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Taple - Simple Table


A pretty simple and beautiful table made by canvas, a front-end project that runs in a browser environment.


  • 保存为PNG图片(透明背景) / Save as PNG (transparent background)
  • 保存为JSON+从JSON导入数据 / Save as JSON and import data from JSON
  • 可以开关单元格分割线 / Toggle cell divider lines
    • 关闭:更加简约好看 / Off: Simpler and cleaner
    • 打开:对于合并的单元格,能够清晰明了地看到界限 / On: Clearer and more visible for merged cells
  • 撤销/重做(ctrl+z / ctrl+y) // Undo/Redo (ctrl+z / ctrl+y)
  • 移动画布 / Move canvas
  • 增删行列 / Add/Delete rows/columns



特色功能:异形合并单元格 SPECIAL FEATURE: Merged cells with irregular shapes


You can merge cells as you like, as long as they are connected.

不单单能够拼成L T O之类的形状!

Not only can they be formed into L T O shapes!

有感 / Thoughts


This project took me a whole semester


About zooming: I think this feature can be added, but I haven't implemented it, because it's a bit troublesome. If you can do it, please help me do it, thanks.

我想到的缩放方法:方法一————缩放canvas,但是这个要修改包括但不限于调用时传入的坐标,点击时点击位置的计算等等,而且不清晰;方法二————修改renderer.jsfunction taple(...)添加一个zoom参数,但是几乎所有常数和变量都要乘以这个参数,超级麻烦!

The zooming method I thought of: Method 1 - Zooming the canvas, but this involves modifying coordinates that are passed in when calling the function, the calculation of the click position, etc., and it's not clear when display. Method 2 - Modifying renderer.js to function taple(...) to add a zoom parameter, but almost all constants and variables need to be multiplied by this parameter, which is super troublesome!


Although this project is very simple (is it?), I spent a lot of time on it, and I hope that you will pay attention to it, thank you~

使用教程 / Usage Guide


You will see 7 buttons at the top.

  1. 弹出 菜单/设置/关于 // Pop up menu/Settings/About
  2. 编辑:选择一个单元格后可在弹出菜单中编辑文字、调节大小。点击右上角按钮收起才能够记录到撤销/重做里面 / Edit: After selecting a cell, you can edit the text and adjust the size in the pop-up menu. Click the top right button to collapse the menu and record it in Undo/Redo.
  3. 合并:选择两个相邻的单元格,即可合并在一起 / Merge: Select two adjacent cells to merge them together.
  4. 取消合并:选择一个单元格,他对应的所有子单元格全部分开来 / Split: Select a cell, and all its subcells will be separated.
  5. 增加行列 // Add/Delete Rows/Columns
  6. 删除行列 // Delete Rows/Columns


The two buttons in the panel for adding/deleting rows/columns will be swapped, because the corresponding row or column is opposite in different modes.


In the add mode, the down arrow means adding a row down; in the delete mode, the down arrow means deleting the current column; the right arrow is the same.