State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name |
pv1InputVolt | 0 | 60 | V | 0.1 | PV1 input voltage |
pv1OpVolt | 0 | 62 | V | 0.01 | PV1 operation voltage |
pv1InputCur | 0 | 13 | A | 0.1 | PV1 input current |
pv1InputWatts | 0 | 600 | W | 0.1 | PV1 input power |
pv1Temp | 0 | 80 | °C | 0.1 | PV1 mppt temperature |
pv2InputVolt | 0 | 60 | V | 0.1 | PV2 input voltage |
pv2OpVolt | 0 | 62 | V | 0.01 | PV2 operation voltage |
pv2InputCur | 0 | 13 | A | 0.1 | PV2 input current |
pv2InputWatts | 0 | 600 | W | 0.1 | PV2 input power |
pv2Temp | 0 | 80 | °C | 0.1 | PV2 mppt temperature |
batInputVolt | 0 | 60 | V | 0.1 | Battery input voltage |
batOpVolt | 0 | 62 | V | 0.1 | Battery operation voltage |
batInputCur | 0 | 20 | A | 0.001 | Battery input current |
batInputWatts | 0 | 800 | W | 0.1 | Battery input power |
batTemp | 0 | 90 | °C | 0.1 | Battery temperature |
batSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | Battery state of charge |
llcInputVolt | 0 | 65 | V | 0.1 | Converter input voltage |
llcOpVolt | 0 | 62 | V | 0.01 | Converter operation voltage |
llcTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 0.1 | Converter temperature |
invInputVolt | 0 | 60 | V | 0.01 | Inverter DC input voltage |
invOpVolt | 0 | 250 | V | 0.1 | Inverter AC output voltage |
invOutputCur | 0 | 20 | A | 0.001 | Inverter AC output current |
invOutputWatts | 0 | 810 | W | 0.1 | Inverter AC power |
invTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 0.1 | Inverter temperature |
invFreq | 0 | 52 | Hz | 0.1 | Inverter AC frequency |
invDcCur | 0 | 20 | A | 0.001 | Inverter DC input current |
heartbeatFrequency | 0 | 20 | Hz | 1 | Inverter heartbeat |
dynamicWatts | 0 | 10000 | W | 0.1 | Dynamic Power |
batChargingTime | 0 | 144000 | min | 1 | Battery Charging Time |
batDischargingTime | 0 | 144000 | min | 1 | Battery Discharging Time |
pvToInvWatts | 0 | 5000 | W | 0.1 | pv to inv watts |
gridConsWatts | 0 | 10000 | W | 0.1 | grid cons watts |
plugTotalWatts | 0 | 10000 | W | 0.1 | plug total watts |
invToPlugWatts | 0 | 5000 | W | 0.1 | inv to plug watts |
spaceDemandWatts | 0 | 5000 | W | 0.1 | space demand watts |
invDemandWatts | 0 | 5000 | W | 0.1 | inv demand watts |
bmsReqChgVol | 0 | 65 | V | 0.0001 | bms req chg vol |
bmsReqChgAmp | 0 | 15 | A | 0.00001 | bms req chg amp |
invToOtherWatts | 0 | 5000 | W | 0.1 | inv to other watts |
wifiRssi | -90 | 10 | dBm | 1 | wifi rssi |
floadLimitOut | 0 | 850 | W | 0.1 | fload limit out |
invOutputLoadLimit | 0 | 850 | W | 0.1 | inv output load limit |
batOutputLoadLimit | 0 | 850 | W | 0.1 | bat output load limit |
pvPowerLimitAcPower | 0 | 850 | W | 0.1 | pv power limit ac power |
batErrorInvLoadLimit | 0 | 850 | W | 0.1 | bat error inv load limit |
geneNum | 0 | 10 | pcs | 1 | gene num |
consNum | 0 | 20 | pcs | 1 | cons num |
geneWatt | 0 | 5000 | W | 0.1 | gene watt |
consWatt | 0 | 10000 | W | 0.1 | cons watt |
acSetWatts | 0 | 900 | W | 0.1 | ac set watts |
fisoRxyz | 0 | 1000 | V | 1 | fiso rxyz |
historyPvToInvWatts | 0 | n/a | kWh | 0.001 | history pv to inv watts |
historyBatInputWatts | 0 | n/a | kWh | 0.001 | history bat input watts |
historyInvOutputWatts | 0 | n/a | kWh | 0.001 | history inv output watts |
historyGridConsWatts | 0 | n/a | kWh | 0.001 | history grid cons watts |
historyPlugTotalWatts | 0 | n/a | kWh | 0.001 | history plug total watts |
historyInvToPlugWatts | 0 | n/a | kWh | 0.001 | history inv to plug watts |
historyPermanentWatts | 0 | n/a | kWh | 0.001 | history permanent watts |
espTempsensor | -20 | 90 | °C | 0.1 | esp tempsensor |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name | cmd |
permanentWatts | 0 | 600 | W | 0.1 | Permanent Power | {cmdFunc:20,cmdId:129,dataLen:3} |
ratedPower | 0 | 600 | W | 0.1 | Inverter rated power | {cmdFunc:20,cmdId:146,dataLen:3} |
lowerLimit | 0 | 30 | % | 1 | Battery SOC lower limit | {cmdFunc:20,cmdId:132,dataLen:2} |
upperLimit | 50 | 100 | % | 1 | Battery SOC upper limit | {cmdFunc:20,cmdId:133,dataLen:2} |
invBrightness | 0 | 100 | % | 0.1 | Inverter brightness | {cmdFunc:20,cmdId:135,dataLen:3} |
State | off | on | Name | cmd |
supplyPriority | supply prio | charge prio | Supply Priority | {cmdFunc:20,cmdId:130,dataLen:2} |
feedPriority | all sun to power | only permanent watt | Excessive Power Feed Priority | {cmdFunc:20,cmdId:143,dataLen:2} |
State | Name | values |
invErrCode | Inverter Error Code | {0:OK,8:high voltage?,72:no voltage?,4096:no voltage,4160:4160,8192:8192,12288:12288} |
invWarnCode | Inverter Warning Code | {0:0} |
pv1ErrCode | PV1 Error Code | {0:0,128:128,130:130,256:256,384:384} |
pv1WarnCode | PV1 Warning Code | {0:0} |
pv2ErrCode | PV2 Error Code | {0:0,128:128,130:130,256:256,384:384} |
pv2WarningCode | PV2 Warning Code | {0:0} |
batErrCode | Battery Error Code | {0:0,4:4,8:8} |
bpType | Batterypack Type | {0:no battery,1:secondary pack,2:primary pack,3:primary pack} |
batWarningCode | Battery Warning Code | {0:0} |
llcErrCode | llc Error Code | {0:0,1:1} |
llcWarningCode | llc Warning Code | {0:0} |
wirelessErrCode | Wireless Error Code | {0:0} |
wirelessWarnCode | Wireless Warning Code | {0:0} |
pv1Status | PV1 Status | {1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,6:6,7:7} |
pv2Status | PV2 Status | {1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,6:6,7:7} |
batStatus | Battery Status | {5:5} |
llcStatus | llc Status | {1:idle,2:starting/check logic,3:3,5:5,6:6} |
invStatus | Inverter Status | {1:synced/idle,2:starting/check inv. logic,6:successful grid connection,11:disconnected} |
invRelayStatus | Inverter Relay Status | {0:on,8:8,16:16,17:17,18:18,24:24} |
pv1RelayStatus | PV1 Relay Status | {0:0} |
pv2RelayStatus | PV2 Relay Status | {0:0} |
invOnOff | Inverter OnOff: | {0:0,1:1} |
State | Name |
installCountry | Install Country |
installTown | Install Town |
interfaceConnFlag | interface conn flag |
pv1CtrlMpptOffFlag | pv1 ctrl mppt off flag |
pv2CtrlMpptOffFlag | pv2 ctrl mppt off flag |
batOffFlag | bat off flag |
llcOffFlag | llc off flag |
acOffFlag | ac off flag |
uwloadLimitFlag | uwload limit flag |
invLoadLimitFlag | inv load limit flag |
batLoadLimitFlag | bat load limit flag |
antiBackFlowFlag | anti back flow flag |
uwsocFlag | uwsoc flag |
uwlowLightFlag | uwlow light flag |
batSystem | bat system |
resetReason | reset reason |
resetCount | reset count |
meshId | mesh id |
meshLayel | mesh layel |
selfMac | self mac |
parentMac | parent mac |
staIpAddr | sta ip addr |
wifiErr | wifi err |
wifiErrTime | wifi err time |
mqttErr | mqtt err |
mqttErrTime | mqtt err time |
stackFree | stack free |
stackMinFree | stack min free |
mqttTlsLastErr | mqtt tls last err |
mqttTlsStackErr | mqtt tls stack err |
mqttSockErrno | mqtt sock errno |
mqttLastDisReason | mqtt last dis reason |
mqttConnectReturnCode | mqtt connect return code |
wifiFirmwareVersion | wifi firmware version |
wifiConnectChannel | wifi connect channel |
wifiEncryptMode | wifi encrypt mode |
noiseFloor | noise floor |
rssiThreshold | rssi threshold |
rssiVariance | rssi variance |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name |
watth1 | 0 | 6000 | Wh | 1 | Energy to house loads |
watth2 | 0 | 6000 | Wh | 1 | Energy to smart plugs |
watth3 | 0 | 6000 | Wh | 1 | Energy to battery |
watth4 | 0 | 6000 | Wh | 1 | Energy from battery |
watth7 | 0 | 6000 | Wh | 1 | Energy from solar PV1 |
watth8 | 0 | 6000 | Wh | 1 | Energy from solar PV2 |
watth16 | 0 | 10000 | Wh | 1 | Energy 16 |
watth17 | 0 | 10000 | Wh | 1 | Energy 17 |
watth18 | 0 | 10000 | Wh | 1 | Energy 18 |