All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Ability to use wildcards if looking for files
- Ability to find file with a particular extension
- Ability to use robocopy if specified
- Adding tests/official support for Get-FileReport
- Number formatting for de-DE culture should now work properly
- Results are now of type double, not string (for MB/GB/Byte count)
- Support for v3.0 of PowerShell, as a lot of folks that use this needed it
- Initial support for using Robocopy added, only for folders, with the -UseRobo switch
- Adding file counts are now optional. You can add them to the results by adding the -AddFileTotals switch.
- This will reduce performance of the script (by around 30%), until I can find a better way to calculate file totals!
- Added FileCount to results, as well as to grand total
- Added hostname to results
- Changed -Path to -LiteralPath so []'s aren't interpreted as wild cards
- Typo in description.
- Fixed number formatting for DE
- Added file listing under root search folder
- The files will show up under FolderName until I figure out a better approach for this. This was added for a better GrandTotal amount when files were in the root of a folder listed.
- Added more documentation
- Folder structure in repo, added build + tests