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Version 5 Release Notes

Umair Sayyed edited this page Mar 24, 2015 · 61 revisions

Version 5 Release Notes

Fresh New Look

  • Cleaner lines
  • Simpler Menus
  • Indicators

Item Variants

Item Variants feature allows you to auto-generate unique item for the each variant of a template item.


A design of t-shirt is available in two sizes and two colours.

Template Item T-Shirt
Colours Blue (BL) and White (WT)
Sizes Small (SM) and Medium (MD)
  • Templates and Variants

To create variant items, you should first define a Template Item. In the template item, all possible variants will be listed. Based on the variants defined in the Template Item, unique Item will be generated for each item variant.

Item Variants Licecap

  • Item Attributes

Item Attributes is the master where you can set attributes (e.g.: Size, Colour) based on which variants items will be created. To setup Item Attributes master, go to:

Stock > Setup > Item Attributes

Item Attribute master for Size and Colour will be auto-created. Let's take an example of Size to learn how Item Attribute function.

Item Attribute Variant

Considering a scenario, Item Codes generated for the variant items will be:


In the Attribute master, you can also set preference following which Item Code for the variant items will be generated.

  • Automatic updation of variants

On updating template item, respective variants item will be auto-updated.

Template to Variant Update

Item Price record created for the Template Item will be applicable for all the Variant Items.

In the sales and purchase transactions, only variant items will be selectable. But on the website, only template item will be published. Customer will find option to define value for the attributes. Based on their selection, variant item will be updated in the sales transaction.

Print Format Builder

Print Format builder is a tool to create custom print formats in ERPNext, with any coding required. You can add fields in the print format by just drag and drop. Also you can define section, and columns breaks under each section. To create new Print Format, go to:

`Setup >> Printing and Branding >> Print Format`
  • Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop

  • Embed custom HTML, Templating

You can also insert Custom HTML in the print format generated form Print Format Builder Tool.

Custom HTML

  • Select grid columns

For documents which has child table, like Item table in the Sales Order, you simply need to check columns/fields of the item table which will be shown in the print format.

Print Format Item

Multiple Root Chart of Accounts

Each country has unique accounting system, and a Chart of Account master to comply to it. ERPNext will be offering a preset Chart of Account based company's country.

In the Chart of Account master, root account, sub-ledgers and ledgers will be as per countries standards. You can welcome to contribute Chart of Account of your country more robust.

  • Default Chart of accounts for different countries

Following is the Chart of Account for a company in the USA. It has six root account, unlike other countries where Chart of Account has only four root accounts.

Country wise COA

Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning feature in the Manufacturing module allows you to track and allocate production job on each Workstation.

  • Operations in Production Order

Bill of Material has Operations and Workstations listed in it. When Production Order is created, Operations details will also be fetched from BOM of manufacturing Item.

Operations in Production Order

Operations details in the Production Order will allow you to:

Work Station Allocation:

Define specific Workstations for each Operation at which production will take place. With this, system will be able to queue production jobs for each Workstation.

Workstations in Operations

Costing at each Operation:

To drive actual operations cost, user will be able to update actual time spent. Considering actual type spent and per hour rate for an operation, actual operating cost will be determined.

Operations Time Tracking

  • Workstation hours and holidays

You will be able to define working hours and holiday for each Workstations. This will be taken into account while allocating production job at the Work Station.

Workstation working hours

  • Automatic Creation of Time Logs on Workstations

On Submission of Production Order, Time Logs will be automatically created for each operation. User will be able to update actual start and end time in that Time Log.

Time Log against Production Order

  • Simplified Stock Entry

Stock Entry has new Purposes being introduce called "Material Transfer against Manufacturing". This will help user separate normal Material Transfer entry and Material Transfer entry against Manufacturing.

Stock Entry Purpose

BOM details section has been moved about the Item table. Earlier this section was located below item table which disturbed sequence in which data was entered in the manufacturing. This correction will offer fields in the better order, and require less scrolling.

Stock Entry


Share feature in ERPNext will allow one user to share specific document (any master or transaction) with another users. Once document is shared with any user, s(he) will be able to access it, even if doesn't have permission on that document.

  • Share documents

Share Documents

  • Easy to set permission rules

When share document with any other users, you will be able to specify following permission on it.

share rules

  1. Read: This will only let user read that document, but not edit it.
  2. Write: This will allow user to edit values in the document.
  3. Share: This will allow user to share same document with other users as well.


List view of documents will allow starring each document. You can also filter list view on starred documents.


Email Account

Email Accounts feature allows you to pull emails from specific email id, and have it appended in the specific in the specific form in the ERPNext. In the earlier version, this feature was restricted only for the few documents, like Lead and Support Ticket. In this version, you can add as many incoming and outgoing email accounts as needed, and have it appended in the form you prefer.

Let's consider an example to learn how Email Accounts work. I need all the emails received on [email protected] to be pulled in ERPNext, and appended to Contact master. Following is how Email Account should be setup to achieved this.

Email Account

For each Email Account, you can mention income and outgoing email gateway, Email Signature and Auto-reply.

Reply via email

  • Capture replies from customers, contacts in the timeline via (reply to)
  • EMail notifications for all participants

Document Timeline

Each document will have a Timeline. It will list events as it happened over a specific document. Timeline will capture events like creation, approval of document, to whom it was email, replies from the party, comments and lot more.


  • Integrated view of document communication and history

Renaming and re-organizing

This upgrade includes lots of form renaming and re-organizing of fields within a form.

  • New Module CRM

Considering a familiarity among the audience about customer relationship management application, we have added new CRM module. This module will have form and reports moved from the selling module only.

CRM Module Home

Earlier Selling module contained all the feature of CRM module as well. In this version, Lead and Opportunity forms has been taken out from Selling module, and placed under CRM module. Other masters like Customers, Address and Contact master will be share among both the modules.

CRM Module home page

  • Ticket to Issue

Support Ticket form in the Support module will now be called Issue.

  • Customer Issue to Warranty Claim

Earlier Customer Issue and Support Tickets functioned almost the same way. We have renamed Customer Issue to Warranty Claim form. We believe this title suits more with functionalities offered in the Warranty Claim/Customer Issue.

  • Cleaner Stock Reconciliation

In the previous version, item's stock and valuation details could only be imported from spreadsheet file. In the upgraded version, you will be able to select item, and enter its Qty and Rate details in the New Stock Reconciliation Form itself.

![Stock Reconciliation]

Also, it will allow user to select all the items in the specific Warehouse in the New Stock Reconciliation, and update quantity and value details in the form itself.

![Stock Reconciliation items]

  • Renaming of child table fields

(check with Nabin)


In the sales cycle, if tax was included in the basic rate of an item, or discount amount was applied, there were not fields which will indicate revised selling rate of an item. In this version, new fields has been added which will preview Item's Rate and Amount exclusive of taxes and Discount amount as well as exclusive of taxes and discount amount.

  1. Item Rate (inclusive tax and Discount amount), and Item Net Rate (exclusive tax and Discount Amount)

Item Rate and Net Rate

  1. Item Amount and Net Amount

Item Amount and Net Amount

  1. Total (Before Discount Amount and tax inclusive) Net Total (After Discount Amount and tax exclusive)


  • Better calculations in multi currency

In the previous version, values under tax and other charges table were entered only in the companies base currency. Now you can enter value in these section in the Customer's currency.

All the totals field in the transaction, with and without tax and discount amount, will be shown in the Customer's and Supplier's, as well as in the base currency of the company.

Multi-currency totals

Improved Translations

  • Thanks to the community! Allocated to @pdvyas

Buying cycle enhancement

Following are the feature from sales transactions which has been extended to purchase transactions.

  • Inclusive Tax

This will allow you to enter tax inclusive rate of an item, and have system back-calculate tax exclusive rate.

  • Discount amount on both net total and grand total

Now you can apply Discount Amount on the Net Total as well as on Grand Total. This feature too is available in the sales and purchase transactions.

Discount amount

Stock Reconciliation

(covered under Renaming and Re-organizing)

  • Item table
  • Direct upload and download in the table

Party Model

The earlier version of ERPNext created unique accounting ledger for the each customer and supplier. This accounting ledger was used to maintain account balance, and track receivable from Customer, payable towards supplier, and advance payment entries to them.

In this version, as per the party model, separate accounting ledger will not be created for each Customer and Supplier. Instead a common accounting ledger will be used for all the customers. Same way, for the suppliers as well. After saving Customer or Supplier, you will find a table to specify default Receivable or Payable account.

Though there will be no separate accounting ledger, still you will continue to access all the reports which were earlier based on customer and supplier's account balance, like General Ledger, Account Receivable, Account Payable etc.

  • No more individual accounting ledger for each customer and supplier

Updates to Project Module

  • Milestone is now task
  • East entry table for tasks in project
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