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Dictionary Maintainers

Sebastian Humenda edited this page Aug 28, 2016 · 8 revisions

title: Dictionary maintainers permalink: /Dictionary_maintainers/

Adopt a dictionary!

Don't just watch it, small, skinny, shivering in a mouse hole... Pick it up, hug it, cuddle with it, feed it, groom it, clean it, give it your love and watch it shine!

Really. There's a lot you can do with an existing FreeDict dictionary. Most of them lack one feature or another (most often quite a few!). They can be cleaned in many ways (you can sort the senses out or prune bad entries, or turn typographic brackets into XML elements), the pronunciation info may need to be corrected sometimes too, you can expand them by adding senses, entries, grammatical information, etc. Even a tiny improvement helps, provided it is done systematically (please don't change the grammatical description of a hundred entries and leave the others be, unless these hundred form a class of some sort).

Dictionaries can be cleaned in student projects as well -- if you are an academic teacher who wants to turn an imperfect dictionary into, say, a term assignment, please get in touch with us on the mailing list.

To-Do list "wikilink") -- don't worry, there are lots of simpler jobs you could do, and some of those enumerated here may already be done. But this list can be inspiring to some.

Dictionary maintainers

See also the list occasionally autogenerated directly from SVN. Bear in mind that some maintainers on that list are not active any longer. On the other hand, the table below may also serve to register your interest in a dictionary different from the one you currently maintain.