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States for GLACIER

version: 1.2.1






State Min Max Unit Mult Name
exhaustTmp 0 60 °C 0.1 Exhaust pipe wall temperature
batTime 0 5999 min 1 batTime; a negative value indicates a discharging time, and positive value indicates a charging time
tempWater 0 60 °C 0.1 Water temperature of the ice making zone
A12Val 0 15 V 0.001 12 V auxiliary supply voltage
motorCur 0 60 A 0.001 Motor Current
tmpM -20 60 °C 1 Combined temperature zone temperature
icePercent 0 100 % 1 Ice making progress
powerBatInTime 0 n/a min 0.0166667 Duration of battery pack in place
ambientTmp 0 60 °C 0.1 Ambient temperature
coolZoneSingleTime 0 n/a min 0.0166667 Single temperature zone duration
tmpAver -20 60 C 0.1 Real-time temperature of single temperature zone
batPct 0 100 % 1 Battery level
iceTmTag 0 1440 min 1 The ice making target time (used for app and LCD effect display)
coolCoverTime 0 n/a min 0.0166667 Duration of cooling zone being opened
powerBatOutTime 0 n/a min 0.0166667 Duration of battery pack not in place
chargeWorkTime 0 n/a min 0.0166667 Duration of working while charging
motorVol 0 60 V 0.001 Motor voltage
coolZoneDoubleTime 0 n/a min 0.0166667 Duration of dual temperature zone
motorSpeed 0 3600 rpm 1 Motor speed
motorWat 0 600 W 1 Motor power
iceTm 0 1440 min 1 Duration of the current ice making (for app and LCD effect display)
tmpR -20 60 °C 0.11 Actual Right temperature zone value
tmpL -20 60 °C 1 Actual temperature of the left temperature zone


State Name
tempCoolTime Length of time when the actual temperature of the cooling zone falls in each interval: COOL_ ZONE_ MAX*TEMP_ COOL_ MAX
appSensorAdv Duration of sensor blocking: SENSOR_ADV_MAX
errorTimePower Duration of each type of fault in the POWER module: ERROR_MAX_POWER
tempIceTime Length of time when temperature of the ice-making zone falls in each interval: TEMP_ICE_MAX
networkTypeTime Duration of being networked: NETWORK_TYPE_MAX
powerXt60Time Duration of each type of power supply on XT60: POWER_TYPE_MAX
chargeXt60Time Duration of each type of charging power supply on XT60: POWER_TYPE_MAX
errorTimeBms Duration of each type of fault in BMS module: ERROR_MAX_BMS
appOpTimeBlTime Screen timeout set through app: BL_TIME_MAX
errorTimePd Duration of each type of fault in PD module: ERROR_MAX_PD
workFsmTime Running duration of state machine under each state: USER_BEHAVIOR_FSM_MAX
workModeTime Running duration of each work mode; WORK_MODE_MAX
tempAmbientTime Length of time when ambient temperature falls in each interval: TEMP_AMBIENT_MAX
tempCoolSetTime Length of time when the set temperature of the cooling zone falls in each interval: COOL_ZONE_MAX*TEMP_COOL_SET_MAX
buttonLong Count of long presses: USER_BEHAVIOR_BUTTON_MAX
networkTypeCount Count of being networked: NETWORK_TYPE_MAX
powerXt60Count Count of each type of power supply on XT60: POWER_TYPE_MAX
errorCountPower Count of each type of fault in POWER module: ERROR_MAX_POWER
workFsmCount Count of entering each state of state machine: USER_BEHAVIOR_FSM_MAX
errorCountBldc Count of each type of fault in BLDC module: ERROR_MAX_BLDC
workModeCount Count of entering each work mode; WORK_MODE_MAX
errorCountBms Count of each type of fault in BMS module: ERROR_MAX_PD
chargeXt60Count Count of each type of charging power supply on XT60: POWER_TYPE_MAX
appOpCountWorkMode Count of each work mode set through app: WORK_MODE_MAX
appOpCountBlTime Count of setting different screen timeout through app: BL_TIME_MAX
errorCountPd Count of each fault in PD module: ERROR_MAX_PD
buttonShort Count of short pressings: USER_BEHAVIOR_BUTTON_MAX
errorTimeBldc array errors?


State Min Max Unit Mult Name cmd
tmpMSet -20 50 °C 0.01 Set Temperature of the middle temperature zone {valName:tmpM,moduleType:1,operateType:temp,params:{tmpR:-19,tmpL:0,tmpM:0}}
tmpRSet -20 50 °C 0.01 Set Temperature of the right temperature zone (valid when partition is inserted) {valName:tmpR,moduleType:1,operateType:temp,params:{tmpR:-19,tmpL:0,tmpM:0}}
tmpLSet -20 50 °C 0.01 Set Temperature of the left temperature zone (valid when partition is inserted) {valName:tmpL,moduleType:1,operateType:temp,params:{tmpR:-19,tmpL:0,tmpM:0}}
powerPbLevel 0 2 level 1 Battery protection level 0: Low; 1: Medium; 2: High {valName:level,moduleType:1,operateType:protectBat,params:{state:1,level:0}}
blTime 0 3600 s 1 Screen timeout {valName:time,moduleType:1,operateType:blTime,params:{time:600}}


State Name
errBms BMS fault code
errPd PD fault code
errBldc BLDC fault code
emsChgFlg EMS charging flag
errLcd Fault code displayed on LCD screen
threeWayState Refrigerant flow direction flag bit
flagTwoZone Partition detection
errCode Error code
errPwr POWER fault code
coolZoneDoubleCount Count of dual temperature zones
coolCoverCount Count of cooling zone openings
appOpCountDeIce Count of ice detaching through app
dntMakeIceDevice Count of pressing the ice making button when ice making is disabled
appOpCountBeepOff Count of turning off buzzer through app
appOpCountPowerOn Count of powering on through app
countinueMakeIceMax Maximum count of consecutive ice making
appOpCountPowerOff Count of powering off through app
appOpCountDntMakeIce Count of ice making through app when ice making is disabled
powerBatInCount Count of battery pack in place
makeIceCount Total count of ice making
chargeWorkCount Count of working while charging
coolZoneSingleCount Count of single temperature zone
countinueMakeIceAve Average count of consecutive ice making actions
appOpCountTempUnitC Count of setting degrees in Celsius through app
appOpCountTempUnitF Count of setting degrees in Fahrenheit through app
appOpCountBeepOn Count of enabling buzzer through app
err PD error
appOpCountMakeIce Count of ice making through app?


State Name values
iceMkMode Large/small ice cube status {0:Small ice cube (in preparation),1:Large ice cube (in preparation),2:Small ice cube (ice making in progress; cannot be changed),3:Large ice cube (ice making in progress)}
fsmState Real-time running status {0:Small ice cube (in preparation)?,1:Large ice cube (in preparation)?,2:Small ice cube (ice making in progress; cannot be changed)?,3:Large ice cube (ice making in progress)?,4:Detaching ice,5:Detaching completed}
motorWait Waiting for compressor: {0:No need to wait,1:Need to wait}
pwrState pwrState {0:Powered off,1:Powered on}
bldcDntWork Compressor work limit {0:Allow to work,1:Do not allow to work}
waterLine Ice making zone water level: 0-3 levels {0:OK?}
flagAmbintReady Ambient temperature reliability {0:Unreliable,1:Reliable}
batFlag Battery pack in-place status {0:Not in place,1:In place}
xt150InState xt150InState {0:no input,1:has input}
doorStat Door status detection {0:Closed,1:Open}
runState Operating status {0:Normal (24 V output, 40 V output),1:Charging suspended (or when there is no input) (24 V off, 40 V output),2:Standby (24 V off, 40 V off)}
chgType Charger type //Charger type {0:NULL,1:XT150 charging,2:Adapter charging (hardware detection),3:Car charging (hardware detection),4:Solar panel charging (hardware detection),5:Car charging (software detection),6:Solar panel charging (software detection),7:Input source cannot be identified (0xff): the charging cable is connected, but it actually does not work due to charging being disabled}
sensor Sensor status; refer to @ST_SENSOR for data explanation; bit 1: Error; bit 0: Normal {0:Normal,2:Error}
xt60InState xt60 connection status {0:no input,1:has input}
iceAlert Ice taking reminder {0:Do not remind,1:Remind}
carBatLow Car charger battery protection reminder {0:Do not remind,1:Remind}
bmsInFlag BMS in-place flag, detected through BMS->PD heartbeat packet {0:Not in place,1:In place}
bldcDntIce Ice making limit on compressor {0:Ice making is allowed,1:Ice making is not allowed}
warnInfo Warning {0:no warning?,1:overtemperature,2:Under-temperature,4:Overload,8:Charging error,16:Fan error,32:BLCD communication error}
fanLvl Fan level {0:non-rotation,1:Level 1,2:Level 2,3:Level3,4:Level 4,5:Level 5}
deiceAct Deice Active? {0:inactive,1:active}


State off on Name cmd
iceMode Disable Enable Ice Making {valName:enable,moduleType:1,operateType:iceMake,params:{enable:1,iceShape:1}}
iceShape small cubes large cubes Ice Shape {valName:iceShape,moduleType:1,operateType:iceMake,params:{enable:1,iceShape:1}}
iceDetach Disable Enable Ice Detaching {valName:enable,moduleType:1,operateType:deIce,params:{enable:0}}
coolMode Normal Eco cool Mode {valName:mode,moduleType:1,operateType:ecoMode,params:{mode:1}}
sensorAdv Unblocked Blocked Sensor detection blocking. Refer to @ST_SENSOR for data explanation. Bit: 1: Blocked; 0: Unblocked. {valName:senseorAdv,moduleType:1,operateType:sensorAdv,params:{sensorAdv:1}}
beepEn Disabled Enabled Buzzer enabling status {valName:flag,moduleType:1,operateType:beepEn,params:{flag:1}}
pwrPbEn Disable Enable Battery protection switch {valName:state,moduleType:1,operateType:protectBat,params:{state:1,level:0}}
tmpUnit Celsius Fahrenheit Temperature Unit {valName:unit,moduleType:1,operateType:tmpUnit,params:{unit:0}}



State Min Max Unit Mult Name
designCap 0 13800 mAh 1 Design capacity
f32ShowSoc 0 100 % 1 SOC
minMosTmp 0 80 °C 1 Minimum MOS temperature
vol 0 60 V 0.001 Voltage
fullCap 0 13800 mAh 1 Full capacity
remainCap 0 13800 mAh 1 Remaining capacity
tmp 0 60 °C 1 Temperature
outWatts 0 500 W 1 Output power
cycles 0 6000 1 Number of cycles
minCellVol 0 60 V 0.001 Minimum cell voltage
maxCellVol 0 60 V 0.001 Maximum cell voltage
maxMosTmp 0 80 °C 1 Maximum MOS temperature
inWatts 0 600 W 1 Input power
soc 0 100 % 1 Remaining battery percentage
tagChgAmp 0 100 A 0.0001 Target charging current
minCellTmp 0 60 °C 1 Minimum cell temperature
maxCellTmp 0 60 °C 1 Maximum cell temperature
remainTime 0 143999 min 1 Time remaining
amp 0 50 A 0.001 Current


State Name
bmsFault BMS permanent fault
num BMS number
err Global error code
bqStatReg BQ hardware protection register
ver System version
soh Health status


State Name values
type BMS type {1:Lithium battery,2:Oil-powered}
cellId Battery capacity type {1:2.5 Ah per battery,2:2 Ah per battery}
openBmsIdx Battery pack status {0:Not enabled,1:Enabled}



State Min Max Unit Mult Name
closeOilEbSocMax 60 100 % 1 SOC for turning off Smart Generator
chgVol 0 150 V 0.001 Charging voltage
dsgRemain 0 5999 min 1 Remaining discharging time
maxAvailNum 0 40000 mAh 1 Maximum available quantity
paraVolMax 0 60 V 0.001 Maximum parallel voltage
paraVolMin 0 60 V 0.001 Minimum parallel voltage
lcdSoc 0 100 % 1 SoC value displayed on LCD
chgRemain 0 5999 min 1 Remaining charging time
openOilEbSocMin 0 30 % 1 SoC for turning on Smart Generator
minDsgSoc 0 30 % 1 Minimum discharging SOC
maxChgSoc 60 100 % 1 Maximum charging SOC
f32LcdSoc 0 100 % 1 SOC on LCD
chgAmp 0 100 A 0.0001 Charging current


State Name
bmsIsConnt BMS online signal


State Name
openBmsIdx Open BMS index
upsFlag UPS mode enable flag
bmsModel BMS model


State Name values
warnState BMS warning state {0:no warning?,1:hi_temp,2:low_temp,4:overload,8:chg_flag}
dsgCmd Discharge switch {0:off,1:on,2:2?}
emsFlag ems Flag {0:sleep,1:normal}
chgCmd Charge switch {0:off,1:on,2:2?}
fanLvl Fan level {0:non-rotation,1:Level 1,2:Level 2,3:Level3,4:Level 4,5:Level 5}
chgState Charging state {0:disabled,1:CC,2:CV,3:UPS,4:PARA 0x55: Charging error}