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Helm 3 charts to deploy Interactive Brokers Gateway and other IB related containers to Kubernetes

HELM 3 chart to deploy IB Gateway running in Docker to a Kubernetes cluster. Currently has basic TCP port monitoring so Kubernetes will restart the instance, if it stops responding.

Docker Hub image

This HELM chart deploys the following Docker container by default. This can be overridden in the values.yaml:


  • To deploy, create a values.yaml outside this repo with your IB Gateway credentials
IBAuth: true


export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/your/kubeconfig

Then, deploy with:

helm3 repo add ibgw-forhire # to add this repo

helm3 install -n ibroker-paper ibgw ibgw-forhire/ibgw -f values.yaml 

helm install -n ibroker-paper backtrader ibgw-forhire/backtrader-helm # To install Backtrader Anaconda Jupyter Notebook in the ibroker-paper namespace


Kubernetes kubectl commands can be used for troubleshooting. Typically: kubectl get all -n namespace

to get the POD name.

kubectl describe pod/ibgw-unique-values -n namespace

to show details about the POD.


A sample Istio Service Mesh configuration does the following:

Creates a Gateway for the trademonitor service, enabling HTTPS on port 443 with an HTTP redirect from port 80

Defines a VirtualService for the trademonitor service, routing traffic from the Gateway to the trademonitor service on port 8080

Configures mTLS with a DestinationRule and a PeerAuthentication resource, ensuring that all services in the namespace communicate securely

Creates a Certificate resource using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt for, which will be stored in a Kubernetes secret named "domain_here-tls"

Please note that you need to have Istio and cert-manager installed on your cluster to use this configuration.