- Query module:
- Configuration file: None
- Result format:
{num_issues: <NUM_ISSUES>, num_articles: <NUM_ARTICLES>}
- Validation:
- The number of issues should be equal to the number of XML files over which the query was run.
- The number of articles should be equal to the number of
elements in each XML file. This can be validated as follows, for example:
grep \<article *xml | wc -l
Query over Part 1/0000164- The Courier and Argus/1907/0000164_19070603/0000164_19070603.xml
and Part 1/0000164- The Courier and Argus/1915/0000164_19151123/0000164_19151123.xml
{num_articles: 287, num_issues: 2}
Query over Part 1/0000164- The Courier and Argus/*/*/*.xml
{num_articles: 1024919, num_issues: 7890}