callstack tree tabs
* Add search bar to functions list
* This release also contains big internal refactors to make the codebase cleaner and more efficient
* Automatically deref all reference values in traces
* Automatically change to flow tab on new flow
* Add jump to first and last traces on thread controls (useful for exceptions debugging)
* Add print-level and print-meta controls on pprint value panels
* Improve re-run flow UX
* Namespace instrumentation now accepts :verbose? to log known and unknown instrumentation errors details
* Add flow-storm.api/uninstrument-forms-for-namespaces to undo instrument-form-for-namespaces instrumentation
* Add ctx menu on locals to define vars from values
* Add browser namespaces instrumentation/uninstrumentation
* Add browser instrumentation synchronization (for everything but #trace)
* Add #rtrace0 ... #rtrace5, like #rtrace but with different flow-ids
* Add double clicking on flows functions window executes show function calls
* Remove flow-storm.api/run since #rtrace(runi) is enough
* Flows functions window now have checkboxes for selecting fncall arguments to print
* Fix re run flow for #rtrace case
* Fix local binding instrumentation and debugging
* Add def value button on every value panel to define the value so you can work with it at the repl
* Add namespaces browser with instrumentation capabilities
* Add conditional tracing via #ctrace and ^{:trace/when ...} meta
* Fix run-command for the local connection path
* Add Clojurescript support
* Remote debugging via `flow-storm.api/remote-connect` and `flow-storm.api/cli-run`
* `flow-storm.api/cli-run` now accepts :host and :port
* Add styles customization via a user provided styles file
* The debugger can instrument and debug itself