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File metadata and controls

95 lines (73 loc) · 9.5 KB

Render a world, cell, or object from ESM file(s), terrain data, and archives.

General options

  • --help: Print usage.
  • --list-defaults: Print defaults for all options, and exit. If used after other options, then the updated values are printed, including the rotation matrix and light vector calculated from -view and -light.
  • --: Remaining options are file names.
  • -q: Do not print messages other than errors.
  • -threads INT: Set the number of threads to use.
  • -debug INT: Set debug render mode (0: disabled, 1: reference form IDs as 0xRRGGBB, 2: depth * 16 or 64, 3: normals, 4: diffuse texture only, 5: light only).
  • -ssaa INT: Render at 2N (double or quadruple) resolution and downsample.
  • -w FORMID: Form ID of world, cell, or object to render. A table of game and DLC world form IDs can be found in SConstruct.maps.
  • -f INT: Select output format, 0: 24-bit RGB (default), 1: 32-bit A8R8G8B8, 2: 32-bit A2R10G10B10.
  • -rq INT: Set render quality and flags (0 to 2047, defaults to 0), using a sum of any of the following values:
    • 1: Enable the use of pre-combined meshes (same as -scol 1).
    • 2: Render all supported object types other than decals, actors and markers (same as -a).
    • 0, 4, 8, or 12: Render quality from lowest to highest, 0 uses diffuse textures only on terrain and objects, 4 enables normal mapping, 8 also enables PBR on objects only, 12 enables PBR on terrain as well.
    • 16: Enable actors, this is only partly implemented and may not work correctly.
    • 32: Enable the rendering of decals (TXST objects). This requires an additional buffer for normals, increasing memory usage from 8 to 12 bytes per pixel.
    • 64: Enable marker objects.
    • 128: Disable built-in exclude patterns for effect meshes.
    • 256: Disable the use of effect materials.
    • 512: Disable the use of object bounds data (OBND) for the purpose of testing if an object is visible.
    • 1024: Disable reordering objects, ensures deterministic output at the cost of worse threading performance.
  • -watermask BOOL: Render water mask, non-water surfaces are made transparent or black.

Values in hexadecimal format (prefixed with 0x) are accepted by -w and -rq.


Compiling with rgb10a2=1 is required to actually increase frame buffer precision to 10 bits per channel. Format 2 may not be correctly supported by some image editors, The GIMP can open RGB10A2 DDS files, but currently truncates the data to 8 bits per channel.

Texture options

  • -textures BOOL: Make all diffuse textures white if false.
  • -tc INT or -txtcache INT: Texture cache size in megabytes.
  • -mc INT: Model cache size, the number of models to load at the same time (1 to 64, defaults to 16).
  • -mip INT: Base mip level for all textures other than cube maps and the water texture. Defaults to 2.
  • -env FILENAME.DDS: Default environment map texture path in archives. Defaults to textures/shared/cubemaps/ Use baunpack ARCHIVEPATH --list /cubemaps/ to print the list of available cube map textures, and cubeview to preview them.

Terrain options

  • -btd FILENAME.BTD: Read terrain data from Fallout 76 .btd file.
  • -r X0 Y0 X1 Y1: Terrain cell range, X0,Y0 = SW to X1,Y1 = NE. The default is to use all available terrain, limiting the range can be useful for Fallout 76 to reduce the load time and memory usage.
  • -l INT: Level of detail to use from BTD file (0 to 4), see btddump. Fallout 76 defaults to 0, all other games use a fixed level of 2.
  • -deftxt FORMID: Form ID of default land texture. See the table in SConstruct.maps for game specific values.
  • -defclr 0x00RRGGBB: Default color for untextured terrain.
  • -lmip FLOAT: Additional mip level for land textures, defaults to 3.0.
  • -lmult FLOAT: Land texture RGB level scale.
  • -ltxtres INT: Land texture resolution per cell, must be power of two, and in the range 2(7-l) to 4096. For approximately correct scaling, use 16384 / 2(mip+lmip) for Fallout 4 and 76, and 8192 / 2(mip+lmip) for Skyrim.

Model options

  • -scol BOOL: Enable the use of pre-combined meshes. This works around some problems related to material swaps, but is generally slower, and may have other issues.
  • -a: Render all supported object types, other than decals (TXST), actors and markers.
  • -mlod INT: Set level of detail for models, 0 (default and best) to 4.
  • -vis BOOL: Render only objects visible from distance.
  • -ndis BOOL: If zero, also render initially disabled objects.
  • -hqm STRING: Add high quality model path name pattern. Meshes that match the pattern are always rendered at the highest level of detail, with normal mapping and reflections enabled. Any non-empty string also implies setting -rq to at least 4 for all objects and terrain.
  • -xm STRING: Add excluded model path name pattern. -xm meshes disables all solid objects. Use -xm babylon to disable Nuclear Winter objects in Fallout 76.

View options

  • -view SCALE RX RY RZ OFFS_X OFFS_Y OFFS_Z: Set transform from world coordinates to image coordinates, rotations are in degrees (see figure). At a scale of 1.0, the size of one exterior cell is 4096 pixels. X and Y offsets are relative to the center of the image.
  • -cam SCALE RX RY RZ X Y Z: Set view transform for camera position X,Y,Z. The scale and rotation parameters are identical to -view, offsets are calculated from the specified camera world coordinates.
  • -zrange MIN MAX: Limit view Z range to MIN <= Z < MAX.

Lighting options

  • -light SCALE RY RZ: Set overall brightness, and light vector Y, Z rotation in degrees (0, 0 = top). The light direction is rotated around the Y axis first (positive = east, negative = west), then around the Z axis (positive = counter-clockwise, from east towards north). The default direction of RY=70.5288 and RZ=135 translates to a light vector of -2/3, 2/3, 1/3.
  • -lcolor LMULT LCOLOR EMULT ECOLOR ACOLOR: Set light source, environment, and ambient light colors and levels. LCOLOR, ECOLOR, and ACOLOR are in 0xRRGGBB format (sRGB color space), -1 is interpreted as white for LCOLOR and ECOLOR. LMULT and LCOLOR multiply diffuse and specular lighting, while EMULT and ECOLOR are applied to environment maps and also to ambient light. If ACOLOR is negative, the ambient light color is determined from the default cube map specified with -env, if one is available, otherwise it defaults to 0x404040.
  • -rscale FLOAT: Scale factor to use when calculating a view vector (X * -normalZ, Y * -normalZ, H * RSCALE) from the pixel coordinates and image height for cube mapping and specular reflections. A higher value simulates a narrower FOV for the purpose of reflections. Defaults to 2.0.

For testing view and light settings, it is recommended to use faster low quality rendering, with no downsampling, low landscape texture resolution, no high quality models, and if necessary, disabling all meshes.

Water options

  • -wtxt FILENAME.DDS: Water normal map texture path in archives. Defaults to textures/water/ Setting the path to an empty string disables normal mapping on water.
  • -watercolor UINT32: Water color (A7R8G8B8), 0 disables water, 0x7FFFFFFF (the default) uses values from the ESM file. The alpha channel determines the depth at which water reaches maximum opacity, maxDepth = (128 - a) * (128 - a) / 2.
  • -wrefl FLOAT: Water environment map scale, the default is 1.0.
  • -wscale INT: Water texture tile size, defaults to 2048.


./render Fallout76/Data/SeventySix.esm 4096 4096 Fallout76/Data -r -71 -71 71 71 -light 1.7 70.5288 135 -lcolor 1 0xFFFCF0 0.875 -1 -1 -ltxtres 512 -rq 15 -ssaa 1 -xm swamptree -view 0.0070922 180 0 0 0 0 4096
./render Fallout76/Data/SeventySix.esm 8192 8192 Fallout76/Data -r -71 -71 71 71 -light 1.7 70.5288 135 -lcolor 1 0xFFFCF0 0.875 -1 -1 -ltxtres 512 -rq 15 -ssaa 1 -xm swamptree -view 0.0141844 180 0 0 0 0 8192
./render Fallout76/Data/SeventySix.esm 16384 16384 Fallout76/Data -r -71 -71 71 71 -light 1.7 70.5288 135 -lcolor 1 0xFFFCF0 0.875 -1 -1 -ltxtres 512 -rq 15 -ssaa 1 -xm swamptree -view 0.0283688 180 0 0 0 0 16384
./render Fallout4/Data/Fallout4.esm,Fallout4/Data/DLCNukaWorld.esm 8192 8192 Fallout4/Data -deftxt 0x000AB07E -light 1.5 70.5288 135 -ltxtres 512 -view 0.03064 180 0 0 316.1 -680.1 16384 -rq 15 -ssaa 1
./render Fallout4/Data/Fallout4.esm,Fallout4/Data/DLCCoast.esm 8192 8192 Fallout4/Data -deftxt 0x000AB07E -w 0x01000B0F -light 1.5 70.5288 135 -ltxtres 512 -view 0.05482 180 0 0 -444.1 -20.1 16384 -rq 15 -ssaa 1
./render Fallout4/Data/Fallout4.esm,Fallout4/Data/DLCNukaWorld.esm 8192 8192 Fallout4/Data -deftxt 0x000AB07E -w 0x0100290F -light 1.5 70.5288 135 -ltxtres 512 -view 0.06857 180 0 0 444.1 520.1 16384 -rq 15 -ssaa 1
./render Skyrim/Data/Skyrim.esm,Skyrim/Data/Dawnguard.esm 8192 6471 Skyrim/Data -deftxt 0x00000C16 -env textures/cubemaps/ -light 2.6 70.5288 135 -ltxtres 256 -view 0.0168067 180 0 0 -173 274.5 8192 -rq 10 -ssaa 1
./render Skyrim/Data/Skyrim.esm,Skyrim/Data/Dragonborn.esm 8192 8192 Skyrim/Data -deftxt 0x00000C16 -w 0x02000800 -env textures/cubemaps/ -light 2.6 70.5288 135 -ltxtres 256 -view 0.0714286 180 0 0 -3776.1 3584.1 8192 -rq 10 -ssaa 1