AXI, AXI stream, Ethernet, and PCIe components in System Verilog.
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The goal of the Taxi transport library is to provide a set of performant, easy-to-use building blocks in modern System Verilog facilitating data transport and interfacing, both internally via AXI and AXI stream, and externally via Ethernet, PCI express, UART, and I2C. The building blocks are accompanied by testbenches and simulation models utilizing Cocotb and Verilator.
This library is currently under development; more components will be added over time as they are developed.
Taxi is provided by FPGA Ninja, LLC under either the CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal (CERN-OHL-S 2.0), or a paid commercial license. Contact [email protected] for commercial use. Note that some components may be provided under less restrictive licenses (e.g. example designs).
Under the strongly-reciprocal CERN OHL, you must provide the source code of the entire digital design upon request, including all modifications, extensions, and customizations, such that the design can be rebuilt. If this is not an acceptable restriction for your product, please contact [email protected] to inquire about a commercial license without this requirement. License fees support the continued development and maintenance of this project and related projects.
To facilitate the dual-license model, contributions to the project can only be accepted under a contributor license agreement.
- SV interface for AXI
- Register slice
- Single-port RAM
- AXI lite
- SV interface for AXI lite
- Register slice
- Single-port RAM
- Dual-port RAM
- AXI stream
- SV interface for AXI stream
- Register slice
- Width converter
- Synchronous FIFO
- Asynchronous FIFO
- Combined FIFO + width converter
- Combined async FIFO + width converter
- Multiplexer
- Broadcaster
- COBS encoder
- COBS decoder
- Pipeline register
- Pipeline FIFO
- Ethernet
- 10/100 MII MAC
- 10/100 MII MAC + FIFO
- 10/100/1000 GMII MAC
- 10/100/1000 GMII MAC + FIFO
- 10/100/1000 RGMII MAC
- 10/100/1000 RGMII MAC + FIFO
- 1G MAC
- 10G/25G MAC
- 10G/25G MAC + FIFO
- 10G/25G MAC/PHY
- 10G/25G MAC/PHY + FIFO
- 10G/25G PHY
- MII PHY interface
- GMII PHY interface
- RGMII PHY interface
- 10G/25G MAC/PHY/GT wrapper for UltraScale/UltraScale+
- General input/output
- Switch debouncer
- LED shift register driver
- Generic IDDR
- Generic ODDR
- Source-synchronous DDR input
- Source-synchronous DDR differential input
- Source-synchronous DDR output
- Source-synchronous DDR differential output
- Source-synchronous SDR input
- Source-synchronous SDR differential input
- Source-synchronous SDR output
- Source-synchronous SDR differential output
- Linear-feedback shift register
- Parametrizable combinatorial LFSR/CRC module
- CRC computation module
- PRBS generator
- PRBS checker
- LFSR self-synchronizing scrambler
- LFSR self-synchronizing descrambler
- Low-speed serial
- MDIO master
- Primitives
- Arbiter
- Priority encoder
- Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
- PTP clock
- PTP period output
- PTP TD leaf clock
- PTP TD relative-to-ToD converter
- Synchronization primitives
- Reset synchronizer
- Signal synchronizer
Example designs are provided for several different FPGA boards, showcasing many of the capabilities of this library. Building the example designs will require the appropriate vendor toolchain and may also require tool and IP licenses.
- Alpha Data ADM-PCIE-9V3 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCVU3P)
- Cisco Nexus K35-S/ExaNIC X10 (Xilinx Kintex UltraScale XCKU035)
- Cisco Nexus K3P-S/ExaNIC X25 (Xilinx Kintex UltraScale+ XCKU3P)
- Cisco Nexus K3P-Q/ExaNIC X100 (Xilinx Kintex UltraScale+ XCKU3P)
- Digilent Arty A7 (Xilinx Artix 7 XC7A35T)
- HiTech Global HTG-940 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCVU9P/XCVU13P)
- Silicom fb2CG@KU15P (Xilinx Kintex UltraScale+ XCKU15P)
- Xilinx Alveo U45N/SN1000 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCU26)
- Xilinx Alveo U50 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCU50)
- Xilinx Alveo U55C (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCU55C)
- Xilinx Alveo U55N/Varium C1100 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCU55N)
- Xilinx Alveo U200 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCU200)
- Xilinx Alveo U250 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCU250)
- Xilinx Alveo U280 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCU280)
- Xilinx Alveo X3/X3522 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCUX35)
- Xilinx KC705 (Xilinx Kintex 7 XC7K325T)
- Xilinx KCU105 (Xilinx Kintex UltraScale XCKU040)
- Xilinx Kria KR260 (Xilinx Kria K26 SoM / Zynq UltraScale+ XCK26)
- Xilinx VCU108 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale XCVU095)
- Xilinx VCU118 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCVU9P)
- Xilinx VCU1525 (Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCVU9P)
- Xilinx ZCU102 (Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ XCZU9EG)
- Xilinx ZCU106 (Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ XCZU7EV)
- Xilinx ZCU111 (Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ XCZU28DR)
Running the included testbenches requires cocotb, cocotbext-axi, cocotbext-eth, cocotbext-uart, cocotbext-pcie, and Verilator. The testbenches can be run with pytest directly (requires cocotb-test), pytest via tox, or via cocotb makefiles.