git clone
This will clone the source code repository into a defoe
Create urika-py27
module load anaconda3/4.1.1
conda create -n urika-py27 python=2.7 anaconda
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
Activate environment:
source activate urika-py27
Show active environment:
conda env list
urika-py27 * /home/users/<your-urika-username>/.conda/envs/urika-py27
cd defoe
conda install -c anaconda --file requirements.txt
Certain queries require the NLTK corpora data to be installed.
bash scripts/
This is installed to <HOME>/nltk_data
Caution: the NLTK data requires ~3GB of space.
For more information, see Installing NLTK Data
After creating the py27
environment, for your subsequent Urika sessions you just need to type:
module load anaconda3/4.1.1
source activate urika-py27