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CMake Tutorial

Generating a Project

cmake [<options>] -S <path-to-source> -B <path-to-build>

Assuming that a CMakeLists.txt is in the root directory, you can generate a project like the following.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -S .. -B . # Option 1
cmake .. # Option 2

Assuming that you have already built the CMake project, you can update the generated project.

cd build
cmake .

Generator for GCC and Clang

cd build
cmake -S .. -B . -G "Unix Makefiles" # Option 1
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" # Option 2

Generator for MSVC

cd build
cmake -S .. -B . -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" # Option 1
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" # Option 2

Get the list of Generators

cmake --help

Specify the Build Type

Per default, the standard type is in most cases the debug type. If you want to generate the project, for example, in release mode you have to set the build type.

cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Passing Options

If you have set some options in the CMakeLists, you can pass values in the command line.

cd build
cmake -DMY_OPTION=[ON|OFF] ..

Specify the Build Target (Option 1)

The standard build command would build all created targets within the CMakeLists. If you want to build a specific target, you can do so.

cd build
cmake --build . --target ExternalLibraries_Executable

The target ExternalLibraries_Executable is just an example of a possible target name. Note: All dependent targets will be built beforehand.

Specify the Build Target (Option 2)

Besides setting the target within the cmake build command, you could also run the previously generated Makefile (from the generating step). If you want to build the ExternalLibraries_Executable, you could do the following.

cd build
make ExternalLibraries_Executable

Run the Executable

After generating the project and building a specific target you might want to run the executable. In the default case, the executable is stored in build/5_ExternalLibraries/app/ExternalLibraries_Executable, assuming that you are building the project 5_ExternalLibraries and the main file of the executable is in the app dir.

cd build

Different Linking Types

add_library(A ...)
add_library(B ...)
add_library(C ...)


target_link_libraries(A PUBLIC B)
target_link_libraries(C PUBLIC A)

When A links in B as PUBLIC, it says that A uses B in its implementation, and B is also used in A's public API. Hence, C can use B since it is part of the public API of A.


target_link_libraries(A PRIVATE B)
target_link_libraries(C PRIVATE A)

When A links in B as PRIVATE, it is saying that A uses B in its implementation, but B is not used in any part of A's public API. Any code that makes calls into A would not need to refer directly to anything from B.


add_library(D INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(D INTERFACE {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)

In general, used for header-only libraries.

Different Library Types


A binary file that contains information about code. A library cannot be executed on its own. An application utilizes a library.


  • Linux: *.so
  • MacOS: *.dylib
  • Windows: *.dll

Shared libraries reduce the amount of code that is duplicated in each program that makes use of the library, keeping the binaries small. Shared libraries will however have a small additional cost for the execution. In general the shared library is in the same directory as the executable.


  • Linux/MacOS: *.a
  • Windows: *.lib

Static libraries increase the overall size of the binary, but it means that you don't need to carry along a copy of the library that is being used. As the code is connected at compile time there are not any additional run-time loading costs.

Important CMake Variables for Paths

    • Topmost folder (source directory) that contains a CMakeList.txt file.
    • Contains the full path to the root of your project source directory.
    • The directory where the currently processed CMakeLists.txt is located in.
    • The directory of the listfile currently being processed. (for example a *.cmake Module)
    • Tell CMake to search first in directories listed in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH when you use FIND_PACKAGE() or INCLUDE().
    • The filepath to the build directory

Things you can set on targets

  • target_link_libraries: Other targets; can also pass library names directly
  • target_include_directories: Include directories
  • target_compile_features: The compiler features you need activated, like cxx_std_11
  • target_compile_definitions: Definitions
  • target_compile_options: More general compile flags
  • target_link_directories: Don’t use, give full paths instead (CMake 3.13+)
  • target_link_options: General link flags (CMake 3.13+)
  • target_sources: Add source files

Custom Targets and Commands

  • When is needed to use add_custom_target? Each time we need to run a command to do something in our build system different to build a library or an executable.

  • When is a good idea to run a command in add_custom_target? When the command must be executed always the target is built.

  • When is a good idea to use add_custom_command? Always we want to run the command when is needed: if we need to generate a file (or more) or regenerate it if something changed in the source folder.

  • When is a good idea to use execute_process? Running a command at configure time.

Macros vs Functions

The only difference between a function and a macro is scope; macros don't have one. So, if you set a variable in a function and want it to be visible outside, you'll need PARENT_SCOPE.

Generator Expressions

Using generator expressions one can configure the project differently for different build types in multi-configuration generators. For such generators the project is configured (with running cmake) once, but can be built for several build types after that. Example of such generators is Visual Studio.

For multiconfiguration generators CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not known at configuration stage. Because of that using if-else switching doesn't work:

    add_compile_options("/W4 /Wx")

But using conditional generator expressions works:

    $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:/W4 /Wx>

The Visual Studio, XCode and Ninja Multi-Config generators let you have more than one configuration in the same build directory, and thus won't be using the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE cache variable. Instead the CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES cache variable is used and contains the list of configurations to use for this build directory.

Cross Compilation with Toolchain Files

ARM 32 Cross

cmake -B build_arm32 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/arm32-cross-toolchain.cmake
cmake --build build_arm32 -j8

ARM 32 Native

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/arm32-native-toolchain.cmake
cmake --build build -j8

x86 64 MingW

cmake -B build_mingw -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/x86-64-mingw-toolchain.cmake
cmake --build build_mingw -j8

x86 64 Native

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/x86-64-native-toolchain.cmake
cmake --build build -j8