A generic user authentication service supporting FIDO U2F, TOTP, Email, and SMS.
Account management is one of the more boring and yet necessary portions of most user facing systems. Here we attempt to provide some sane, secure defaults so you can focus on building your product instead.
For an overview of the API, refer to the documentation here
For an example clientside implementation of some of the core API's provided here, refer to the client repository.
Although there are missing features, the most noteworthy of which is password reset, this project is fully functional. It was originally written as an opportunity to explore the recent addition of the Webauthn browser spec and snowballed into a fully featured authenticator under the premise that it could one day be used for future hobby projects.
JWT tokens are used for authentication. Their stateless nature allows us to check verification without managing a session in a database. Additionally signed tokens provide data integrity, providing our other applications a degree of trust with the user identity information contained within it.
JWT Tokens are embeded with a fingerprint, which we refer to here as a client ID
to help prevent token sidejacking.
JWT Tokens are short lived by default (20 minutes) but may be refreshed after expiry
with a valid refresh token
. Refresh tokens have their own, configurable long lived expiry time
(15 days by default) and set on the client securely along side the client ID.
Passwordless authentication is planned as an optional system wide configuration. It is often used to ease onboarding flows. Popular examples can be seen by popular start ups such as Uber, Grab, and Square Cash. We support this this as we can argue that randomly generated, time sensitive multi-character codes are oftentimes more secure then common user generated passwords and mitigates password reuse.
Registration requires either a phone number or email address as it is a requirement to verify the authenticity of a user. The service may be required to enforce email only registration, phone only, or a combination of both.
Authentication requires a password (unless passwordless authentication is enabled) and an assertion of identity. The assertion may be one of the following 2FA methods:
OTP: A one time password (by default, a 6 digit code) will be delivered to the user's email address or phone number. This is the default setting and may be disabled after the user enables an alternative 2FA method.
TOTP: Users may generate a time based one time password through a supported application.
FIDO Users may submit a signed WebAuthn challenge to authenticate with any standard FIDO device (e.g. MacOS fingerprint reader, YubiKey)
While secure cookie storage is available on web browsers, tokens are instead expected
to be stored in either LocalStorage or SessionStorage (or some secure storage in a native
mobile app). This ensure clients have access to the token to retrieve basic information
about the user's idenitty. To authenticate, clients are expected to create an authentication
header and pass their tokens with a Bearer
prefix. This eliminates the complexity of
additionally supporting CSRF tokens.
To mitigate XSS attacks targeted at token storages, tokens are fingerprinted with a random
string's hash. The hash value (the client ID
) should be securely stored on the client. After
authentication, the client ID is set as a secure cookie on the browser. It is additionally
available as part of the response payload so mobile clients can store it themselves.
Older tokens may be explicitly revoked by a user or automatically invalidated by us (for example, when refreshing a token). Handling this is an inherent problem with JWT tokens as revocation typlically relies on setting a short enough expiry period for service owners to consider the risk minimal. This allows us to make use of one of the major benefits of JWT tokens by allowing simple validation without a session store.
For this project, I've opted to take the middle ground and support revocation using a fast storage (here Redis is used) and maintaing a blacklist of Token IDs.
Records for login history are created upon each successful login and associated with a JWT token ID. This history allows us to provide users a way audit their account and revoke tokens. After revocations, tokens may no longer refresh and the user must login in again to retrieve a new JWT token and accompanying refresh token.
Token storage: We avoid setting authentication tokens to cookies to avoid the need to provide CSRF token support and allow us to rely solely on the contents of a JWT token for authenticaiton. Fingerprinting the token with a securely stored value is instead used to mitigate risks of XSS attacks that may occur by allowing clients to save their tokens in other storages. It's use case is similar but allows us to complete validation without storing the additional token.
Token invalidation: While not typical in JWT support, we support token invalidation
as it provides an additional layer of security and allows us to manage OTP codes without
persisting them to a DB as we can now use the token as a transport mechanism for the OTP
code (OTP hashes are embeded in the token). The cost to support invalidation was shown
to increase validation time by around 3ms
OTP Message delivery: OTP codes may be delivered through email or SMS. SMS uses
the Twilio API however any other API wrapper that is set up to adhere to the same interface may
be swapped in. Email delivery may be completed through Sendgrid or Go's standard net/smtp
Because OTP codes are short lived, and users may request new codes on delivery failure,
they are only stored in an in-memory queue during sending as it is acceptable for messages
to be lost (e.g. application is restarted) with no attempts made to re-send it. We validate
OTP codes by comparing it to an embeded hash in each JWT token. The generation of a new token
automatically invalidates an old token with an embeded OTP hash.
2FA: Device 2FA via a valid FIDO U2F device (through Webauthn API) is set as the default 2FA method when enabled, followed by TOTP code generation and finally delivery via Email or SMS. To maintain usability, we do not automatically disable one 2FA option when another is enabled. If users desires to disable a less secure method after enabling a new 2FA method, they are expected to explicitly disable it themsleves. The Client UI should budget for this and guide users through this flow.
SRP: SRP is an authentication protocol to mitigate MITM attacks. It was left out as an authentication protocol for this service as it would add significant complexity to client side auth flow and competes with building adoption for WebAuthn.
- PostgreSQL: Storage for users, login history, authorized FIDO devices
- Redis: Blacklist for invalidated tokens, Webauthn session management, API ratelimiting
- Twilio API: OTP code delivery via SMS
- Sendgrid API: OTP code delivery via Email (optional)
- Go stdlib net/smtp: OTP code delivery via Email (default)
In order to complete send OTP codes through SMS or email, you will need a Twilio
API key as well as either email credentials to be used with Go's net/smtp
library or
a Sendgrid API key.
1. Generate default config
and a corresponding docker-compose.yml
file will be created. It assumes
you intend to run the client and backend on authenticator.local
. Once you have a config file,
make any necessary changes. The update any necessary (e.g. add API keys).
cd authenticator
make dev
2. Start the project and dependencies
By default the project will be exposed on port 8081
cd authenticator
docker-compose -f docker-compose.stage.yml up -d
You can check the project is up and running via the healthcheck endpoint
curl http://localhost:8081/healthcheck
If you would like to build and run the project without docker, you can compile the binary directly and pass the location of your configuration file:
go build ./cmd/api
./api --config=./config.json
3. Setup and access the database
If this is your first time running the project, you'll need to set up the initial
DB schema found in schema.go. You can connect with psql
the docker-compose
to create the tables specified in schema.go
docker-compose exec postgres psql -U auth -d authenticator_test
Make sure golangci-lint is installed prior to running the linter.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml
make test
make lint
Artillery.io is used for load testing. In depth tests are not set up yet but we can get a general idea of performance on token validation with a Redis backed throttle.
First install Artillery (Node.js is a prerequisite)
npm install -g artillery
artillery -V
Set the target domain and run the tests.
artillery run loadtest/token-verify.yml
An indepth review has not been completed yet. Although an initial test on a Digital Ocean
droplet $5 droplet (1GB/1CPU, 25GB SSD) with PostgreSQL and Redis running together on the same
instance for token validation shows we can reasonably expect handle around 200
requests per second while maintaining a response time of around 300ms
for end users for 95% of
requests on the single DO instance.
Ramping up to 800
concurrent users per second on the same DO instance over a 7 minute period
shows degregation in response times to 500ms
for 95% of requests with a 0.004%
error rate.
Example report overview:
- Server: Digital Ocean (1GB/1CPU, 25GB SSD)
- Server Location: New York
- Load Test Client Location: New York
- Environment: Application, PostgreSQL, Redis, running dockerized on the single instance
- Conditions: Maximum 800req/sec, average 167req/sec over 7 minutes
Report: Average 5req/sec
Report @ 14:43:47(-0400) 2020-08-07
Elapsed time: 1 minute, 10 seconds
Scenarios launched: 56
Scenarios completed: 56
Requests completed: 56
Mean response/sec: 5.61
Response time (msec):
min: 252.3
max: 288.3
median: 267.8
p95: 283.9
p99: 288.3
401: 10
429: 46
Report: Average 200req/sec
Report @ 14:59:38(-0400) 2020-08-07
Elapsed time: 5 minutes, 20 seconds
Scenarios launched: 2430
Scenarios completed: 2420
Requests completed: 2420
Mean response/sec: 243.34
Response time (msec):
min: 253.3
max: 1729.4
median: 278.9
p95: 320.3
p99: 727.5
401: 10
429: 2410
Report: Request ramp to 800req/sec
Report @ 15:01:18(-0400) 2020-08-07
Elapsed time: 7 minutes, 0 seconds
Scenarios launched: 7045
Scenarios completed: 7009
Requests completed: 7009
Mean response/sec: 705.91
Response time (msec):
min: 266.4
max: 3362.7
median: 359.3
p95: 507.6
p99: 1585.1
401: 10
429: 6999
Report: Summary
Summary report @ 15:01:23(-0400) 2020-08-07
Scenarios launched: 71063
Scenarios completed: 71060
Requests completed: 71060
Mean response/sec: 167.23
Response time (msec):
min: 250.1
max: 4032.2
median: 296.2
p95: 496.3
p99: 1529.3
Scenario counts:
0: 71063 (100%)
401: 425
429: 70635
Auth0 Packages authentication as a service but results in leaving your user account management up to an external third party which may not be feasible for some compliance or business needs. It's free plan provides limited support and paid plans are arguably expensive for several thousands of users.
AuthRocket Provides similar features to Auth0. The service is less mature than it's competitor and more expensive at low tier plans.
Following features are still pending and will be implemented in order:
Password reset: Password reset will be inspired by the advice provided from OWASP. Users will be required to complete 2FA, after which a password reset email will be sent with a time sensitive code to change their password.
User enumeration: User enumeration prevention can be improved once password reset is enabled. User lookup errors on the signup flow should trigger the 2FA step on password reset. This strategy is currently employed by Facebook (as of 2020). At the moment we simply return a generic error.
Passwordless authentication: As discussed above in this document, passwordless authentication is one of the planned features and will be implemented as an optional system wide configuration.